12 Rocket Days of Christmas

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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We started this, let's finish the song.
Here's what we have so far-

"Twelve beers a-budding..."
"Eleven engines dudding...."
"Ten rockets thudding..."

I would like to suggest, when we get there, "5 Golden Cases" in honor of the RouseTech cases, but I have added my line.
Should we allow multiple ideas for each number and decide which are better or just take them as they come?

Two nomex heatshields,

and a main 'chute to bring the bird down :)

Merry Christmas !

"Twelve beers a-budding..."
"Eleven engines dudding...."
"Ten rockets soaring..."
"Nine lawn darts boring..."
"Eight screaming motors..."
"Seven were reloaders..."
"Six gentle landings..."
"Five scfi-fi kits..."
"Four nomex shields..."
"Three drogue chutes..."
"Two movie cams..."
"And a chainsaw for rocket-eating trees!" (EDITED LST LINE)

Originally posted by JBeau

"Twelve beers a-budding..."
"Eleven engines dudding...."
"Ten rockets soaring..."
"Nine lawn darts boring..."
"Eight screaming motors..."
"Seven were reloaders..."
"Six gentle landings..."
"Five scfi-fi kits..."
"Four nomex shields..."
"Three drogue chutes..."
"Two movie cams..."
"And a chainsaw to cut down that dang tree!"


HEY!!! You can't change my line, I started the thread. :mad:
Go back and change that or I'll break all your cyber-crayons. :p

Twelve beers a-fizzing...
Eleven motors whizzing...
Ten 'chutes a-packing...
Nine lawn darts spacking...
Eight old B8-0's...
Seven of them CATO's...
Six shredded tail fins...
Five perfect flights!
Four falling birds...
Three wind checks...
Two clouds above...
And last year's rocket still up that tree!
Originally posted by 11Bravo
HEY!!! You can't change my line, I started the thread. :mad:
Aww... I didn't change it so much as... uh, corrected it! Can't rhyme three lines in a row, throws off the meter. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
You guys are all off key... :D

12 motors smokin'
11 kits a waiting
10 orders placed
9 cranked back necks'
8 pads of launching
7 fingures glued"
6 visa bills to explain
5 mis aligned fins
4 miles a walkin'
3 dinged fins
2 shredded tubes
1 launched to sooooooooon

We fish you a Merry x-moose & Happy gnu ear