Nike Smoke

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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I do not build many scale rocketry models.

Having said that, I seem to like Nike Smoke models. Here is a picture of my three Nike Smoke models.

(L-R: Estes Pro Series II, F.S.I. & Centuri).

The Centuri model is old and flown many times. The nose cone is made from two vacuum-formed plastic halves.

The Flight Systems, Inc. model is one of the poorest quality model rocket kits I have ever built. It does fly well.

The Estes Pro Series II model will make it's first flight at the NSL in three weeks.

I still have Cosmodrome, MPC, New Way and Quest Nike Smoke models to build. :wink:

Nike Smokes.jpg
I do not build many scale rocketry models.

Having said that, I seem to like Nike Smoke models. Here is a picture of my three Nike Smoke models.

(L-R: Estes Pro Series II, F.S.I. & Centuri).

The Centuri model is old and flown many times. The nose cone is made from two vacuum-formed plastic halves.

The Flight Systems, Inc. model is one of the poorest quality model rocket kits I have ever built. It does fly well.

The Estes Pro Series II model will make it's first flight at the NSL in three weeks.

I still have Cosmodrome, MPC, New Way and Quest Nike Smoke models to build. :wink:

Nice Bob. Love the Nike Smokes.

I too love Nike Smokes ,but all I have is a 4" Polecat and Madcow 2.6" ,but indeed they are great stable rockets and just look cool !

Nice collection !

...and to think Chuck has that beautiful 10" monster :y:

Paul t
Just flew mine on Sat. The Nike Smoke is one of my favorite kits.

PR 5.5" Nike Smoke K1085WT
Chuck its redundant DD. Its not going to look right if you stretch it. It can be done as is you just have to be a bit more creative when packing your chutes. I cut the upper section to 11", the coupler is 1/3 in the upper and 2/3rds in the lower and is bolted into the upper. Put the NC bulk plate like 6-8" up inside the NC and your all set.

More Info.
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Same goes for my 5.5" scratch built Nike Smoke. Chute basically resides in the nosecone shoulder.

Wish I had a more recent picture of it painted. Rocket flew last weekend on a J480BB and suffered an early deployment due to an old RRC2. Video can be found here (bad iPhone video...I prefer to watch the rocket with my own eyes):


Here is my 5.5 inch Polecat Nike Smoke in single deploy mode, and stretched dual deploy mode. The stretched flies great, but does not look like a Smoke. Had I originally purchased it for DD, it would have had the main body tube shortened by the length of the ebay extension and looked like the Nike Smoke.NikeSmoke.jpgStretchedNike.jpg

I should note as well that doing it the way that I did, my 5.5" Smoke fits a 54-2550.
I should note as well that doing it the way that I did, my 5.5" Smoke fits a 54-2550.

Cool. The AMW 2550 is my next purchase (except for motors) after I get the RRC3 that is coming out. Have you flown the CTI L935 Imax (54 mm)? That is one awesome motor for 54 mm. My DD stretched Nike Smoke went Mach 1.04 and 7667 ft on it. Awesome flames and smoke too.

Cool. The AMW 2550 is my next purchase (except for motors) after I get the RRC3 that is coming out. Have you flown the CTI L935 Imax (54 mm)? That is one awesome motor for 54 mm. My DD stretched Nike Smoke went Mach 1.04 and 7667 ft on it. Awesome flames and smoke too.


Nope. It will be going up on an EX 2550 of some sort in the coming year. It's a good sized airframe for that motor!
Mines got a 75mm MM so it'll fit an M.

Cool Gary. I like mine so much, I am considering getting one in 75 mm and doing it right for DD so that it is scale. All in time. Yours must scream on 75 mm.

Was kind of brought out of hiding with Chuck Sackett's Project 463 over on the 'Scratch Build' thread - but saw this one - which is kind of near and dear to my heart.
Attached is my 'version' of the Smoke - this a scratch build 1/3 scale from LDRS 11 (linen phenolic main body tube, built-up nose cone turned on a metal lathe - 1x54 + 4x29 motor mount). Sadly, a day or two later, flying on a Vulcan L750 Hellfire and 4 Aerotech H125s, the H's lit and the Vulcan didn't. Very little electronics back then and this one didn't have any, so it ended up like Sackett's 463 - mostly trash. Such is rocketry.

-- john.
Attached is my 'version' of the Smoke - this a scratch build 1/3 scale from LDRS 11 (linen phenolic main body tube, built-up nose cone turned on a metal lathe - 1x54 + 4x29 motor mount).

Sounds familiar...


Sad end to yours. She was so pretty and one nicest I scale jobs on a Nike Smoke I have ever seen.
You had to see the detail to know what John did with it.

John ..

Was kind of brought out of hiding with Chuck Sackett's Project 463 over on the 'Scratch Build' thread - but saw this one - which is kind of near and dear to my heart.
Attached is my 'version' of the Smoke - this a scratch build 1/3 scale from LDRS 11 (linen phenolic main body tube, built-up nose cone turned on a metal lathe - 1x54 + 4x29 motor mount). Sadly, a day or two later, flying on a Vulcan L750 Hellfire and 4 Aerotech H125s, the H's lit and the Vulcan didn't. Very little electronics back then and this one didn't have any, so it ended up like Sackett's 463 - mostly trash. Such is rocketry.

-- john.
View attachment 128529
Today (Monday) I flew my Estes Pro Series II Nike Smoke on the last day of the National Sport Launch 2013.

Motor choice was an Estes (AeroTech) G80-7T.

At motor ignition the model just raced off the pad into the sky. It did go pretty high and was difficult for me to see for a few moments.

The parachute deployed just fine and after a long walk I was able to recover the model. Other than some dirt/dust on it, the model was fine. :)
NSL2013-021 G80-7T motor powers Nike Smoke into the sky.jpg
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A very gracious compliment, John.

Thank you.

-- john.


Sad end to yours. She was so pretty and one nicest I scale jobs on a Nike Smoke I have ever seen.
You had to see the detail to know what John did with it.

John ..
Is there a good high res cross section of the nose cone/body tube joint section? I'm doing a "Smoke inspired downscale scratch build" in BT55 using a conical Estes nose cone. My thought is to build up the body tube where it meets the cone, to give the impression of the outward flare at the base of the Smoke nose cone. But I'm not sure exactly what shape I need. I've got the tiff from JimZ site, but it's not quite at the resolution I'd like.

Is there a better drawing somewhere I could use as source material?


Marc, attached is a .pdf extraction from my Autocad drawing of my Smoke (see above in this thread) showing the thrust face area. This drawing started from Stine's drawing, but was expanded with other information (don't ask me where - long since forgotten) - but I feel reasonably confident the numbers are valid (I *did* do some measuring at Wallops and Goddard, but don't remember if this was part of it). The red numbers are the actual dimensions on a full size vehicle - the green are the scale (1:3 scale) dimensions. The 'thrust face' is shown (the actual separation plane (well, 'meeting' plane) on the real vehicle). There is a weld bead at the base (aft end) of the flare - not shown here, but extent is outlined.

Maybe this will help (hope I did this right).

-- john.

View attachment SMOKE-thrust face.pdf

Is there a good high res cross section of the nose cone/body tube joint section? I'm doing a "Smoke inspired downscale scratch build" in BT55 using a conical Estes nose cone. My thought is to build up the body tube where it meets the cone, to give the impression of the outward flare at the base of the Smoke nose cone. But I'm not sure exactly what shape I need. I've got the tiff from JimZ site, but it's not quite at the resolution I'd like.

Is there a better drawing somewhere I could use as source material?


Is there a good high res cross section of the nose cone/body tube joint section? I'm doing a "Smoke inspired downscale scratch build" in BT55 using a conical Estes nose cone. My thought is to build up the body tube where it meets the cone, to give the impression of the outward flare at the base of the Smoke nose cone. But I'm not sure exactly what shape I need. I've got the tiff from JimZ site, but it's not quite at the resolution I'd like.

Is there a better drawing somewhere I could use as source material?


there are some really nice Nike motor drawings on Josh Tschirhart's "Meatball Rocketry" site look under Model Rocketry and scale stuff
I would trust Tschirhart's / Biedron's numbers over mine -- if for no other reason than I can't cite any definitive sources on where they came from. I've had their drawings for awhile and should correct my drawing based on this info.

-- john.

there are some really nice Nike motor drawings on Josh Tschirhart's "Meatball Rocketry" site look under Model Rocketry and scale stuff
Guys can you give me the correct numbers for my Scratch Build Nike Smoke in 5.5":

- length of your airframe in caliber

- length of your NC in caliber (I have a polecat 5.5" NC here but it looks a bit too short to me, I am not sure at all)

Many thx in advance, we could compare the different builts, obviously all very different... I will post the build soon, but first I need to cut or extend that airframe...I cannot find accurate and reliable scale data ...

Denis, your simple questions don't really have simple answers. With the flare at the forward end of the M-5 booster, defining the length becomes somewhat problematic, at least as far as hobby rockets are concerned - since many kits consider the nosecone to include that flare (technically inaccurate). Until that decision is made, getting the lengths correct can't be made. Further, the forward end of the nose cone does not come to a point (again, some kits do). Best bet to answer your questions is to direct you to some drawings and you can work out the details for yourself. Stine's drawing traces back to an old issue of Model Rocketeer -- see:

... and, from that, you can get any dimension you need. Being 5.5" in diameter, that is exactly 1:3 scale -- so take any full size dimension and divide by 3 to get your actual model dimension.

-- john.

Guys can you give me the correct numbers for my Scratch Build Nike Smoke in 5.5":

- length of your airframe in caliber

- length of your NC in caliber (I have a polecat 5.5" NC here but it looks a bit too short to me, I am not sure at all)

Many thx in advance, we could compare the different builts, obviously all very different... I will post the build soon, but first I need to cut or extend that airframe...I cannot find accurate and reliable scale data ...


perfect answer, straight to the point what I was looking for!

Many thanks for that!! I'll post you the progress...won't be an easy one as usual with my long hybrid casings, especially in 75mm but the huge NC gives plenty of place for recovery devices...


.....Best bet to answer your questions is to direct you to some drawings and you can work out the details for yourself. Stine's drawing traces back to an old issue of Model Rocketeer -- see:

... and, from that, you can get any dimension you need. Being 5.5" in diameter, that is exactly 1:3 scale -- so take any full size dimension and divide by 3 to get your actual model dimension.

-- john.