K'Tesh's OpenRocket Files...

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Nope... Before I left the US, I had scanned the fins and the decals (with rulers). So, this one is good.

Woo! I have some oddballs coming my way at Airfest, I'll try and remember to give them the works. Poke me if I don't :)
Still need the plans for the Estes Fusion X25... I've figured out a better way of doing the fins in OR, and I'd like to get this posted.
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I've been wanting to do this for some time now... And now it's done... The Cineroc/Omega files have been all reworked:

You can view the updated files in post #1

Please note! All previous versions of the Cineroc/Omega .ork files are obsolete! My old techniques for fin decals, and launch lugs induced changes in flight performance. These new files are much more accurate in appearance, and should give pretty accurate flight simulations... Especially the Cineroc versions, as I was able to resolve the problem that was resulting in N/A altitudes.

On some of the sims (marked as having rail guides) I simulated the guides. The actual guides were made from card stock, and were included on the body tube marking guide. To replicate them, I had to make the guides twice the thickness of the card stock, plus the thickness of the standoff (3/32").

Versions marked as "(Mod)" have been designed to take D/E motors (instead of D only), as well as having added TTW fin tabs, and enlarged launch lugs to accommodate a 3/16" launch rod, instead of the stock 1/8" launch rod.

Eliminating the engine hooks' phantom body tubes will eliminate the warnings about Discontinuity, and Jagged-edge fins, and flight characteristics may also improve (it's up to the end user to remember to add the weight of the engine hooks in that case).

Redshifted rockets will be marked with "(Mod)" to identify them.
As promised...

(At least THIS Big Daddy won't lawndart)

Fin measurements and decals were taken from scans provided by Kruegon.

My fins (using Kruegon's scan) was 1/16" different from his .rkt file. I printed the fins with the ruler, then cut the ruler out and used it to make my measurements.

Man you are good!!! This is a great looking Big Daddy! One of our favs
Thanks kcobbva! I'm glad you like it. I didn't mod the file for the changes to the nosecone that I'd do... That's outside of OR's abilities.

I did a little bit of work on another file today... I hope you all like it.

Mind you, I didn't add the decals (would have required an air fin)(and that's just a bit more trouble than this file is worth), and I rotated the black fin to move it away from the launch lug (easier masking).

Motor is shown overhanging the body tube by 1/4". In reality, it looks like it could have completely slid inside the body tube.

Here's a mod to the Estes Mosquito (801) to improve chances of recovering it...


The problem with the Mosquito is the ejection charge. The rocket launches, you follow the smoke up, and at or near apogee, the ejection charge goes off, and depending on what way the rocket is pointed the rocket then is propelled in that direction. But it doesn't leave a smoke trail... The ejected motor does. We see the smoke, and follow it down, finding the motor. Who knows which way the empty rocket was fired off?

A potential solution is to tether the nosecone to the motor with a Kevlar thread, and allow the motor to blow the nosecone off like a typical rocket. This destabilizes the rocket, and the motor and the rocket (with the nosecone) come down together. Additionally, a piece of chrome Trim Monokote on a fin can help you spot the rocket on the descent on a sunny day as it glints on the way down.


  • Estes Mosquito (TK-1)(Balsa Nosecone).ork
    3.7 KB · Views: 152
  • Estes Mosquito (801)(No Loss Mod).ork
    4.5 KB · Views: 11
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Thanks the tutorial thread. I was having trouble importing a fin (as a .PNG). I still don't know what the original problem was, but I mimicked your instructions in the tutorial, and it worked.
Thanks the tutorial thread. I was having trouble importing a fin (as a .PNG). I still don't know what the original problem was, but I mimicked your instructions in the tutorial, and it worked.

Sounds like your fin was hexed or something...

Speaking of hexes... I worked on this for a spell today...

Estes Zoom Broom (853)

'bout time I finally tackled a Goonybird.

A PBT was used for the engine hook, and I attached the air fins to another (you can delete them if you want to get the flight performance the image indicates).

Fins and decals were derived from those found over on plans.rocketshoppe.com.


  • Estes Zoom Broom (853).ork
    141.4 KB · Views: 127
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Continuing my love for two stage payload rockets... Here's Estes' Supernova Payloader (2011).

WYSIWYG (except I edited out the CG/CP markings). I also altered the "paint" on the booster's fins to make them visible (black on black and they disappear into an odd looking mess). Went with gray for the silver. With the "silver paint" the finish looked really grainy, and due to the difference in the lengths of the parts it was "applied" to, it really looked bad. Also the file size balloons tremendously with the "silver paint" graphic.

Just in case you didn't know, this one is actually back in production again.

I've built four. One was finished before it was destroyed (crushed body tube (not from a launch)), two unfinished clones, and a BT-60 upscale.
Let's hope the Omega can make a return soon.

Original "Stock, Decaled" .ork viewed 159 times.


  • Estes Supernova Payloader (2011) (Stock,Decaled).ork
    9.4 KB · Views: 161
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Hey KT,

Do you have a Sea-Strike D in your arsenal? Think we need to represent the Navy too!



Sorry fm,

The Sea-Strike D isn't in my arsenal. However I was working on a clone of the Phoenix Missile. Then there's the STANDARD missile. Maybe I can push those for you. Oh, and Hojo fans, if someone will get me a scan of the fins and decals of the BT-55 version, I might be able to get the Army represented.

Tanks? No, Bombers! I was USAF. Our goal at the time was to nuke'em till they glow, and let you guys shoot 'em in the dark. Glad it didn't turn out that way.

Thanks to all our Veterans, Active Duty, and Emergency Personnel out there.
I was a BUFF Crew Chief before I transitioned into the B-2 program in '93. I'm a SAC trained killing machine! Lol!
Me, I loaded F-111E Aardvarks and EF-111A SparkVarks. Bombs (anywhere from 5lb practice munitions to nukes), AIM-9 missiles, chaff and flare (no bullets tho (no internal gun)), occasionally I'd hang fuel tanks, or assist with the ECM pods. Mostly spent my time loading, unloading, or maintaining them.
Me, I loaded F-111E Aardvarks and EF-111A SparkVarks. Bombs (anywhere from 5lb practice munitions to nukes), AIM-9 missiles, chaff and flare (no bullets tho (no internal gun)), occasionally I'd hang fuel tanks, or assist with the ECM pods. Mostly spent my time loading, unloading, or maintaining them.

Thank You for your service to our country!
I just stumbled across your OpenRocket thread. You do some amazing cosmetic reproductions here.
From a simulations standpoint, how did you achieve the ring fin on the solar flare? Was it just a tube expanded to the proper diameter? And does it function for flight simulation purposes or does it give some sort of diameter discontinuity error?
I just stumbled across your OpenRocket thread. You do some amazing cosmetic reproductions here.
From a simulations standpoint, how did you achieve the ring fin on the solar flare? Was it just a tube expanded to the proper diameter? And does it function for flight simulation purposes or does it give some sort of diameter discontinuity error?

The Solar Flare's ring fins were achieved by using Inner Tubes. I was able to externalize them by expanding them to the proper diameter. Though the mass is there, Inner tubes do not get calculated in aerodynamic simulations.
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