you know you're a nerd when...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2004
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when one of your best friends describes his computer as:

"P4 1.7GHz, 256DDR 169 Pin, ATI All In Wonder Pro TV/PCVIR Card Professional, 17inch Monitor, DVD Rom Drive 24X, 56X Cd, 40gig, Creative Soundblaster Pro Audigy Soundcard, Twin Ball Bearing Fans with Vaccuum Ducting and Filter, Monster PC Fan" (this was built 4 years ago)

N.B. the "TWIN ball bearing fans"

Any other ways of finding out if you're a nerd?
Originally posted by rocketsonly
when one of your best friends describes his computer as:

"P4 1.7GHz, 256DDR 169 Pin, ATI All In Wonder Pro TV/PCVIR Card Professional, 17inch Monitor, DVD Rom Drive 24X, 56X Cd, 40gig, Creative Soundblaster Pro Audigy Soundcard, Twin Ball Bearing Fans with Vaccuum Ducting and Filter, Monster PC Fan" (this was built 4 years ago)

I thought that was the only way you *could* describe a PC :D

Your pocket protector is up-to-date with the latest company merger :D

You say "P-Shaw" to ATI, and insist on NVidia!

You know what PVC is, but don't see the alure of clothing made from it..
Originally posted by WiK
I thought that was the only way you *could* describe a PC :D


I suppose. But if I were asked the question, I'd answer, " Dell with a Celeron processor."
Originally posted by rocketsonly

Any other ways of finding out if you're a nerd?

chugh SoH Sov thlIngon Hol, you might be a nerd.

If you can do arithmetic in hex, you might be a nerd.

If you get complimented on your metamoderation by CmdrTaco, you might be a nerd.

If you've ever sent email to someone in the same house, you might be a nerd.

If you've ever had a friend tell you "I don't think it was your (computer, rocket, Klingon translations, etc.) that she* was interested in", and you're not sure what he means by that right away, there's a pretty good chance you're a nerd.

* Or "he", for you nerdettes.
when you have lead a video game team to top 10 in the nation at one time

when you then becaming the losingest team on the twl bf1942 and cs:s leagues

when you game for 18 hours straight without leaving a chair

when you brag about gaming for 18 hours straight without leaving a chair

when you play games with 50 year old men

when you consider these 50 year old men your friends

when you stop talking to girls to go play cs

when you start playing cs to talk to a girl thats on the server

when your friends refer to you as rabid or sheeep

when you call your friends penguin (or any other callnames)

when you brag about your computer ligthing up brighter than anything else in your room

when you talk about being remembered after you die and the first thing you say is that maybe valve would make a model of me in hl3 (because naturally it will take another 150 years to come out)

when your idea of reality tv is a shoutkasted CAL or CPL match

when somone says "wanna come to a party" and you show up with your computer saying "OHHHH. its not lan?"

when your monthly venture out of the house is either to a gamestop or to a launch field to chill with other nerds

i could keep going too.
When you've started (or replied to) a thread on an on-line forum about the definitions of geek-dom.

guilty as charged.

You wake up at 3am to go to the loo and stop to check your email on the way back to bed.
You get a tattoo that reads "This body best viewed with Firefox v1 or higher."
You name your children Firefox, Mozilla, and Thunderbird.
You turn off the modem and get this awful, empty feeling, like you just pulled the plug on a loved one.
You've taken apart your alarm clock and reprogrammed it to read in Klingon.
Someone mentions foreign language and you think "Cobol".
You start using phrases like:
You try to press Alt-F4 to close your car window.
Originally posted by rocketsonly
I suppose. But if I were asked the question, I'd answer, " Dell with a Celeron processor."

Shoot, I'd say black with alot of little buttons.
If you've gotten in a heated discussion (from either side) about the merits of PC vs Mac.

If you've ever said "LOL" in a real conversation.

If you check your e-mail more than 3 times in the same 5-minute period, even though you aren't expecting anything, but "just in case."

You knew about Moore's Law before 1990.

You have (and use) 4 different calculators for different purposes, each one costing more than $100 apiece.
you've posted to a "You know you're a nerd when..." list.
1. you shoot toy rockets at age 50+
2. you spend as much time on a forum as I do
If you bring a graphing calculator on vacation (just in case)
If you read Scientific American until it starts to fall apart
Heh heh. Just at work, I was jotting notes on a document (an actual paper document, jotting in pen) and wanted to copy and paste them to the next sheet.

The particularly sad part of this is that the first thought that struck me was not the thought that the idea of copy and pasting a handwritten note is ridiculous, but instead that I must be getting senile because I can't remember how to do it.
You always have your calculator with you, whether just in case or by accident.
This may be a "you might be an engineer if..."

You know what Reverse Polish Notation is... and you prefer it!

Originally posted by wwattles
This may be a "you might be an engineer if..."

You know what Reverse Polish Notation is... and you prefer it!


Alright...that one's cutting just WAAAAAY too close to the bone!
Originally posted by wwattles
This may be a "you might be an engineer if..."

You know what Reverse Polish Notation is... and you prefer it!

HEY!!! I really love my HP32S II...and it's within hand's reach right now! :cool:

My HP28C rocks! However, the main feature I like nowadays is to be able to enter a list of numbers, then double check them as I sit there and hit '+' repreatedly (thanks to RPN). Oh, and the units conversion get used a lot also. Science functions some. Boolean, well, not any more. Programming...not for years.

Parens suck!
Originally posted by wwattles
This may be a "you might be an engineer if..."

You know what Reverse Polish Notation is... and you prefer it!


It's even worse when you realize that when you are adding numbers on paper with pen that you are using RPN... LOL
Good ones Cydermaster, many apply to me!

My fav recently:

"There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't"

Pat (who does not care for his HP48G)
You know you're a nerd when.........someone's going for a job interview, and you wish them "K'plaa".

I have a life on order - it's being delivered next Thursday!

Originally posted by rstaff3
1. you shoot toy rockets at age 50+
2. you spend as much time on a forum as I do
^^^^^^LMAO!!!! The word NERD is so..... ummm haarrssshh. I prefer the words TECHNOLOGY INCLINED. Those were some hilarious jokes though,lol.

You know you're a nerd when:

you believe that if you play as the ‘Elf’ in Dungeons ‘n’ Dragons enough, you may eventually turn into one

instead of having pet rocks, you paint faces on computer disks and line them up on the window sill

every morning you try and levitate out of bed using the ‘Force’

your goldfish is named ‘Spock’.

you recently had a nutrient drip installed on your PC so that you can be fed without leaving the computer

reading this is a degrading experience
oh man, I pegged the "nerd-o-meter" this afternoon...

...fortunately it was only in my own head and nobody else got to witness the spectacle...

I was attending Astronomy Day today with a FlisKits booth at the Clay Center Observatory.

Throughout the area (both inside and out) they had clever little signs put up to educate and for humor (like the sign in the reserved parking area "No Shuttles Allowed. Illegally docked shuttles will be launched into the sun at owners risk and expense"... :p

Well, I walked by one sign that had an arrow pointing up with the tag "Mars, 35,000,000 miles"

Well, as I'm walking by it, it occured to me, we're on a planet, Mars is a planet, and even if we ignore the relative speed of each planet around the sun, *I* am spinning on *this* planet at about 750 miles per hour.... ....that sign should be changing *constantly*, just to keep up...

The MOMENT I thought of that I thought of this thread and got an image in my head of a graduated meter, with the words "NERD" in big curved letters and the fine black needle *pegged* with the fine end wrapped around the end stop on the scale from hitting it so hard....

Originally posted by jflis
oh man, I pegged the "nerd-o-meter" this afternoon...

...fortunately it was only in my own head and nobody else got to witness the spectacle...

I was attending Astronomy Day today with a FlisKits booth at the Clay Center Observatory.

Throughout the area (both inside and out) they had clever little signs put up to educate and for humor (like the sign in the reserved parking area "No Shuttles Allowed. Illegally docked shuttles will be launched into the sun at owners risk and expense"... :p

Well, I walked by one sign that had an arrow pointing up with the tag "Mars, 35,000,000 miles"

Well, as I'm walking by it, it occured to me, we're on a planet, Mars is a planet, and even if we ignore the relative speed of each planet around the sun, *I* am spinning on *this* planet at about 750 miles per hour.... ....that sign should be changing *constantly*, just to keep up...

The MOMENT I thought of that I thought of this thread and got an image in my head of a graduated meter, with the words "NERD" in big curved letters and the fine black needle *pegged* with the fine end wrapped around the end stop on the scale from hitting it so hard....

LMAO its ok man. My Aunt is a shrink and she told me to tell you guys that the first step to recovery is admitting your problem... Do we all need to take a time out and remember we are almost ALL adults playing with rockets ?!?! :) Cause sometimes i feel weird when iam standing int he toy section at walmart and some hot girl walks by and looks at me smiles then she realizes iam a 22 year old male standing in the kids department looking at models :p Iam gonna start weighing out the pros and cons of this hobby.....