Old adages reworked for rocketry - feel free to add your own ideas

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
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Don't Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch could be converted to rocketry as:

Don't Count Your Parachutes Before They Deploy

We need more...
How about:

"A rocket on the pad is worth two in the build queue."
"A rocket in the air is worth two in the build queue."
will not be seen on a trotting horse
once it leaves the pad nobody can see the flaws
"No, Dear, this is a COMPLETLY different rocket!"
"Meh, that'll clean up with a little 409"
"Sorry, I was trying out a new epoxy-it's stronger"
"No, these are not new pants."
"Whaddya mean "do I have just a plain white T-shirt?"
"Please don't smoke in here"
"The kit was only a hundred bucks , but the motors were free"
and last but not least:
"What she doesn't know won't hurt me."
A fool and his money will soon part ...
A man who loves rockets will have no money

A man is known by the company he keeps ...
A man is known by the rockets he builds
If you play with fire you're going to get burned: If you play with sucrose, you're going to get burned.
A fine appearance is a poor substitute for inner worth: Fine paint is a poor substitute for internal fillets.
A man chases a woman until she catches him: A man chases a rocket until it chases him.
A picture is worth a thousand words: A launch is worth a thousand builds.
A rising tide raises all boats: A thermal raises all rockets.
What goes up must come down...unless it's a rocket.
If at first you don't succeed ...

... add more nose weight
... fly, fly again
... use more BP
... try a bigger motor
... replace the Copperhead
... make sure the correct bank of launch pads is selected

-- Roger
adapted from the 19 laws of Golf...

LAW 1:

Your best launch ever will be followed almost immediately by
your worst launch ever. The probability of the latter increases
with the number of people you tell about the former who then
come to witness the latter.

LAW 2:

Trees, water, and power lines eat rockets. In fact, that the more
expensive the rocket, the greater its attraction to the aforementioned

LAW 3:

Rockets never fall off of trees on their own. If one does, the tree
is breaking a fundamental law of the universe and should be cut

LAW 4:

A professionally painted rocket will look totally awesome prior to
it's first flight.

LAW 5:

The off-range car you accidentally hit will be owned by a football
player, a professional wrestler, a convicted murderer, or an IRS

LAW 6:

The off-range house you accidentally hit will be owned by a BATFE

LAW 7:

Rockets from the same "manufacturer" (you) tend to follow one another,
particularly into trees or into the water. See LAW 2.

LAW 8 (also called "Tim's Law"):

A mach shred is a thing of awesome power and beauty.

LAW 9:

The smallest motor will start the biggest range fire.

LAW 10:

Your next launch opportunity will automatically adjust your fleet
size to what it really should be.

LAW 11:

Rocketry should be given up at least once per month.

LAW 12:

Since bad launches come in groups of three, your fourth
consecutive bad launch is really the beginning of the next group
of three.

LAW 13:

When you look up at a wayward rocket, you will always
look down again at exactly the moment when you should have
continued watching the rocket if you ever wanted to see it again.

LAW 14:

50/50 chance the person finding your rocket will return it to you.

LAW 15:

Putting your name on your rocket will ensure the person who found
it knows who NOT to respond to on ebay. (see LAW 14)

LAW 16:

You can land on a 200 acre field 10% of the time, and a 2-inch
branch 50 feet up a tree 90% of the time.

LAW 17:

Every time a rocketeer has a perfect flight, he must subsequently
lose two rockets to restore the fundamental equilibrium of the

LAW 18:

There is only one thing you can learn by attaching a vide camera
to your rocket... how insanely expensive video cameras really

LAW 19:

A rocket you can see in the field from 50 yards away is not yours.
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A stitch in time saves nylon parachutes.
Better late than miss the whole launch.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
The rocket doesn't fall from the tree

A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are built for
A rocket on the shelf is safe, but that is not what rockets are built for

A rocketeer's build queue is never done

Don't judge a rocket by its paint job

The grass is always taller where your rocket decided to land

When it rains, it pours on the launch

The chute attachment is as strong as the weakest link

A rocketeer and their moey are soon parted
This one doesn't need re-working for rocketry - Good all Murphy summed it up
If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong
as in:
Forgot to tighten the forward closure
Forgot to connect the parachute
Didn't check the battery for the electronics
Didn't sim the design
This one doesn't need re-working for rocketry - Good all Murphy summed it up
If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong
as in:
Forgot to tighten the forward closure
Forgot to connect the parachute
Didn't check the battery for the electronics
Didn't sim the design
Didn't attach the quick link?

adapted from the 19 laws of Golf...

LAW 1: etc:

OMG-That's hilarious! My boss (Vp/CFO) has the Laws of Golf in his office. I'm going to get this printed out and framed to put in mine. He gloated the other day about how 'his hobby was cheaper than mine'...makes me a little worried about my next raise....
Thank you for making my day so much brighter!
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If at first you don't succeed, launch, launch again!

Life is like a box of parts... ...you never know what you're going to build...

Walk softly and carry a big rocket!

One little, two little, three little boosters... :)
No, my rocket is lawn-darting... it is simply traveling upwards in the wrong direction. :)
A rocket imitating a lawn dart means the local hobby store makes money!
A rocket imitating a lawn dart means hubby will sleep on the couch buying a new rocket instead of roses on their anniversary!
A rocket imitating a lawn dart means I sue the chute maker!
A rocket imitating a lawn dart means I drank to much beer building it!
A rocket in flight tends to stay in flight, a rocket on the pad tends to stay on the pad.
The speed of your rocket is equal to how large of a motor you can shove in the mount. (Lol... Does it work?)
For every good launch, there is an equal and just as worse CATO.
If you can't stand the heat ... skip the June, July, and August launches.

-- Roger

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