EVENT AIRFest 26 (2020)

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that too, maybe it was listed as a bigger motor to pass RSO
it could have easily arced into the crowd

Knowing the group that made the rocket, they wouldn't have falsified a flight card.

If Bob or any of the other Kloudbusters thought there was even a chance of that having been done, trust me, that group would be persona not grata in Argonia.


Arizona is on the list, but we haven’t been there since May. We’re staying at our place in Red River, NM and catching trout, not Covid-19. New Mexico’s governor says stay home. If we leave NM and come back, we have to self quarantine for two weeks, so it’s not looking good as far as Airfest. Our travel trailer is still in AZ, a trip back there is NOT an option.
Knowing the group that made the rocket, they wouldn't have falsified a flight card.

If Bob or any of the other Kloudbusters thought there was even a chance of that having been done, trust me, that group would be persona not grata in Argonia.


It just seems odd and knowing why would be a good thing
experienced motor makers rarely make mistakes

getting a rocket to chute activation altitude is paramount on any project
Still a lot of time between now and Airfest. AirFest would be a lot better if you and Sharon were there (assuming I get to go). I wonder if you would want to go get the trailer and quarantine in NM for two weeks. Isn’t that what you’re basically doing anyway?
Still a lot of time between now and Airfest. AirFest would be a lot better if you and Sharon were there (assuming I get to go). I wonder if you would want to go get the trailer and quarantine in NM for two weeks. Isn’t that what you’re basically doing anyway?

Joe, Wayne and I have discussed it. All options are still on the table. We will make the decision in a month. A lot can happen in a month.

One of our issues is that my 85 year old father is with us in New Mexico and I will refuse any option that will endanger him.
Joe, Wayne and I have discussed it. All options are still on the table. We will make the decision in a month. A lot can happen in a month.

One of our issues is that my 85 year old father is with us in New Mexico and I will refuse any option that will endanger him.

I understand. My 88 year old mother lives with me and Cyndee. Almost nobody comes into our home. And when they do, they wear a mask.
Funny that Texas & California didn’t make the list.
I don't think funny is the right word, and I'm from Texas! However the list was last updated June 29th and is only reviewed every 2 weeks. I would assume when they update it on Monday (or whenever), Texas will be on the list. If not, what's the point?

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It will be like the times we used to work RSO together

Whaddya mean "used to"? We just moved farther out. :)

Adrian really needs to adjust his schedule so he can work with both of us at the same time! He has no idea how much fun he's going to miss out on!

Whaddya mean "used to"? We just moved farther out. :)

Adrian really needs to adjust his schedule so he can work with both of us at the same time! He has no idea how much fun he's going to miss out on!

I’m not sure I could handle that much excitement...🤔
The updated Kansas quarantine list is out and Texas still hasn't made the list , yea now all we have to do is wait 2 more weeks for the next update.

Everybody stay safe out there 🙂
I guess the list that matters will be about a month from now. Here’s hoping Texas, Utah, and Arizona aren’t on that list.
I guess the list that matters will be about a month from now. Here’s hoping Texas, Utah, and Arizona aren’t on that list.
Read the list closely. It doesn’t say that anyone from the listed states must quarantine, it says people from these states who can’t social distance must quarantine. If you travel to AirFest and social distance you are not required to quarantine.
Folks, it’s all about being responsible.Stay 6’ away from folks at all times. Wear a mask going through RSO and racking your rocket. If you don’t want to wear a mask that’s certainly your choice but don’t be surprised if you are turned away from RSO. Quite frankly, I personally would rather the folks who won’t wear a mask as appropriate just not show up. None of us want to get sick. Don’t be the dolt that puts many at risk.
Bob, I agree with your interpretation of the quarantine requirement. When I read it, I immediately went into lawyer mode and started parsing the words. I’d still be happier if Utah doesn’t make the list. But I’ll probably still come if Utah ends up on the list. I’m an introvert. I like social distancing.
Plus, it's Argonia - it'll be hot and dusty. A mask will reduce how much dust you inhale.

Not to mention the stylish tan lines we'll all have! :)

Hey! I like hot and dusty and clear skies! The alternative is cool, overcast, and rainy which equates to no rockets being flown and trucks getting stuck on the "dirt" roads surrounding the rocket pasture even though we warned them every 5 minutes don't go that way. Just sayin'
Hey! I like hot and dusty and clear skies! The alternative is cool, overcast, and rainy which equates to no rockets being flown and trucks getting stuck on the "dirt" roads surrounding the rocket pasture even though we warned them every 5 minutes don't go that way. Just sayin'

With that killer 50K waiver, clear skies are a huge plus!

Hey! I like hot and dusty and clear skies! The alternative is cool, overcast, and rainy which equates to no rockets being flown and trucks getting stuck on the "dirt" roads surrounding the rocket pasture even though we warned them every 5 minutes don't go that way. Just sayin'
Only rubes and newbies get stuck on the pasture or roads. ;)
Years ago we were at LDRS TX. There was a real cloud burst. They announced just stay put for 1 hour and you should be able to drive out. Well a good number of flyers tried to leave right away. Not a pretty site the flyers who listened drove right out. So for the guys who didn't listen they were in the ditches many slid offs. Just he smart and keep yourself out of problems.
Years ago we were at LDRS TX. There was a real cloud burst. They announced just stay put for 1 hour and you should be able to drive out. Well a good number of flyers tried to leave right away. Not a pretty site the flyers who listened drove right out. So for the guys who didn't listen they were in the ditches many slid offs. Just he smart and keep yourself out of problems.

LDRS 25, Amarillo, TX!

Years ago we were at LDRS TX. There was a real cloud burst. They announced just stay put for 1 hour and you should be able to drive out. Well a good number of flyers tried to leave right away. Not a pretty site the flyers who listened drove right out. So for the guys who didn't listen they were in the ditches many slid offs. Just he smart and keep yourself out of problems.

Robin and I were walking back to camp and we saw the storm cell coming. Packed up and headed out, got two drops on the windshield as we pulled onto the pavement.
We had pointed out the storm to those around us and they all said it’s not bad, not worried.
I was at rhe LCO table at the time. Tim Lehr wanted to take his rocket out to the pads. I told him no, a storm was coming and I was shutting down the range. He said "you skeert of a little sprinkle"?
I looked at the approaching squall line and said, "dude, I live here, and that front has SHTF wrote all over it".

He thanked me later.....

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