Very sad news regarding Semroc and Carl McLawhorn

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Very sad news. Hate to lose anyone in the hobby, and Carl was one of the really good ones out there.

I almost lost my father to the same thing, but had a doctor at Cleveland Clinic that specialized in the procedure.

My thoughts go out to the family!
Wow - just wow... words are difficult I never met Carl, but was always amazed by what he did with Semroc. My thoughts to his immediate family and to the rocketry family as a whole. It is good to hear they will honor his work by continuing the Semroc tradition. Best wishes.
Unbelievably sad news.

I like many others never meet Carl personally, but having many happy dealings with the company, and Sheryl specifically, has made me appreciate their vision and hard work in keeping us BAR's able to relive our teenage dreams. Sincerest condolences to Sheryl, Bruce and the rest of the family, in this time of bereavement.

Garth Illerbrun
NAR 26894
I don't know what to say. I read the news today, and posted what I had to say a few posts up. I should mention that I posted on Facebook last week about accidentally damaging my old Estes 1/70 scale Saturn IB (the high point of my high school rocketry career) beyond repair (it was already in sad shape, this was just the last straw). Nothing to do with it but salvage the parachutes and throw it out. And someday replace it with a Semroc kit. This evening, after reading about Carl, I went home from the library to find a box on my porch. I wasn't expecting any packages. It was from Semroc. I took it inside, opened it, and found his 1/70 Saturn IB reproduction kit. Evidently he had silently read my story, and just decided it would be cool to make my day by sending the kit unsolicited.

It came a day too late to thank him.

I guess there's nothing to do but to build it and fly it.
Peter, based on my (limited) experiences with Carl and Sheryl, your experience doesn't surprise me, at all.

Humanity lost a rare gem today.

When my Semroc Saturn 1b pranged durng a demo two years ago (Weak ejection), I requested parts to repair/refurbish my flagship rocket and offered to pay. The materials were shipped without charge. Building a second Saturn 1b with 4-motor cluster this time. A wonderful company.
I wasn't expecting any packages. It was from Semroc. I took it inside, opened it, and found his 1/70 Saturn IB reproduction kit. Evidently he had silently read my story, and just decided it would be cool to make my day by sending the kit unsolicited.

Doesn't surprise me one bit.
No words, just extreme sadness and prayers. Love and the peace of our Lord to Carl's family.

Harold Sasloe
I am saddened by this. I never met the man, but looking at his company and reputation (both of which I have experienced), and his obvious passion for the hobby, it seems obvious to me that we are all a little poorer with Carl gone.
Moments like this I find very difficult...Words are difficult to come by that describe the sorrow and grief I am feeling right now..Most of what would come naturally sometimes seem so patronizing at times like this..I wish the family and personal friends of Carl's will hold onto the great memories that they shared with him and keep Carl always alive in their hearts..
I'm not very good with words, and I never met Carl but I would like to have.
I have many Semroc kits and at least half of my fleet has Semroc parts in it.
It seems he had a heart of gold when dealing with customers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Carl and with those you left behind.
You can now watch the fruits of your labor fly from the other side of the sky.
"High Flight"

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace.
Where never lark, or even eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
- Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
John Gillespie Magee, Jr.

Be at peace good Sir, you now fly higher than any of us.
Had the great pleasure to talk to Carl several times at the TARC Finals. What a nice person. He was one class act and will be missed.
My sincere condolences go to Sheryl and his family and friends.

John Sicker
NAR 49422
TRA 1017

I met Carl, Bruce as timers at TARC 2004. I recall, both were funny upbeat people.
We had all day to chat.

I couldnt recall what he looked like. Heres a good pic that it explains it all.
I'm deeply saddened to hear of Carl's passing. I never met Carl or even spoke to him, but I could tell from my business dealings with him he was a gem of a guy indeed. I hope he somehow knows the appreciation and admiration we have for his contributions to our hobby. I'll say a special prayer for him and the family tonight. What a tragic loss! God rest his soul. :(

Jim Z
Awful, awful news. My thoughts, prayers, and deepest condolences go out to Carl's loved ones in this most difficult of times.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Carl would be overwhelmed reading the messages from our friends. He was so humbled with all the birthday wishes he had received in Feb. this year. He tried to answer each one and it took him 3 days.

Thank you,
Incredibly sad news..

I consider myself fortunate to have been able to spend time talking to him at NARAM, NSL, NARCON, and TARC.
It is difficult to describe the sparkle in his eyes watching the TARC teams turn a bag of parts into their imaginative creations.

Carl was a true gentleman and we are diminished by his passing.
The world would be a better place if we aspired to follow in his footsteps

Never met Carl beyond my Semroc purchases except for a very brief email exchange a couple of years ago....but his business practices told me a lot about him and his family. They are all an absolute delight. My prayers are with Sheryl and Bruce during this time.....the rocketry community will miss Carl and I'm already planning to send up a few Semroc kits in his honor this weekend....I hope he enjoys the view! Godspeed, Carl!
I've only been back in the hobby for a little less than 2 years, and have never met Carl, but it feels like I've lost a member of the family.

Best wishes to the rest of the family.
I read this and was so stunned I didn't know what to say. I still don't. My condolences to the Semroc family.
Folks -

I just spoke with Sheryl and got the following information:

The Wake is at Strickland Funeral Home in Wendell, N.C. On Wednesday From 6 to 8 PM.

The Funeral is on Thursday at 3 PM. At Bethlehem Baptist Church on 8400 Poole Rd. Knightdale, N.C. 27545

I asked Sheryl if there was a charity or fund she would like folks to donate to and she said yes - Carl worked with the youth at Bethlehem Baptist so she suggested that donations be made in Carl's memory to the Bethlehem Baptist Church Youth Outreach Programs.

Carl was one of the finest gentleman I've ever known. He was more than just a friend - he was family. He was a mentor to both rocketeers and new manufacturers. He is directly responsible for quite a number of the newer manufacturers getting started with his encouragement and assistance. Loss of this man cannot be measured.

My heart goes out to Sheryl, Bruce, Lisa and their little ones. They will be in my thoughts and prayers.

John Dyer
President and owner
Red River Rocketry
I am so, so sorry to learn about this.

My condolences to his family and friends. I never had the chance to meet him in person but I could tell by my interactions with him as a customer that he was a great hobby supporter and a good man.
I don't want to say anything about rockets, or the Semroc Company. Much as been said already and, hard as it is to believe, it is understated.

It has taken me a while to be able to say anything at all.

I want to say that the world in general and Carl's community in particular have lost a wonderful human being. I never met him personally, only spoke to him by phone a few time and had a few more email conversations with him. He was always the consummate gentleman, solicitous of other people and a genuine nice guy. He cared about people. He will be missed for that more than anything else.

Peace and Grace to the McLawhorn family and all those who knew him. The world is a bit less lustrous as a result of this loss.