Can't wait to try these :D

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Papa Elf
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Penns Creek, PA
The other day a friend of mine was cleaning up his workshop, and he gave me these:

Kosdon I130

These loads are for the Kosdon 38/640 case, and use a 390 nozzle. They have a total impulse of 550 n/s, and have a c-slot configuration, which gives the motor a 4 second burn. :D

They are also certified... I have till Dec 2005 to use up all four loads :D
Doug you are beginning to suck even more than before....
:p p :p :p :p :p :p :D
Those are some of my favorite 38mm motors... they go great in a LOC Vulcanite (~7400 feet) or a LOC Expediter (~3500 feet). Nice long burn with a great flame, and LOUD!
Two of the Grains are marked Dirty Harry... my question is... was the I130 a dirty carry motor, or the Slow formula? Or did they call their Slow formula dirty harry because it produced more smoke? I am not that familar with Kosdon loads... :( I know two of the grains are certified.... but the ones mark Dirty Harry, I have to question?
The I130 was/is a C-Slot Slow propellant load... those are the ones that are certified, probably. Slow is basically a slow version of Fast. I bet Kosdon just used a little red iron oxide in the Fast to speed it up, the flames and sounds are almost identical (slow has a large orange flame, fast has a large orange flame separated from the motor by a bit). Compare the flames on my Arcas: K350 slow vs. K700 Fast . The Dirty Harry loads will produce a lower average thrust with some dense black smoke, and perhaps a longer burn time. (here's my I-ROC on an I255DH) I'd expect about an I110 out of the Dirty Harrys. It's only a little slower than slow... and none of Kosdon's motors are slow! :D

Sounds like fun :cool:
David's right. Even the Dirty Harry motors are incredibly fast. I saw one fly last month. It was an I 300 something or other.:rolleyes: It took off quite fast and went pretty high.

The coolest Kosdon Motor i've seen so far is the Kosdon by Aerotech K600. Rob Bazinet flew on in a 3" all fiberglass rocket at METRA a couple of weeks ago. Nice and loud. Very cool.:cool:
I have seen some awsome pictures of M dirty harry motors. Does anyone have any?

I really want to see those DH's Doug. When are you going to launch them?
There's a really cool picture of a 7.5" Nike Smoke flying on an M1015 Dirty Harry in the Smokin Rockets photo gallery. It's about 3/4 of the way down. It's the 13th photo from the bottom.
I ran into a snag. Paul at AMW is away and won't be back in time for the next CMASS launch... so I am unable to obtain a 390 nozzle through him in time. So I was wondering if anyone here has a Kosdon 390 nozzle I could use with my I130 loads?

I need it by the 22nd :(

I will also e-mail the club list.
Nick, That was the pic I was talking about everyone should looks at it, it is so awsome