GAR 1 Quick Build

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2018
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I so enjoyed launching my Mini Black Brant and Mini Tempest at the launch last Saturday that I decided it was time to add to the mini fleet.

Went back and forth but I just didn't have nose cones that were close enough for several of the rockets I was considering. I have been designing the heck out of AIM-4 Falcon rockets lately and haven't decided which variant or to build a BT-60 or BT 80 size. I thought why not build a mini GAR 1. The GAR 1 was pretty much the granddaddy of them all
GAR 1 Falcon Photo.jpg

So I started this morning with the fins. I started with 1/16th balsa and planned to paper them with Avery label paper so I cut out some blanks.
GAR 1 Mini Fin Pieces.jpg

I got them all cut out and papered, then I started to try to round the leading edges out a bit and it just wasn't working for me. So I got out the 1/32 basswood and cut another set of fins. I weighed them both and the papered balsa fins were .009 of an ounce while the basswood fins were .010 of an ounce. I decided to go with the basswood.
GAR 1 Mini Fins.jpg

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Next thing was to make the kit so I got out the pieces/parts boxes and after some cutting and trimming this is what I ended up with. Those strips at the bottom are cardboard and will simulate the fin flanges
GAR 1 Mini Kit.jpg

First thing I did was glue on one side of the fin flange. My hope was that it would help keep the fin straight. Since the fin is cross grain, it is like very flexible like a piece of spaghetti. Next I glued the fins on, butting them up against the flange so they would be nice and straight. I had just finished the second one when I noticed the front of the first fin had lifted off the body tube. When I pushed the front down, the back lifted up. The moisture in the glue and the cross-grain of the wood was allowing the fin to warp. I ended up hold them in place until the glue set up better. The last two fins were locked in place using a dab of CA at the front and back.
GAR 1 Mini Fin Flanges.jpg

I moved on to the front fins next. They are also 1/32nd basswood. Nothing really to say here just like installing the motor mount. Seen one, seen them all :) I also applied a fillet of Quick and Thick to all the fins for a nice fillet.

I had to sand down the nose cone shoulder for it to fit well. I haven't attached the bottom of the nose cone because I am going to need a little weight. This is how she sits now:
GAR 1 Mini Assy.jpg

She still needs the launch lug but I think I am going to primer the whole rocket first and get nice and smooth. Then I will sand off the arear for the launch lug and glue it on. That will make the sanding much easier. That can be pretty tough on little ones like this. BTW, it's a BT-20 body tube and will fly with 13mm motors. It is 9 1/8th inches long.

Going to let her sit overnight for the glue to dry then it'll be off to the primer shop.

Thank you. it's coming along. I was about to spray some white when I realized that I still needed to glue in the launch lug. So I scrapped off some paint, glued it on and sprayed a little touch up primer today.

I try not to rush the paint process. To keep me from doing such a thing I am going to start a new build tomorrow :) It'll be in the "Scale" forum this time

I had a little primer touch up from where I added the launch lug but I got that done and she is all white now. Well expect the nose cone.
GAR 1 Falcon White.jpg

Started my other build thread over in the scale forum. If you like Falcon missiles check it out.

The build continues with the nose cone. OR shows I need .6 ounce of weight in the nose. I have some BBs that I bought just for this so I got them out and measured that 4 of them weigh .5 ounce so I figured the epoxy will weigh some too.

First thing was to install some pins to keep the weight from coming loose so I drilled three holes and inserted some basswood slivers in there.
GAR 1 Pins Out.jpg

Next step was to get everything ready for the gluing. The blue tape is there sticky side up to keep those little BBs from rolling away
GAR 1 Mini Pins BBs.jpg

Then I put a wrap of tape around the nose cone so it would stand up and I put it on the scale. Next I mixed up some epoxy and put some in the nose cone, then added the the BBs and a little more epoxy until I had .6 ounces in there. I set it aside to cure
GAR 1 Falcon Nose Wieght.jpg

Next was the paint shop. Time to add some color so after a lot of measuring and even more taping the rear was ready to spray. Every time I see a tape job like this with all the little pieces I think I am going to get some overspray/leakage somewhere because it looks so horrible. So I double and triple check that no tape has come loose, cross my fingers and spray.
GAR 1 Falcon Rear Mask.jpg

I'm using lacquer so after a little wait it's time to peel tape and I got lucky this time. I only did the back this spray. There is more to do up front but I find I get better results if I concentrate on smaller areas even if it means multiple sprays. BTW, the true color of the orange is in the picture above. The lighting was weird when I took this photo.
GAR 1 Falcon Rear Paint.jpg

That's it for today,
I've been bust on my Super Falcon build over in the "Scale" forum but little guy has gotten some love too.

I have all the paint work done now. It was looking a little blah so I decided to try my hand at adding some panel lines. I think it makes it look a lot better. I just wish my line were a little more uniform.
GAR 1 Falcon Painted.jpg

I still need to make a few decals and get them installed. I'll need to clear coat after. Also need to make and attach a steamer for recovery.

I finished her last week and she had her first launch on Saturday. Didn't go quite as planned tumbling the whole time. I think even a 5mph wind was too much for those big fins and her light weight. No damage and it will be back another day.

GAR 1 Falcon On Pad.jpg

I flew my other 3 mini's (Black Brant Vc, Tempest 2 stage and Nike X) and my Nike X won a rocket for landing closest to the pad.
