Valuable Lesson Learned

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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2009
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I have been working on my first ever build from the ground up. It is a Fliskit "Caution Rocket". It was cheap and seamed like a good way to learn some "build" basics. For about 2 weeks now I have ben tinkering with it and making sure I got it right. I have learned A LOT. (Thanks Mr. Flis)

Yesterday, I convinced the wife to stop by the field and let me do the inaugural launch. Loaded it with a B6-4, loaded on the launcher, and away it went on an absolutely beautiful flight. Straight as an arrow and man does that thing GO on a B motor. UNTIL.................

I saw a puff at the perfect top of the flight, BUT no streamer. Can you say "lawn dart"!?!? :eek:

I learned that the nosecone HAS to be a looser fit that the motor. It ejected the motor, but the nosecone and streamer stayed put. Either the nosecone was to tight, or the streamer was packed to tight. Either way, I learned the lesson.

Time to try again. Great thing about paper is my mistakes are cheap! need to friction fit the motor so that it won't eject. This is done by making a spiral wrap of 1/2" masking tape on the motor. Test fit it....if it's too loose add another wrap of tape. I wrap it in a spiral then sort of "screw" the motor in. It's kind of a "feel" thing. You don't want it too tight or the motor may not want to come out once you've got it back safely on the ground.

Another way to do this is to wrap a bit of tape around the motor and the motor tube. The motor should hang out the back at least a 1/4" or so. On my CRLiP's, I usually just do the spiral friction fit.

Sorry about the rocket. My 12 yr old had his come in ballistic two weeks ago. On his, the engine stayed in, but he commented as it was falling back to earth..."I thought that the streamer went in awfully tight"......SPAT!

Live and a new one and go have some fun.

Good Luck,
The motor was a tight fit. I might have been able to get one wrap of scotch tape in there. Masking tape would have never fit without messing up the tube. I will try taping the end to the motor tube next time. Thanks for the tip. I think the streamer was packed wrong.
Your nose cone should only be tight enough that if you hold the rocket upside-down and wiggle it rapidly, the NC does *not* fall out.

Your NC should be loose enough that if you roll up a sheet of paper, insert it into the rear of the rocket (in place of the motor) and let it expand to fill the diam, and then puff through the rolled-up paper, your recovery system should jump right out the front.

Sorry you had this experience. I expected your post was gonna talk about how that dinky thing took off to the next county on a B motor?
yep... ...*my* experience is that folks never expect these free paper rockets to be much in the performance area... :D ...*wrong*!

As for the kicked motor... man, that's gotta hurt, but better to learn such a lesson on a model in this price range... I had the same thing happen on my Estes Saturn V back in 1971... talk about *hurt*!

I am glad that you are enjoying the rocket though. It is a fun build/fly model :)
I was amazed at the kick that thing had with a B. I can't imagine that thing on a C, but I'm gonna try it anyway. :D

I wasn't upset or anything, in fact I was laughing.

The rocket is great and the instructions a perfect. Anyone can do it.

BTW, how high will it go on a C?
I tried mine on a C6-5 and it went out of sight....

We saw it again right before it landed in the very top of a giant oak tree. Bummer... was a cool flight. The thing SCREAMED off the pad and made a white streak straight up into the clouds...

I will make another one.

Originally posted by texasck1
BTW, how high will it go on a C?

Pretty high; but not nearly as high as the Midnight Express. :D :D :D
Both are great rockets, and excellent performers.

I printed out the Midnight Express last night and started cutting it out. I WILL see how high it will go.:D
Originally posted by texasck1

I printed out the Midnight Express last night and started cutting it out. I WILL see how high it will go. :D

No, you won't.... If you put a C6-7 in a Midnight Express, it will scoot out of sight so fast that you will be lucky if you ever see it again :rolleyes: ;)
Originally posted by texasck1
I printed out the Midnight Express last night and started cutting it out. I WILL see how high it will go.:D

Not without some incredible tracking equipment and a good lens... :D
My first caution launch was part of the 22 rocket mass launch. They actually flew in salvos of 13 and 9 due to a short on the first try.

However on a repeat flight. The nosecone did not come off because the seam on the body let loose. It turned into to a boost glider. Pretty impressive flight. Maybe this is a clue for boost glider version.



Last time I saw my Midnight Express it was loaded with a C. Gotta love the paper downloads.

Originally posted by texasck1
I printed out the Midnight Express last night and started cutting it out. I WILL see how high it will go.:D

Better have some major optics and a swivel for a neck.