Where to launch?

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May 27, 2019
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You probably get this question a lot but ... I live in Scottsdale, AZ and would like to launch a few rockets with my daughter and friends as part of STEM education. I am looking for a few nearby places where I can launch low powered rockets. The city tells me that launches are not allowed in any parks. I would appreciate any info from locals pertaining to places where I can launch. Thanks.
I would echo Steve. the best part launching with a club is the mentor ship as you move to larger projects.
I resisted joining a club for a long time. That is my biggest regret in rocketry. There are great people in my club and I have heard the same thing about other clubs from many people on this forum. You learn a lot, make good friends and have more eyes on your rockets reducing the chance you will lose them.
Wayne and I live in Arizona and can recommend the Superstition Space modeling Society the web site link is here: https://sssrocketry.com/

They are a NAR club and membership fees are $20 for a family.

Currently there are no events until the fall - Summer is not a flying season in Arizona.

Edited to add the link to SARA: https://www.sararocketry.org/

they will have a few more flights before summer truly starts if you don't mind traveling to the Tucson area

Any BLM land nearby? If so call the local office. Where I live they are ok with individuals launching as long as there are no burn bans in effect.

I prefer to launch when I want, rather than wait for a scheduled event.

Good luck and welcome to The Rocketry Forum. Please post up some photo's of your launch!
Not sure if you've tried making it out to one of the suggested clubs yet, or not, but it's a great experience if you get the chance. Also, if your still looking for somewhere to fly low power, your closest option would be a park in phoenix. As you said, there aren't really any parks where it's allowed in Scottsdale. Anyways, here is a link to some parks in Phoenix that allow low power: https://www.phoenix.gov/parks/...ules/radio-controlled-aircraft .
We ended up launching at Grover Basin Park B. July 20th was a hot one, and we had the whole park to ourselves.