Trouble with (the absolutely Epic) Open Rocket

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Oct 27, 2012
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First: Huge thanks for this amazing open source software. It looks like there are lots of ways anyone could help this project out, so I hope to eventually get to it.

I am running Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit.

I DL'd the jar, and open it from the terminal.

I can work on rockets and save my changes - modifying CG, over riding mass, changing things, etc

However, all my simulations, and my simulation settings - including location and all of my motor configurations are lost every time I close the program.

Any ideas?

Also, is there a way to set a default launch field? It would be great if there was a config file, with a list of sites, like you just released for components...

Thanks again for this amazing software.
I don't use Open Rocket so I can't help there, but the idea of launch site files, like .eng files is a great idea!

Of course, there are a lot of rocket files available, but a file that had enough basic info for a lot of kits so you could run quick sims on the kits with various motors would be great too. You wouldn't necessarily be able to view or edit components for each kit, but the sim parameters such as diameter, Cd, weight, etc could be in the file.
Are you saving in OpenRocket format (.ork) or Rocksim (.rkt)? Simulations and motor configs are only saved in .ork format currently.

open rocket will save those things; provided you save as an open roket(.ork) file. it will not save them in a rocsim file(.rkt).
That's it! I started with rocksim files, because that's all I had. It never crossed my mind to save the file differently.


Maybe I'll look into volunteering to add launch site files to O.R. in the spring.

It might be fun if you were going to one of the big annual events to DL the launch site file ahead of time. Nice to know average wind speed, etc. The Android app could log the GPS (maybe it already does, haven't checked it out yet.)