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Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty. A moose bit my sister.

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...
Researched aluminum wheels for my outdoor powerchair. I have the tubeless tires already, new, been sitting around for 7 years.
Day 17
April 6th… now May 6th. Will the 6th of the month aways be a day I just want to stay in bed?

We took an entire car load of household items and donated them. I hurt so bad because I know, if she was here, she’d tell me she loved every one of those items and how she would use them. I know. I know. I get it my love. However I can not keep them all. Many many many are too many of one thing. Great for running an Astronomy themed B&B, our dream… But for a widower, oh God… here I go…. Ok… I am good/back.

I just can’t use them. I HAVE to believe she knows that and is okay with me donating them. I have to believe that, otherwise I’d be heartbroken (more because I can not imagine being any less broken right now). It feels good to release things I can’t use. There is SO MUCH here I CAN use. Or will learn to use given time. I still wake up every few hours and can not fathom she is not here. I just can’t. And it hurts like hell.

Penny last night cozy’d up to me and slept in my chest. She knows. Cats are not stupid. She knows. And she talks to me like she never has since 2004.

We went to the beach/pier after we dropped off the items. Beautiful day. I stare out and all I see is her. I see people walking and holding hands... and I get mad. But it was still worth going. We walked the pier and walked a bit of the strand, then sat on the walkway for a bit...

I need to say this, just because it helps ME. No one can understand. She is GONE and that is F’D up! Just wrong! And will be for many years to come. My friend said “People are wrong. The pain does NOT lessen over time. Instead life grows bigger. So over time the pain is still the same size, just less a percentage of your overall life.” I hope he is right. Because right now? Everyday without her hurts like F’in hell. And the pain is like 95% of my life. I think however he is correct. It NEVER gets smaller. Just less a percentage of life.

One foot at a time
Was her name Natasha?
We adopted two littermates 18 years ago. Both polydactyls. We named them Boris and Natasha. Two amazing cats.
I used to call Natasha "International Kitty of Mystery". Or "Natasha Kittyski" (bonus points if you know the reference)

Both were chill sweethearts. Tho Natasha would try to bolt out a door. Where I live, it is a cold cold cruel world for outdoor cats. So all our cats, all 14 or so over the past 27 years were indoor kitties.

Boris Lays in Sun on Carpet - 2009-06-18 17-27-34.JPG

Natasha orders a vodka up

Natasha at the Bar 2005-11-26 01.jpg
Took wife to a concert as her Mother's Day gift. Not really my first (or second) choice of acts, but she had a great time, so success.

I had never been in AT&T stadium (Cowboy's stadium) before. Not a fan of Jerry Jones, but he's got a real impressive little venue there.
Staying in the city you left 13 years ago is weird and cool at the same time.

We don’t have any kind of deliveries in the sticks, but here…

Just had souvlaki delivered by Uber Eats because… because.

Damn. I need to get home or I’ll just eat 24/7.
Looks like you had reasonable weather for your jaunt.

Degraves Street is one of my favourite locations for cafes in Melbourne. It has lost a bit of its vibe since covid. A couple of restaurants are closed and foot traffic is down a little.

City hatters has been there for as long as I can remember.

Went to an art exhibition in Flinders Street Station a couple of weeks back. In the upper levels of the station, including in the ballroom up there. What an amazing building.
I did chores around the yard an house since I spent the rest of the weekend doing fun stuff outdoors with my son. The trails were too wet from overnight thunderstorms, so our bike ride today was just around the neighborhood. I did manage to make a loaf of bread too.

I'm 59. My Mr. Fixit mind thinks I'm 30. My body thinks I'm 75.

Call someone to crawl under the house for you.
I was/ am a security installer. As installers get older we get the next thin apprentice to go under the floors while we do the techie stuff above floorboard level and below ceiling level. Roof spaces are a different class of heat tolerant apprentice. Usually the thin one though....
Ordered one of these:

My previous version has been very handy, in the almost 50 years since I bought it. Wow. That surprised me when I checked out the date in it today. Technology will have evolved, so time for a fresh one. I still need it to be able to work out Smith charts occasionally. It does a good job of that :) .
Put out food and water for the birds and ducks. Talked to the ducks. Softly. They don't fly away when they see me. They just slowly walk away if they think I'm too close. Looked at the weeds. Still amazing. Near sunset when the light is low. When you look at the desert. You see an occasional sage and the ground looks carpeted. Round Up was useless. Played with the cats.

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