build thread

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  1. cellofellow

    Black Brant II build thread

    I built an Estes Black Brant II earlier this summer, which since has been sacrificed to the power line gods. I built it a bit slapdash and want to do better this time. Today I got out the kit and weighed the parts (seemed like it would be nice to have a baseline). I cut out the fins and the...
  2. Aeva

    LOC 4" Black Brant X

    (Community Thread: Parts from the box, Thor inspecting the materials. Dry fit with my EZI for more sense of scale, And shot of the business end. One more shot by itself. This is gonna be a...
  3. tg08

    Goodies and Dry Fit!

    Goodies came today!
  4. Upsrocketman

    Dragon Rocketry Red Nova Build Thread

    Well... I wasn't gonna do a build thread because this was gonna be a quick and dirty build compared to some of my more lengthy projects and I wanted to just fly it. Then I lost my Jolly Logic... So here we go again! This will be a build thread for my fully dual deploy capable Dragon Rocketry...
  5. ljwilley

    3D Printing 2.6" Dia. 3D Printed A4-V2 Missile Build Thread

    I found this thingiverse thing a while ago and I have finally got all of the parts printed out. So far I have printed and sanded them, and then glued the 2 nose pieces together. This is as far as I have gotten, but will post more soon! Here is the link to the file on thingiverse: A4/V2 rocket...
  6. Upsrocketman

    Build Thread Wildman Goblin 4

    I already have too many projects to count, but Wildman posted a 4" Goblin kit a while back and I could not pass it up. I recieved the kit a few weeks back and decided to start building it so I could have it ready for LDRS in July. First things first, all of the parts got a bath to get rid of...
  7. SPStorm

    LOC Precision 4" Goblin Level 1 Certification build thread

    Just starting in HPR and chose the LOC 4" Goblin for my level 1 certification build. All feedback is welcome. I plan to build the motor mount and attach fins outside the airframe (not sure if I am using the correct term - main tube, body tube?) including epoxying the internal filets while...
  8. neil_w

    Build Thread: Nibiru Interceptor

    From the website of the Galactic Armaments Group: The Galactic Armaments Group is proud to introduce the Nibiru Interceptor, a next-generation hybrid fighter craft designed for dominating the skies and beyond. With its revolutionary aerodynamic design and patented Plasma Core™ drives, this...
  9. R

    Carbon Hyperloc 835 Build

    Hi All, After building more Estes rockets than I can count, I decided to build my first HPR. For Christmas I purchased a Hyperloc 835 kit that I will hopefully be able to get my L1 cert (maybe L2?) with. To make things interesting I decided to sheath the body in a light carbon fiber sleeve sold...
  10. R3verb

    Project Blackout L1 Cert Build

    Hey All! So after a long time in the hobby as a kid and getting back into it numerous times over the last 10 years as an adult, I finally decided to make the leap into HPR and get my L1 cert. After going back and forth on what rocket to use for my L1 cert (see this thread) I decided to go with...
  11. AcadiaRockets

    Yet another Wildman Jr Build for Level 2

    I am going to build a Wildman Jr for my level 2. I know, I know, there are a ton of build threads for these but since its for a certification I thought I would park my process; document techniques, ask for help, absorb any advice, here. I bought this 2.1" kit, a 2.1" WM Eagle Claw Sport and a...
  12. Zertyme

    2.2" Fiberglass Frenzy XL build

    Recently got a Frenzy XL from I'm planning on building it with HED instead of the normal dual deployment configuration. Dry fit: had to sand the fins slots. Starting off with the motor mount. Dry fit: Tacking one of the ring in place. 3M DP490, my go to...
  13. Alan R

    BMS 29mm School Rocket Build Thread

    I've seen a lot of love here for the Balsa Machining School Rocket, but nary a build thread. ( Thought I'd post this for posterity. This has been sitting at the bottom of the build pile for almost a year now. My invoice reads 10/22/2020. I bought the optional 34"...
  14. G

    Wildman 4" 54mm Eagle Claw build

    I've liked the looks of this kit since I first saw GL's Talon years ago thinking that would be a rocket I'd love to bring to the range. Decided last year to get it done. Would have considered the GL but last year the 4 inch didn't look like it was available. Happened to see the Eagle Claw on...
  15. M

    How many times can you restore a rocket? At least 3!

    Restore thread but also discussion on what is too much to restore vs throw away and start over from scratch If you have a keen eye maybe you can tell what this started life out as, I won't spoil it other than to say it was a kit. It has been restored once as the rocket seen below. My son helped...
  16. H. Craig Miller

    ANTI-VIRUS Build Thread

    54mm Powered ANTI-VIRUS PREFACE With the onset of COVID-19 and its fallout, the interrupting supply chains and size limiting or outright cancellation of launches and other rocketry events, how can its spread be stopped? Wearing masks, social distancing, vaccines? No... with an injection... with...
  17. Gonzo

    Ridiculous, WAY over the top, 1010 launch stand. 39A

    Having recently ventured into mid power rocketry, I figured I’d get a 1010 launch stand for myself. When I saw the prices I thought, “For that price I could build a replica of Kennedy 39A!!!”...... That’s all I needed. No amount of rational thought was going to persuade me. So buckle up! Down...
  18. H. Craig Miller

    Build Thread: Mega Der Dredt Max Kit Bash

    After I posted photographs of my Mega Der Dredt Viper kit bash on the “What did you do rocket wise today?” thread, RobertH3 asked me to create a build thread because other Max fans may want to build it. Although I have never done a build thread, and did not intend to do so for this build, here...
  19. neil_w

    Build thread: Plasma Dart

    This rocket was first cooked up about three years ago and started me on my plasma-core kick. It has seen remarkably little design modification since the first unveiling (only the canard-like appendages on the strakes have been added.) The paint scheme, however, has been churned endlessly, and...
  20. M

    Apogee Maker's Dozen build/review

    Hi everybody, A quick background to this build; as covid regulations fluctuated in my state I invited sister and nieces to a small park for a launch day. She made the comment of doing a space camp with the kids since at this point they have no summer camps, and hopefully in the fall we can have...