I hate meeces to pieces!!!

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Ordinary Average Guy
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Jul 22, 2011
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SE Texas
The little buggers have invaded!! A few weeks back, while I was 1200 miles away, talking to Mrs on the phone and she says we have a mouse problem. She used to be a technician for Orkin, so my response is "get some traps and take care of it" ... I come home from the project and find out that she put out some glue boards and caught a couple, but they are still here. Of course, being a master of the obvious I tell her, "You need to be a bit more aggressive"

I have out 8 snap traps right now, and the little *^%^$%#@))*%$@!s are just stealing the peanut butter with out setting the trap off :confused: I tried tying a short string to the bait pedal, thinking that they might yank on it, but no, this morning I have set traps and no peanut butter.

I seem to remember that there were a couple of the plug in ultrasonic repellant do-hickies here when I bought the place. The reviews on the web about them are mixed, but I am going to head out to wally world in a few minutes to get one. Worst case I'm out $14.95 and nothing happens.

I miss my cats, but can't have them anymore because I have become allergic in my old age.

Thoughts or suggestions??
We always put peanut butter on the trap, then a couple wraps with a strip of cellophane/plastic wrap with a little more PB on top. When they paw at the plastic to get the PB underneath... WHAM!
We had a mouse problem for a while after I left brewing grains in the garage for a couple years. I tried glue and snap traps, but the most effective for me was a tin cat trap. Mostly used by exterminators, but I have been able to find them at a couple hardware stores and online. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004RAMU/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20


here is a video review:


I would put some dog food in it and I caught many. The problem with them is it is a live trap. I would use a plastic bag and release the mice into the bag and then put them down. It was so successful that I ended up getting a couple more because they get messy with their waste.

Thunky is a mousing machine. If he sees one it consumes his life until he catches it and for a couple days after. I knew cats were good mousers, but it is impressive.
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If you use that "V" brand of snap trap, you have to adjust the trigger so it is more sensitive to the mice going after the bait. That loop that the bar goes under needs to be flattened slightly, not a lot just a little. Then bait the trap with peanut butter, or whatever your last meal was. Stuff that curl on the end of the trigger, don't let anything hang out either side, keep it concealed inside the curl. Make them work to get the bait, then....Wham dead mouse! Make sure to empty the trap as soon as possible, don't let them bleed on the trap or the mice will never come back to that trap again.
Good luck and dead mice!!
Whenever Micky or Minnie show up, we use the snap traps. To bait them we make a dough out of bread and paenut butter and press it into the trigger. This is a lot harder for them to rob from the trap.
We always put peanut butter on the trap, then a couple wraps with a strip of cellophane/plastic wrap with a little more PB on top. When they paw at the plastic to get the PB underneath... WHAM!

Interesting...have to give it a whirl...

If you use that "V" brand of snap trap, you have to adjust the trigger so it is more sensitive to the mice going after the bait. That loop that the bar goes under needs to be flattened slightly, not a lot just a little. Then bait the trap with peanut butter, or whatever your last meal was. Stuff that curl on the end of the trigger, don't let anything hang out either side, keep it concealed inside the curl. Make them work to get the bait, then....Wham dead mouse! Make sure to empty the trap as soon as possible, don't let them bleed on the trap or the mice will never come back to that trap again.
Good luck and dead mice!!

I have a couple that are already hair triggers. It's all I can do to get it set & in place without them going off in my hand (VERY frustrating...) but I will give them a look. Thankfully no bleeders yet, a broken back & a few broken necks...

Whenever Micky or Minnie show up, we use the snap traps. To bait them we make a dough out of bread and paenut butter and press it into the trigger. This is a lot harder for them to rob from the trap.

That sounds do-able. I'll add it to a couple of the traps tonight & see what happens.

Thanx all for your input. I'll give them all a go and see what works for me.
We tried the glue boards and they are effective, but SWMBO cant stand the squealing, and daughter seems to enjoy using my claw hammer to end their misery just a little too much..... "They seem to have soft skulls"
When the little bistards lick the peanutbutter out of the trap grandma taught me to just sprinkle flour around and over the mechanism, works like a charm ;)
What about mixing Rat poison with the peanut butter? You'll get 'em either way ;)


yea but then you might not know where they die and have rotting mice carcasses hidden all over your house... I do the one mentioned above where you wrap the bait (peanut butter) with cellophane but then i poke a few pinholes in it so they can smell it better and if they do go and lick it might get a taste which will make them want it more.
TomCat brand mouse bait/poison. It's these little green blocks. The little b@3%stards eat it and then go outside and die.
TomCat brand mouse bait/poison. It's these little green blocks. The little b@3%stards eat it and then go outside and die.

I did consider poison, what ensures that they go outside before they die?? These sneaky unwanted refusing to leave cuties are in my HOUSE, not the garage! I do not want decaying mice in my walls, so I think I will stick with the snap traps. Appreciate the suggestion tho!
T, back up and think about it. You got something they want--food--water? Put something outside the house for them to go for. Not too far from the house---maybe 10-15 ft from where you think they are coming in at. Bird seed and grape nuts is a good combo. Give it a couple days. Set traps around that area. You'll start to thin them out. Mother nature will take care of the rest. Traps in the house is a losing battle, for everyone you kill a couple more are waiting. The little rat bastards are there for a reason, heat ,water ,whatever---bait them outside and be done with it.Takes some effort but it works Maybe one of those hairless glow in the dark cats is in your future---OK--I can't even imagine that---bad dreams ---that would drive the wolf and lab nuts----H
T, back up and think about it. You got something they want--food--water? Put something outside the house for them to go for. Not too far from the house---maybe 10-15 ft from where you think they are coming in at. Bird seed and grape nuts is a good combo. Give it a couple days. Set traps around that area. You'll start to thin them out. Mother nature will take care of the rest. Traps in the house is a losing battle, for everyone you kill a couple more are waiting. The little rat bastards are there for a reason, heat ,water ,whatever---bait them outside and be done with it.Takes some effort but it works Maybe one of those hairless glow in the dark cats is in your future---OK--I can't even imagine that---bad dreams ---that would drive the wolf and lab nuts----H

Great tip :clap:
I'm not into wantonly murdering the little devils, so I used a couple of these last year and caught about 8 mice. Released them in a field about a 1/2 mile from my house.

Most likely they have been here since winter, but the numbers were low enough that they went unnoticed. Probably hitched a ride in a box from the garage or storage. I know that the grass/weeds weren't cut while I was gone, so it is possible they came in from the yard as well. I'll give the foundation a twice over and see what I find.
I have no problem letting them live, but not in my house... Unfortunately SWMBO has a LOT of junk in boxes which make staying here comfortable for them. I have a few boxes, but they are out in the garage where they belong.

Oh well, just another cow patty on the steaming compost heap that is my life....
I have found that, depending on where you live but especially in borderline rural areas, we always have an influx of mice in the fall when it starts getting cold outside. Last year we moved to the 'burbs and I didn't see any this winter. YMMV.
I did consider poison, what ensures that they go outside before they die?? These sneaky unwanted refusing to leave cuties are in my HOUSE, not the garage! I do not want decaying mice in my walls, so I think I will stick with the snap traps. Appreciate the suggestion tho!
I've been told that it makes them extremely thirsty and they go outside looking for water and die. Not sure of the validity of that but I know is I use it and they disappear. I've yet to ever find a dead one in the house. I live in the country on a wooded lot and they are always a problem here. The Tomcat bait controls them. I just hate even looking at them so dealing with snap traps and disposing of dead mice isn't for me.
Yeah, fall is when they move inside here, too. "Look at the foundation"? LOL!!! Grandpa built this place in sections over about an 18 year stretch so yah, there places where they get in. With the cats it's not near as bad but last winter we had an influx. Squeaky doesn't mind, when I catch one I put on my work gloves, pick up the trap, and go to the back door and go "MMMMMMM". Squeaky is right there for her "snack". ;) No disposal problem here :)
I got one caught in a trap by it's foot. I was looking up at me with it's shiny black little eyes, I felt sorry for it and released it out side. If it was killed outright then it would be different.
My cats kill the outside mice, but don't bother with the inside mice. I use the V spring traps with the nutbutter-cellophane trick as it ensures the mice work at it enough to trip the trigger. As I'm in a rural area with farms near, there are many critters around and they all want warm dry places. I don't like killing them, but rodents are not allowed in my house.
I found this, looks pretty simple...might put the tree huggers in an up roar

The population here seems to be thinning. I bought some of the ultrasonic thingys that are supposed to run them off. I am seeing/hearing less and less signs. Some of my traps are even going more than a day without being cleans or tripped.
When I was a kid I used to launch mice in my Big Bertha. The ones that survived the rocket ride got to be eaten by my pet boa constrictor.
I found this, looks pretty simple...might put the tree huggers in an up roar


I first saw one of these 40 years ago at Boy Scout camp up at Warm Lake, Idaho. The kitchen was infested and this is what they came up with. In the mornings the mice would be almost packed solid...