Motors not showing up in RS 10

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Jul 28, 2015
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I need help to sort out why Rocksim10 is not showing me CTI motors in the data base (nor any other vendor motor besides Aerotech and Estes).

I have downloaded the latest .rse and/or .eng files and loaded them in RS. I verified the files here are in the folder at the engine data path.


I can see dozens of motos in the Cesaroni files when I open them in Notepad.


When I go to select a motor in RS, I get only two options for CTI motors.


I am guessing it's a simple pointing error and RS is not looking in the right place but I don't know how to find or fix it. Help?


Not sure if this is a problem, but you have both .rse and .eng files loaded. That may cause duplication errors for the individual motors inside.

Also some motor mfg designations in the file may be called "CTI", whereas others are "Cesaroni Technology Incorporated." I think there is a string filter to catch that when when you load engines in simulation prep.
I would try removing the ,eng files from your selections keeping the .rse files only with the manufactures that you have both options selected. .rse files are the only ones I have selected and is working fine.
Not sure if this is a problem, but you have both .rse and .eng files loaded. That may cause duplication errors for the individual motors inside.

Also some motor mfg designations in the file may be called "CTI", whereas others are "Cesaroni Technology Incorporated." I think there is a string filter to catch that when when you load engines in simulation prep.
I'll try keeping just one type of file. However, none of the other manufacturer motors are showing up, even when I select "all" for maker and diameter.
I'll try keeping just one type of file. However, none of the other manufacturer motors are showing up, even when I select "all" for maker and diameter.

I recall a weird event one time where motors were not showing up for me. I toggled all the filters in the engine selection window, and it finally came back to life.
Use .rse files for all manufacturers.
Agree. If a motor is missing from the .rse file and only available as .eng format in Thrustcurve (L1000 comes to mind from a few years ago), I download that single motor as .eng and add it to the list in Rocksim. That way there is no duplication.