Sugar rocket propulsion help :) im new!

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New Member
Sep 23, 2012
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Hey guys, im new here! :smile:
i would like some help on a sugar rocket i made a day ago. The rocket was made with 35% sugar and 65% potassium using the disolve and cook method. I put the mix into a 2 inch pvc pipe. The concrete nozzle has a 3/4inch hole with 12 degree slope outward after the hole. the cap is cement too. I used around 20 oz of the sugar fuel in the tube and there is a 1/2 inch bore hole in the fuel all the way to the cap. The fuel is about 8 inches of grain and the whole engine is 14 inches weighing (2 pounds 8 oz's).
how much thrust in pounds will this give?
Will it lift the rocket if the whole rocket weighs 6 lbs?
this is a test rocket and will have no recover system, im shooting it in a 100+ acre field used for crops. (friend owns field).
I wanted to make the rocket body out of pvc because it is stable and is a test rocket. if not i could maybe make a little lighter than 6 lbs.

Please give me some help, first sugar rocket :)

Nick :dark:
You're not to discuss motor manufacture in the Propulsion forum. If you're L1, you can apply for research forum access, or you can ask the Rocketry Planet forums where they have no such rule.

Secondly, motors usually have the nozzle throat diameter smaller than the core diameter so that the flow will be able to choke at the nozzle and not within the propellant.

Finally, to answer your main question, if you want to find out how much thrust it produces, make a test stand and do a static fire.
Sorry, im getting used to the forum and rules! I am in the process of becoming lvl 1, just havent gotten paperwork back yet. then going straight to lvl 2! and hopefully 3 :)
Personally I would take some time with level one, there is a lot to learn and enjoy. The H-I range opens up a lot of possibilities and some fantastic engines, the CTI Skidmarks and the Aerotech I600R among them. Engine design is complicated and vexing, and is a subject fraught with hazards and difficulties, I do not trust myself to build one at the moment, if you can get someone to help you, and there are plenty no matter which country you are in, then I think everyone would feel much safer. But most off all, enjoy your time here, stay safe, and have fun.
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I hurried to level 2 so I could do research. I still fly lots of mid power and level 1 motors.

No rush for level 3 until I am in an area where I can fly them regularly.
Sounds like you've got a lot to learn before you actually fly anything... A rocket with no recovery system is not a rocket, it's a projectile... and you need a HECK of a lot more room to fly this thing than 100 acres... IF it even flies successfully, it'll core sample in... and if it perforate something or someone when it hits the ground, YOU will be legally liable for the damages, because NO insurance is going to cover such a flight... (you're not flying at a Tripoli research launch). In addition, this flight should require an FAA waiver (which you probably don't have) and of course the "100 acre site" you mention might not even be legal to fly this thing at, depending on its proximity to airport approach flight paths or air routes, etc. Flying this thing in controlled airspace without a waiver can get you in deep kimchee... heck even if it's not controlled airspace, the FAA will probably send some gentlemen with suits and sunglasses out to see you...

There's more to rocketry than mixing propellants and shooting off PVC pipes with no recovery systems... I hope you'll take the time to actually learn the ins and outs of things before you jump in the deep end and find out you don't know how to swim...

Later and good luck! OL JR :)
There's more to rocketry than mixing propellants and shooting off PVC pipes with no recovery systems... I hope you'll take the time to actually learn the ins and outs of things before you jump in the deep end and find out you don't know how to swim...

Later and good luck! OL JR :)

It's kind of funny you make that comment... Its naturally kind of like - how we got started. Only they were much worse than plastic.

"Fast".. If you want to go "Fast" you will need better tools, and better propellant. Forums are good for what they are intended, but this is the last place to "design" or have your "design" reviewed. Mainly, because there are a lot who talk and dont do anything really...OR, will say somehting "wont work", because they want to prove you wrong (only on a forum), or it suits thier ego. Motors are very different from maker to maker, and from propellant to propellant. So, you gave your specifics, problem is no one here has experience with "your propelant", so no one can answer intellegantly. Motor making is a skill you "learn" through experience. Likewise you will get a lot of "differ to local EX club", Not to mention the TRF position, this aides in activity that society see's as michevious, and hazardous, even criminal.

Its a rediculous position for those who made PVC sugar motors, to admonish those who said "hey , i could do that".
Although... PVC motors had thier time, and - no more!

I wonder when they will say CF motors are frangible......
You're not to discuss motor manufacture in the Propulsion forum. If you're L1, you can apply for research forum access, or you can ask the Rocketry Planet forums where they have no such rule.

Ok so where or to who do we request research forum access?
I found the info in the rules section after posting that. Thanks.