Star Trek Into Darkness WOW! (WARNING: spoilers ahead!)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2010
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Star Trek Into Darkness WOW!
I won't give anything away except they are following the same formula as the original ST movie series. Even ones are better.
Saw it today in a completely empty theater. Although it is an apparent flop based on local attendance... it was a good movie.
Star Trek Into Darkness iss on my see list, I am so old I saw the original series the first time around.
I saw Raiders of the Lost Ark on opening day in an empty theater, bad reviews. The next weekend there was a line to see it

I don't know about that empty theater, but ST topped the sales for the weekend box attraction, knocking Iron Man 3 into second place...
I saw it last Friday night. I would be exaggerating if I said the theater was 1/4 full... maybe 1/10.

That said, I went to the 9:45 show that wasn't getting out until midnight and it was on multiple screens with starting times every 15 minutes, so chances are the earlier shows were fuller or the number of screens showing it diluted the number at any one showing.
I went last night and there was not an empty seat in the house. It was a superb movie.
Interesting response to this. I did a thread a while back about the original one (2009) and the vast majority of people in here were hating on it and J.J. Abrams style. I personally loved the first (11th) one and can't wait to see Into Darkness.
I've been bothered by this movie since I went to see it last Friday.
While I really enjoyed the J.J. Abrams style, I simply wish that he would leave Gene Roddenberry's material alone and write his own stories. Have we reached the point in American entertainment where no one can write an original screenplay (or song for that matter)?
I saw it this past Sunday with my mother. And my department is going to see it tomorrow during "lunch". While I did enjoy it, especially the parallels to another trek movie (with a role reversal) and some of the "fan service" (no, not that fan service*, I'm thinking specifically about the "red-shirt" comment) bits, I would have liked to have seen a bit less action, and a bit more character development/interaction. They could have done a lot with relationship between Benedict Cumberbatch's [REDACTED - Potential spolier] and Kirk. I felt there was potential to really dive into he villain's motivations that felt kind of glossed over for the sake of a few more minutes of fights/special effects.

Also some of the potentially "emotional" scenes really lost their impact, because they telegraphed how the situation was going to be solved. All that being said, I will probably enjoy seeing it again, (unless I can talk my boss into Iron Man 3, which I haven't seen yet.)

How much sense does this make while trying to avoid spoilers? Dunno.

(*ok, yes that fan service, too. I mean fan service is the only reason I can think of for including that particular shot of Alice Eve.)
I think there's a very fine line between paying homage to the original Star Trek and its fans, and rehashing old stories in what may be perceived as a lazy move by Abrams. I'm not sure on what side he comes out.

Overall I can't complain about how the movie turned out, but from a Star Trek fictional history kind of viewpoint, you can't really go back and changed what's already been written by writers decades earlier.

Now Star Wars...
I saw it last night in 3D...

While visually very interesting and plenty of action, it was a little light on the character development... better than the last one, but still... somehow "lacking"...

It's sorta like "New Coke" versus old Coke... anybody remember that?? New Coke was drinkable, but nothing to write home about-- very forgettable. Old Coke simply had that "classic" taste to it that most folks loved. Same thing with AbramsTrek... new forgettable flavor of an old classic...

I have all the Trek movies on DVD/Blu-Ray... I've watched the original six movies dozens of times, with Shatner et al.... I've even watched the TNG movies probably close to a dozen times, except for the last one, "Nemesis" which kind of left a bad taste in my mouth, which I've seen maybe twice... In the year or two since I bought the first AbramsTrek, I've watched it exactly ONCE...

I can watch the old ones over and over and still really enjoy them. These new ones, I watch it a couple times and it's "meh"...

This one got pretty predictable about halfway through... I even figured out how they'd save a character well before they did it... and without really trying.

I agree thoroughly with whomever said "can't anybody write an original story anymore?? Does it ALL have to be retooled/rehashed/new twist on old stuff??"

That, and getting a white British guy to play (Redacted to prevent spoiler-- if you've seen it you know what I mean)... really?? They couldn't find ANYBODY that at least LOOKED the part??

Later! OL JR :)

I quite agree with everything "Luke Strawwalker" wrote above. In fact, I have nothing to add...
I hear the 'lack of original stories' complaint a lot. Question...who saw Cloud Atlas? Oblivion? Life of Pi?

Look at the numbers for box office in North America for those movies compared to just opening weekend for ST:ID.

Oblivion is comparable (been out for more than a month), Life of Pi has been around more than six months, and Cloud Atlas...yeah, not a hope. All are interestingly original stories, but of the three, only Life of Pi significantly exceeds ST:IDs North American weekend earnings...with a six month head start. Want to bet how long that lasts?

Whining about original stories does no good if you don't actually watch them...

Saw it this past Monday, I liked it very much. It has something for the old Trekkers and the new Trekkers. Don't know why it has not done better at the box office??
I saw it on friday, I thought it was INCREDIBLE.

Only thing I complained about. when the dreadnaught ( should have been the USS Excelsior, but they never say) class starship crashes into the planet. the scale of it is WAY to big. its taking out 100 story building and towering over them.. yeah its big but not that big LOL. I will say it made for a spectacular effect. so I can live with it.
Who Added the WARNING:spoilers ahead! to my post?

I sure as hell didn't!

Don't you think you should ask first?
Saw it last night.

The one movie it reminded me most of was "Superman Returns": WAYYY too many completely predictable and cliched ripoffs of the previous classic movie.

I had read some of the reviews and the spoiler boards so I knew pretty much what was going to happen, but it was still kind of annoying to be able to recite the script word for word for 10-15 minutes at a time for a movie you'd never seen before.
I saw it on friday, I thought it was INCREDIBLE.

Only thing I complained about. when the dreadnaught ( should have been the USS Excelsior, but they never say) class starship crashes into the planet. the scale of it is WAY to big. its taking out 100 story building and towering over them.. yeah its big but not that big LOL. I will say it made for a spectacular effect. so I can live with it.

I believe it was called the USS Vengeance.
Yeah, the trailer made you think it was the big E, but noooo. But I agree, the scale was way off on that. You can't really say anything about this movie without spoiling it. The "death" scene and the "tribble" scene were totally predictable. I could see them coming ahead of time. Even my non Trekker son figured out who the villain was before he said his name...
I thought it was a lot of fun, had some cleverly written tie-ins to previous story lines, good special effects.

I just can't figure out why we needed yet another version of klingons.....ain't they ugly enough as it is?
(although it will be entertaining to hear how the trekkiegeeks account for this new cranial anatomy)
I did. My apologies. I probably should have asked first but didn't want people to start seeing the spoilers without some warning.

Thanks Will,

I was just yankin' your chain.

I wanted to see who would step up to the plate.
Saw it in 3D on Sunday. Have to agree with the WOW comment -- the opening sequence is a promise of good things to come. Was surprised by the identity of the villain, who looked more like a revamped Q than you know who. A bit disappointed by the recycling of previous story lines, and very disappointed with the use of profanity; but all in all it was a pretty good sci-fi action thriller / morality play.