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Kudos to you sir, that is a level of internet self-discipline that most folks lack.
I've been doing just that since the days of BBSes. I would compose a scathing, searing reply and then hit delete. I've said what I wanted to say and no longer feel the need to inflict my opinion on others.
How do I keep missing all these heated debates? Dang.
I felt like leaving once. Similar to probably how HOR feels. You get double mad. Pissed that someone is a careless jackass then pissed at your self for giving in.
Everyone please note that the forum now offers "ignore thread" and "ignore forum" functions. I highly recommend using "ignore thread" liberally to avoid getting drawn into discussions which distract from your enjoyment here. Only a few days in and already this I'm much happier here.

There is no shame in using ignore functions for users, threads, of forums, either here or on other social media. Quite the opposite: they are valuable tools for maintaining one's sanity. There is no reason to voluntarily subject yourself to content that makes you upset, especially in our current situation. In real life you wouldn't hang out with people who consistently annoy you and or raise your blood pressure; here is no different.

And don't be this guy: