Vrc-xii Rocket Camp!!!

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Originally posted by teflonrocketry1

What setting should I use for the animation time step in the 2D Flight profile for event #4? This makes quite a difference between settings. For example, look at actual 0.001, 0.05, 0.1; they all give different values for the flight angle altitude and range. Be sure to start the 2D flight simulation all the way from the ground each time you change the animation time step.

Bruce S. Levison, NAR # 69055

I had my settings set to "actual," so I think that should be used.

Good question btw.

If you use actual, the animation time step then depends on the Descent resolution you set in the simulation controls for each flight. What should this value be set at for event 4? This again makes a big difference for the flight angle, altitude and range.

Bruce S. Levison, NAR #69055
Is the default settings 800 samples for the simulation and 1 for descent? That's what my RS is set to, I never changed those.
Can you send me a list of names, rocket names and if they qualify?

Going try to get that done this weekend. As you can imagine, this contest is a lot more work for me. I got to find and beat up the judge who created this.... oh wait! That's me. Never mind ;)

Seriously, Wanted to do them as I got them in, but two jobs really saps the energy out of me ;). Good thing I have a break from the second job during the next two weeks ;).
Originally posted by n3tjm
As you can imagine, this contest is a lot more work for me. I got to find and beat up the judge who created this.... oh wait! That's me.
I tried to warn you about that.


Speaking of the contest, I suppose I should get started on my entry, huh? Between my paying job and getting ready for NARCON, I haven't had much time to spend on Virtual Rocketry.

What do you guys think? Should I sit this one out?
Originally posted by BobCox
What do you guys think? Should I sit this one out?

Well, if you do, that pretty much guarentees me a top 3 entry... with the current number of entrants that is...:D
I usually get the last few entries during the last few days. But please... sooner is better than later!
I know that Andy Peart is almost done with his entries and should have them to you next week probably.... I can hear him swearing about the &$*@$*&$ engine editor over the cubicle walls...

We might want to make a suggestion to Tim VM about putting a button into rocksim itself to launch the engine editor. That'd make it much easier to get the job done...
Okay, I'm thinking about playing this time.

Seems like I have to submit three design for Event #1, #2, and #5.

Payload bay is only needed for #5, right?

That's it right?

It's four designs. For event #4 all Doug has given you is the Astrocam nosecone. You have to design the body to got with it.
event 1 and 2 can use the same rocket, just use the sustainer in event 1 ;).

Need a design for event 4, useing the camera from the rocksim file ;)

I see you liked my avatar. You used it on your website ;)
Originally posted by n3tjm
If you sit this one out, I will make the next contest aimed at taking out you secret volcanic base ;)
The volcanic base is temporarily closed for repairs and upgrades (darn death ray always breaks the day after the warranty expires :mad: ). I have taken up temporary quarters in a primitive hovel in the frozen wasteland. Fortunately, it is within easy driving distance of NARCON this year.

Now that Nick has announced that he is competing, the rest of us are just going to be squabbling for 2nd place. ;)
Originally posted by BobCox
Now that Nick has announced that he is competing, the rest of us are just going to be squabbling for 2nd place. ;)

"thinking" about it. I'm flying to MN this evening and then to CA on Tuesday and red-eye home on Thru/Frid so I'll have plenty of airport time to build something up.

If you could arrange your return flight to pass through Minnesota as well, you could spend the weekend at NARCON. You didn't really want to see your family anyway, did you?
Hey Nick-

I just noticed the link way down at the bottom of the page under the heading "don't let the experienced ones scare you".... It leads to the featured tip about how to strengthen paper models... Did you mean to go to Chan's cool flash movie about optimizing rocksim models?


You did get my entry didn't you? I haven't heard back from you... I realize that you've put yourself behind the 8-ball on this one, but can you confirm that you got my entry? Thanks!
Originally posted by BobCox
What do you guys think? Should I sit this one out?

Originally posted by n3tjm
If you sit this one out, I will make the next contest aimed at taking out you secret volcanic base ;)

That's pretty funny Doug... I was actually thinking of a similar event for a contest that I was going to suggest to Nick! Hehehehe.....
Originally posted by PunkRocketScience

You did get my entry didn't you? I haven't heard back from you... I realize that you've put yourself behind the 8-ball on this one, but can you confirm that you got my entry? Thanks!

Don't worry, I got it :). I will be looking over all the entries this week :). So much work to do :D

Oh, got more entries in my inbox... Wohoo!
So how many entries do you have so far Doug?

I had a blast with this one and can't wait to start seeing the results next week!

Guess it's about time for Nick and Bob to start their entries... Hey Bob...Do you have enough envelopes to work on the back of for all five events?
Originally posted by PunkRocketScience
Guess it's about time for Nick and Bob to start their entries... Hey Bob...Do you have enough envelopes to work on the back of for all five events?

I tried and then got frustrated because my V8 copy on my work computer kept locking up and therefore I didn't get to work on it on my business trip like I wanted. May still see what I can come up with... but most likely I'm out (again).

Originally posted by n3tjm
Five so far

Do you want to seek an extension? Do you have some that would want that?

I think it may be the motor editing that is scaring people on this one. If you are timid about trying out bits of the software that you haven't used before, this may be too daunting a challenge for some.
Originally posted by PunkRocketScience
I think it may be the motor editing that is scaring people on this one. If you are timid about trying out bits of the software that you haven't used before, this may be too daunting a challenge for some.

For those people that are scared to try the motor editor, I'd like to say its easy ;)
10 Entries!

Many first timers. One contestant just bought his copy of Rocksim!

Still got 1 more day to send in entries :).