Tyvek Tab Loops?

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Rocketship Games
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Feb 18, 2021
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Philadelphia, PA
Recently I put together a Square One from New Way Space Models. It came with these great adhesive tab loops to make simple anchors on the parachute for the shroud lines. Has anybody seen these elsewhere? Know anywhere to source them in some quantity? They seem to be made of Tyvek. Only the large pads on the ends have adhesive on the back, the middle is non-stick. I've seen somewhat similar adhesive tie loops used in ultralight backpacking, but never ones this small. They are also shaped like some cable labels, but I'm not finding any such in Tyvek and this small (squares are 1cm in the picture). My impression from the website is that New Way is defunct and these kits are laying around after being made some time ago. But if anybody knows more about these components, I'd appreciate any insights or thoughts.


PS: The Square One is a very enjoyable and sturdy kit, flies well, I definitely recommend it.

New Way is not defunct. They recently came out with some new models.
Check erockets for their latest.
IIRC someone mentioned that these may have been used for price tags or labels.
I'll have to check.
Excellent find! I put a good bit of effort toward searching around for them, but guess I went down all the wrong rabbit holes. Thanks for the link.

Also thanks for the heads-up about New Way. Their website's last update is from 2011 and the eBay store it mentions doesn't seem to exist anymore, so I'd written them off. Very excited to pick up some of their new models from eRockets.

Much appreciated!
Yes, that's exactly what they are - jewelry tags. I bought a box of 1000 of the round ones from Amazon (https://smile.amazon.com/Jeweller-R...6f447&pd_rd_wg=sDarn&pd_rd_i=B00ANI5KQ8&psc=1) some time ago (my order history says in October of 2014) and I use them to make new 'chutes, repair Estes ones (you can actually slip them through the loops of the current pre-made 'chute shroud lines, then stick the ends to the 'chute), to do quick and pretty easy field repairs after a stripped one. I keep a sheet of them in one of the pencil boxes that is part of my regular field bag just for this purpose. Never had a 'chute repaired with them fail again on a shroud attachment that used them.

I almost grabbed my box of them last night when I was assembling a couple of ASP Neon Sport "Chutes rather than use the clear notebook reinforcement rings that Andy supplies in the kits but decided to build them as directed at first. We shall see....

And yes, this was prompted by building a Square One kit from Rick Randol's company.