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Originally posted by MaverickLV
Mark, I know that is what a hypertek hybrid is...I was just saying it would be neat to make a "micro" one like rstaff said. It seems that no one has made a small 29mm or any 24mm hybrids yet and I think it would be freackin' awesome. BooYah!
There've been some 29mm and 24mm hybrids made. However, you're right in that none of them have used the paintball equipment as parts. Rattworks makes some 29mm hybrids but those use the Urbanski-Colburn valve system. I've got a 24mm hybrid system like Dick's link above but, I haven't flown it yet. It uses miniature N<sub>2</sub>O disposable creme cartridges. I can't wait to see how that thing is going to work.
I think I saw a post on rmr(?) from the guy that makes one of the certified floating injector systems (not RATT, I think it was the other). He said he was going to play with C, D, and E hybrids. Don't know if he has any intentions of certing them tho.

I, personally, would also love to have some of Tom Binford's 13mm D composite (reloadable). Too bad its a no-no for individuals to sell/trade/transfer home made motors. Of course I don't persoanlly know Tom, so I'd have to be in line behind all his buds anyhoo :(

Oh, back on hybrids (opening myself up for ridicule...) I have seen many more unsuccessful launch attempts with hybrids than succeses. They seem to be neat once they go, but the launch failure rate seems worse than crapperheads. What's everyone else's observations? These flights may not have been on Hypertech GSE.
LOL!!!!! Yeah, Paintball paint scheme is probably the only way that bathroom is gonna get painted. But it does sound like fun. Since I'm unemployed, I can't spring for beer but you can have all the warm milk you can drink.... :D
Originally posted by PGerringer
...but you can have all the warm milk you can drink.... :D

So it this why the cows have it in for you? Cold hands?
Yeah Paintball is my first hobby-love. But this summer I just have not gotten around to doing any of it. So... naturally when I re-enter rocketry, I am going to see what I can do with my paintball gun. Still havent gotten around to filling that tank.... man am I lazy! I will have to check to see if my rocket is still up there, and then go fill 'er up.
Originally posted by rstaff3
I think I saw a post on rmr(?) from the guy that makes one of the certified floating injector systems (not RATT, I think it was the other). He said he was going to play with C, D, and E hybrids. Don't know if he has any intentions of certing them tho.
I think I briefly heard mention of this once. Are you talking about Propulsion Polymers? I too would love to see some of these motors.

Originally posted by rstaff3
I, personally, would also love to have some of Tom Binford's 13mm D composite (reloadable). Too bad its a no-no for individuals to sell/trade/transfer home made motors. Of course I don't persoanlly know Tom, so I'd have to be in line behind all his buds anyhoo :(
I've never seen any of his motors but, I have heard good things about his abilities at experimental motor design. I sure would like to see some of them.

Originally posted by rstaff3
Oh, back on hybrids (opening myself up for ridicule...) I have seen many more unsuccessful launch attempts with hybrids than succeses. They seem to be neat once they go, but the launch failure rate seems worse than crapperheads. What's everyone else's observations? These flights may not have been on Hypertech GSE.
I think you may be right on this subject. I can't really say for sure because, other than my own, I've never seen any hybrids flown at Whitakers. Whitakers is the only large club launch location I've ever been to. With that disclaimer out of the way, I have also heard that lighting a hybrid can be a challenge. Especially if it's not a Hypertek. The reason is because lighting a hybrid motor that depends on the UC valve scheme requires that the ignited preheater grain burns through the fill hose and allows the N<sub>2</sub>O into the combustion chamber. Well, Murphy's Law dictates that the fill hose will not always burn through at the connection point of the UC valve and will sometimes burn through at a lower position and allow the N<sub>2</sub>O to merely dump out the bottom of the motor without igniting. Isn't rocket science fun?
Wow!! You guys covered pretty much everything...
Someone above mentioned Micro Hybrids with a link to Caldera's site... a guy in the ROL chat room is sending me two of them to do the machining on for him...if any of you guys want to try them out, I'm willing to do the machining required for you...
I've been a machinist for quite awhile, and this Micro motor is pretty basic...I haven't machined one yet, (Kit should be here in the next week or so) so I'm not quite sure what to charge, but it'll be way cheaper than if you walked into a shop off the street...
I'm guessing machining of the motor and nozzle would run around $30 or so, and I can make spare nozzles if you need them.
Not trying to plug myself here or anything...really...just offering a service to fellow rocketeers if any of you were thinking about trying the Micro Hybrids, but didn't know where to get the machine work done...


Ron Zeppin
TRA# 6024
My son and I also play paintball as well as being into rocketry. (well..... OK... true confessions time - before Phil jumps in here and gives me a load of cow**** - I haven't played paintball in a while... but hey, I used to, and that counts for something).

A word of warning: my son and I used our paintball guns to get the pieces of an Estes StratoBlaster RC rocket glider out of the top of a tree - it was about 60 feet up. You can read the whole story in a post under.... oh crap.... the mid-powered rocketry section? Not sure... but it's somewhere here on the forum.

Don't think that a paintball gun will only "paint" the rocket. IT WILL DO SOME SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE.

We did get the pieces out of the tree, but the hits damaged the pieces pretty bad.

Just thought you guys should know that before you start blasting your rocket fleets with paintball guns.
Yeah I was predicting massive damage from paintballs, but I will not be aiming at the body. I am going to hit the parachute, and likely destroy it. This is what is hanging it up, but I can easily replace a parachute, but I dont want to replace this rocket; it is the first rocket I have built, around 10 years ago. (Ahh the good ole days when my parents would buy me the kits and encourage my hobbying.... now its "get this crap off od my kitchen table! We have to eat ya know!")
:rolleyes: I need a work area for my hobbies.