Wife's away - I get to play! Rocket builds

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Basically down to my last three rockets from when I started this build

Mosquito - waiting for paint to cure enough so I can sand off the orange peel and paint again

Xarconian Cruiser - base coat on - waiting for paint to cure for the next color (should be ready tomorrow)

AGM-33 Pike - did the tan base first - will have to wait a few days before the next color. Thinking of doing a 4 color cameo

So basically the boring part where waiting for paint to dry....

pike tan.jpg
sorry for the long gap in posting

Suddenly had a business trip out of country and internet was absolutely terrible

Meanwhile - I goofed missing taking some pictures
The next color I did was brown just before I left, and when I got back I did the dark green. Forgot to get pictures of both!

However, I did unmask it tonight so I can show you the results - 3 pix to show all around

pike camo 1.jpg pike camo 2.jpg pike camo 3.jpg

A few bleeds but what the heck - it is supposed to be multicolored anyway.

Will need to to a level of high grade wet sanding to smooth out some of the paint and then apply the decals
That's a great paint job Les...
I'll bet that took some time...
Super cool rocket............

Thanks guys...

Took a "family portrait" today. The Pike & Xarconian Cruiser still needs their decals, but I attended a Rocketfest at our local observatory and I was donating the Argent and one of the Dead Ringers to them. So before they were "out of my life forever" I wanted to get a picture of all the rockets I started when the wife was away...

Finished painting the Xarconian Cruiser plus touch up

Now need to wait for paint to do decals

I took a suggestion from Hans "Chris" Michielssen and added a "dot" on the nose cone, except I used a toothpick dipped into red paint instead of a tape disk

I also added some accent paint to the nacelle

xc top.jpg
xc nose.jpg
xc nacelle.jpg
xc bot white.jpg

not sure why the pix are not showing up. Clicking on the name will bring it up
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Paint looks good, your window turned out real nice. I like the accent paint, does a decal go there?
I took a suggestion from Hans "Chris" Michielssen and added a "dot" on the nose cone, except I used a toothpick dipped into red paint instead of a tape disk

Hey, I'm there for you, man!
I like the metallic blue on the window! If I ever build another Xarconian Cruiser I'm dong that!
Great work!
Great paint jobs! I decided my next big paint project is going to be trying a digital camo!
I like the accent paint, does a decal go there?

Guess I was wrong - a decal does go there

Have all the decals on now - looks pretty good if I don't say so myself.
Need a clear coat and then the maiden flight

xc decal1.jpg xc decal2.jpg xc decal3.jpg xc decal4.jpg xc decal5.jpg

Note - the tape on the bottom is holding the nosecone in a fixed position while I did the one decal that goes on both the cone and the body. Waiting for it to dry before I cut the decal at the cone/body joint
Got some maiden flights in

Had a great weekend at URRF II

and flew most of the "family"

Starting with the 'dents

Goonydent.jpg goonydent launch.jpg trident.jpg super trident.jpg
some others on the pad

Mega Mosquito.jpg Xarconian.jpg

Unfortunately the Xarconian Cruiser did not fair well. Used a B62. Did not go that high and ejection occurred about 2' above the ground. Tube got a bit crumbled. Repairable for flight, but it will not look as nice..

Did not try either of the dead ringers - I felt it was too windy
The Pike was not done
The Argent was donated so out of my control
And I left the mosquito at home
And a few others that had their maiden flight but were not part of this build....

New Way Dare 2 B Square & Rocketarium Rebel John

dare 2b square.jpg rebel john.jpg rebel john launch.jpg

And while this was not its maiden flight, it was my highest flight ever using the largest motor I've ever used - the new Aerotech DMS K535. Got to 3600'
