Super Jart Nosecone retention (Or any FWFG)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
I came up with the idea with my Wildman Super Jart.

The ONLY items needed is a length of shock cord (1/4" kevlar used in my design)

This allows 100% access to the inside of the nose, eliminating the need for a bulkplate or eyebolt.

Step 1- Remove the aluminum tip and remove the retaining bolt (tap slightly with block of wood)

Step 2- Drill hole in the small bulkplate to allow shock cord to pass through (I used 1/4'' Kevlar and appropriate size drill bit) Remove the bolt from the plate if more room is needed (head of the bolt was a bit in the way).

Step 3- Slide Kevlar through the hole and tie the cord TO THE BOLT with a single Knot.

Step 4- Tug on the cord and remove any slack, tape up the excess "tail" from the knot (helps to keep knot from becoming untied)

Step 5- While holding the shock cord, drop the bolt into place and re-attach the metal tip.

Step 6- Say out loud "why didn't I think of that"

Step 7- Go fly your Super Jart on a 6 grain motor, because now it fits with a tracker, chute and room to spare.










We did a similar thing with Sharon's Super Jart DD. Used a fender washer, 4" of 1/4" allthread and an eye nut:

There is a nut on the back side of the fender washer and I used red locktite to keep it together.
Glad to see the new nosecone tips have a shoulder. That simplifies everything from an alignment standpoint.
Glad to see the new nosecone tips have a shoulder. That simplifies everything from an alignment standpoint.

This size does. I to, wished they would all have the shoulder. Like you said, keeps things centered.
Glad to see the new nosecone tips have a shoulder. That simplifies everything from an alignment standpoint.

I was pleasantly surprised when I took apart the first 54mm N/C. Not like the 3" Dark Star.....

This size does. I to, wished they would all have the shoulder. Like you said, keeps things centered.

Might be a market for shouldered tips if someone could make them for a reasonable price. I would buy a couple, and maybe a couple more for the 5" Jarts we are building next month.
One could make an aluminum collar with a central 1/4" hole to adapt existing tips. I have the means, just no motivation to do so yet.