Pumpkin Spice Apocalypse!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
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Probably due to climate change and Earth's shifting magnetic field, my worst fears of Pumpkin Spice invasion are coming true!

I've thought for years that the infestation has started earlier and earlier in the year. Now we have data to prove it!


We're just a few short steps away from year round assault. Pumpkin spice ale, pumpkin spice car fresheners, pumpkin spice dog treats. You just watch, the Apocalypse is coming!
Probably due to climate change and Earth's shifting magnetic field, my worst fears of Pumpkin Spice invasion are coming true!

I've thought for years that the infestation has started earlier and earlier in the year. Now we have data to prove it!

View attachment 598806

We're just a few short steps away from year round assault. Pumpkin spice ale, pumpkin spice car fresheners, pumpkin spice dog treats. You just watch, the Apocalypse is coming!
Why not Halloween Costumes were out at Costco, and Halloween candy was on sale at WalMart.....
It's true. I walked into WAWA recently, and they had also broken out the Pumpkin Spice, and I turned to the person behind me and said "It's still August, we're not in fall yet". To be fair though... once those pumpkin pies start hitting the shelves..... I can't control myself. MMmmmmmmm...... MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm.....
That's like McDonald's selling Shamrock Shakes in February. An abomination.
I used to like those as a kid and kinda wished they had sold them year-round. But now as an adult (sorta); I see that something seasonal should be SEASONAL.
I'd gladly trade your pumpkin spice with my cumin floor disaster...

Last Saturday, while I was trying to refill my ice cube trays, a brand new, full bottle of cumin got knocked over, fell off the counter, tumbled to the tile floor, then proceeded to explode. My bare feet, and legs were peppered (<- spice pun) with glass. The two freezer drawers I had pulled out (and placed on the floor, while I was transferring the ice cube trays to and from the counter space) were in the blast zone... So, the ice I had still was (perhaps) sprinkled with glass shards, the ice cube trays that has just been filled, may have been sprinkled with glass shards, and I had to figure a way to get myself out of the kitchen with bare feet through all(that)spice and broken glass (I threw a towel down, and used that to protect my feet while I made my exit to the door). After cleaning the floor, I had to dump everything, wash everything, and hope that I got all the glass out everything. Needless to say, my language was a bit... Salty (Thank goodness my poor neighbors don't speak English... otherwise, they're getting a great lesson in practical swearing).

Now, for those who don't know about cumin, its used in salsa, and other Mexican food. While it tastes good, it has a rather distinctive smell (reminiscent of body odor)... I liken it to the smell of my grandfather after he had spent all afternoon, in summer (>~100 F in the sunlight), roofing a house (he was a carpenter). It's pungent to say the least.. Despite my best efforts to clean the apartment, it smells like BO, and I'm 100% certain that somethyme between now and when I move out of here, there will be at least one shard of glass that I somehow missed, that I will find with/in my foot). Now why it makes salsa taste so good is a question that will likely never be answered... I know, I tried...

Q: "Why does cumin smell so bad, but make food taste so good?"
A: "42."

You see, the universe didn't implode, as you're reading this now. So that can't be the answer.
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Funny true story...

One day I was over at my mom's for dinner, and she was making Mexican food... You know, tacos, chips, salsa, guac, and Margaritas. I had just arrived (in summer) after bicycling, and being sweaty, I took a shower... I come downstairs, and the kitchen reeks of BO. My mom asked "Jim, I thought you were going to take a shower". Me, I was thinking that she had skipped hers for the week... "I just did mom..." it was then we connected the cumin she was using with the BO smell and it's still good for a laugh at her house.
As re; the Pumpkin Spice Girl: She was the full figured girl! LOLOLOLOL! I LOVE full figured ladies, myself. Cheers
Fat-bottom girls, you make the rockin' world go 'round....
I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can deny, but when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and round thing in your face, you get sprung...
I'd gladly trade your pumpkin spice with my cumin floor disaster...
The next time you're making a pumpkin pie, try replacing about 10% of the cinnamon with cumin. You won't be sorry. I've even done the 10% substitution in a simple jar of cinnamon sugar, and it's great. It doesn't taste cuminy, but it makes the cinnamon taste cinnamonier. (But also use a higher cinnamon to sugar ratio than the premixed stuff you can buy.)

Now, for those who don't know about cumin, its used in salsa, and other Mexican food. While it tastes good, it has a rather distinctive smell (reminiscent of body odor)... I liken it to the smell of my grandfather after he had spent all afternoon, in summer (>~100 F in the sunlight), roofing a house (he was a carpenter). It's pungent to say the least.
I haven't noticed it in the salsas that Ive had, but it is certainly the main flavoring spice (not the heat, but the flavor) in chili. Cumin, the chili peppers of your choice, salt, more cumin, and then lots of other stuff. It's also present in many curries.

I've never heard of or thought of likening its smell to BO. If my BO smelled like cumin, I'd never take a shower.
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Starbucks announced last week that Pumpkin Spice is now available. Best news I've heard in awhile... PSL is my favorite Starbucks drink. They normally stop selling it in January, but one of my local Starbucks had it until about April this year... it may end up being a year-round thing like peppermint is now.
I've never heard of or thought of likening its smell to BO. If my BO smelled like cumin, I'd never take a shower.
Oh, wait, did you mean cilantro? That is used very often in salsa and smells like BO mixed with soap. It's the leaves of the same plant as coriander seeds; did you mean coriander?
Now, for those who don't know about cumin, its used in salsa, and other Mexican food. While it tastes good, it has a rather distinctive smell (reminiscent of body odor)... I liken it to the smell of my grandfather after he had spent all afternoon, in summer (>~100 F in the sunlight), roofing a house (he was a carpenter). It's pungent to say the least.. Despite my best efforts to clean the apartment, it smells like BO, and I'm 100% certain that somethyme between now and when I move out of here, there will be at least one shard of glass that I somehow missed, that I will find with/in my foot). Now why it makes salsa taste so good is a question that will likely never be answered... I know, I tried...
My chili recipe calls for simmering some rather tough cuts of meat for several hours in a mix of cumin and garlic powder before adding any of the other ingredients. THAT combination smells like stinky feet....

jq, I'm just guessing here, but you may have a hole in your genes ;)

Wow, OK. Never woulda thought "The spice is commonly paired with cumin and cinnamon because they share similar flavor traits". I honestly thought you were yanking *MY* chain when you suggested mixing cumin and cinnamon together... Hmmm... I wonder what the famous Chinese five spices are: How much do you wanna bet cumin, cinnamon, and anise are three of them? Well, I just checked and you'd be wrong (1/3 wrong to be precise). It's made from Star Anise, Fennel Seeds, Szechuan Peppercorns ( or regular peppercorns), whole Cloves and cinnamon.

Let's just not go down the "asparagus pee" rabbit hole... Love the vegi... Hate even thinking about the side effect...
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I know about the genetic thing, and I don't think I have it. I know people who absolutely can't stand it, who taste nothing but "foul soap", and that rather intensely. Me, I detect the foulness and soapiness, but not overwhelmingly. It doesn't ruin every dish it touches, but it does invariably make them worse. Obviously, I never use it voluntarily.

There are a number of combinations that behave as I described cinnamon and cumin. A dash of lime juice in a recipe using lemon juice just makes it lemonier, and vice versa, and when they're mixed 50:50 or so it becomes something different. A pinch of instant coffee in a recipe that calls for cocoa will intensify it, and a coffee cocoa mix is a different thing. (A pinch of cocoa in the coffee doesn't seem to do the same thing, in my experience.)