Jarvis article PDF?

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May 1, 2011
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So, now that Rocketry Planet is gone, along with all the great info that had amassed there, I'm of course needing something from there. I know that all that info is not completely gone, and there are plans to someday make it all available somewhere, but who knows how long that is going to take (or indeed, if it will happen at all). As it stands, I have no way to access it.

I remember one or more folks here said that they had happened to save a pdf of Jim Jarvis's carbon construction series before the shut down. Adrian's Violent Agreement piece is another one. I'd love to get copies if possible.

I have tried the Wayback Machine, and came up empty on this one.

So, anyone have a copies they'd be willing to send my way? You could forward it to me in a pm, or I could pm you my email address and you could send it there. It would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance, s6
I have a copy but its 80MB. Not sure if it will go through email even. Ideas on a host?
It would be awesome to post it on here as a sticky.

Dropbox works great but it does cost money to set it up and have an account.

That said, I'm sure there are lots of folks here on TRF that would be interested in getting a copy of this, or maybe other similiar bits.

Perhaps someone (I'd maybe be willing) could set up a kind of group account that we could all access. If anyone who wanted a copy chipped in a couple of bucks, the aggregate could cover the cost of an account, and then each of those people would have access. Other similiar info could be uploaded there for distribution.

If enough folks are interested, I'll look into the logistics and post the proposal here.

I don't know Google Drive - is it free? Or are there other free alternatives? That would of course be preferable and much easier.

Uploading to google drive. Cant believe I didnt think of that earlier :blush:


Very cool. I went to the link and it said that the file was too big and/or incomplete, but there was also a button to click that said "download anyway". Of course I hit it and it seems to have come through just fine. 263 pages!! Thanks so much for doing this - I owe you one.

And of course, thanks to Jim for posting such a fabulous resource in the first place - we ALL owe you one.

cheers, s6
I have Part 1 & Part 2 in MS Word if anyone is interested. part 1 is 15.6M and part 2 is 9.5M. Total page count is 206 and I believe I have all of it.

I have two files, both with dates that are different from the December 2008 date of the file that Lucas uploaded to google docs. I have a first edition, which is dated October 10, 2009 and a Part 2, which is dated May 25, 2011. I uploaded both to google drive.

Here is the link to Jim Jarvis’s guide to carbon fiber part 1 (Oct 2009):


Here is the link to Jim Jarvis’s guide to carbon fiber part 2 (May 2011):

The Google Docs warning is in reference to their virus scanner. The file is too big for it to scan.