Sending A Rocket To The Moon! (Progress Sheet)

The Rocketry Forum

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Jan 4, 2013
Reaction score
We have received some great advice & constructive criticism from many of you here.

We continue to post pictures as we go along, so anyone interested can track our progress.

Hi, I am attempting to send a rocket to the moon, with a liquid propellant rocket, and I plan on running the reaction engines at about 30,000 feet above sea level.

I would like to know if anyone would be interested in simply giving support( just good wishes,) and advice.

I would also like to know fuel/payload ratio for reaching moon orbit, too and specific avionics equipment to setup a positioning system and stream content, and monitor fuel count.

Any other calculations that need to be made please let me know.

This rocket will not use a solid propellant, it will use a liquid propellant consisting of LOX and liquid hydrogen as the oxidizer.

Let me know your thoughts,


- Josh
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Hi, I am attempting to send a rocket to the moon, with a liquid propellant rocket, and I plan on running the reaction engines at about 30,000 feet above sea level.

I would like to know if anyone would be interested in partnering up with me on this endeavor, or simply giving support and advice.

I need some mathematical calculations done, in regards to the probable time it would take to reach moon orbit from 30,000 feet above sea level, and if a predetermined 3 days time span was established, how many lb's of thrust would need to be exhausted from the rocket in order to reach that goal timing.

I would also like to know fuel/payload ratio for reaching moon orbit, too and specific avionics equipment to setup a positioning system and stream content, and monitor fuel count.

Any other calculations that need to be made please let me know.

This rocket will not use a solid propellant, it will use a liquid propellant consisting of LOX and liquid hydrogen as the oxidizer.

Let me know your thoughts,


- Josh
(Time is not your enemy-thrust and velocity are)
Sounds like a really, really fun project.
Orbital mechanics are a bitch,too!
a liquid propellant consisting of LOX and liquid hydrogen as the oxidizer.

Let me know your thoughts,


- Josh

My thoughts are 1) that the LOX would be the oxidizer instead of the hydrogen, and 2) maybe you should get more experience with launching rockets before shooting for the moon.
How many liquid rockets have you built?

How are you getting to 30K feet?

How are you controlling trajectory at launch from 30K feet?

How are you guiding your craft ?

What is your proposed budget for this ambitious endeavor.

Are you aware, IIRC, only 5 NATIONS have reached lunar orbit (China, Japan, India, Russia, and the US)?

Can I ask your age?
One just isn't enough...

This doesn't even justify a response... (yet).

Dude, you don't even know enough to ask the right QUESTIONS...

Later! OL JR :)
Sounds like someone is trying to get US to write HIS/HER term paper/essay/thesis for them.......... Or at least do all the leg work..... I'll leave it at that...
To support this effort, please send certified funds in the form of check, cash, gold dubloons or Nigerian Congo Bucks (bundled only, please) to:
Please include your e-mail address so we can forward it to our favourite off-shore Viagra vendor....the savings are amazing!
I made a slight mistake, I know liquid oxygen is the oxidizer. I would like you to pose a constructive comment instead of wasting time.
You are asking about sending a rocket to the moon and WE'RE the ones wasting time?
I made a slight mistake, I know liquid oxygen is the oxidizer. I would like you to pose a constructive comment instead of wasting time.


So you asked some questions... I'll answer some of them if you answer a couple for me.. (or us)

How old are you? can you proove that?
how come your first post on the forum is this far off earth.. seriously you gotta start small.
Lastly who's or how are you funding this moon shot?

If you can come up with those I am sure a lot of us here could/would be interested in helping you out.

Oh if you do make this rocket and it does fly.. I'd be happy to sponsor some cool graphics for it.. (hey free advertising... Crazy stuff sells)
These are very good questions.

How many liquid rockets have you built?

Quite a few (15)

How are you getting to 30K feet?

A very light weight balloon setup that has a timed break away and wired to a custom altimeter. (Can hold 6K lb's) - We already have a very reputable high altitude helium balloon manufacturer that would setup the balloons.

How are you controlling trajectory at launch from 30K feet?

Specific trajectory control avionics equipment (custom made) with nitrogen gas stabilizers attached to specific parts of the rocket.

How are you guiding your craft ?

On ground control room setup, with a UHF antenna transmitting radio signals to our antenna here. We will track the trajectory and positioning using on board avionics systems, that will transmit the results to us with a 7 to 9 Ghz range.

What is your proposed budget for this ambitious endeavor.

$1.5 Million

Are you aware, IIRC, only 5 NATIONS have reached lunar orbit (China, Japan, India, Russia, and the US)?


Can I ask your age?

20 Years Old.

Let me know if you have any more questions, and I'll be glad to answer them.


- Josh
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I already gave my name, your childish antics are very revealing. Please don't post on this thread if you have no constructive criticism to give.
These are very good questions.

How many liquid rockets have you built?

Quite a few (15)

Pics or didnt happen

How are you getting to 30K feet?

A very light weight balloon setup that has a timed break away and wired to a custom altimeter. (Can hold 6K lb's) - We already have a very reputable high altitude helium balloon manufacturer that would setup the balloons.

Pics? links? anything then just some words on a forum...

How are you controlling trajectory at launch from 30K feet?

Specific trajectory control avionics equipment (custom made) with nitrogen gas stabilizers attached to specific parts of the rocket.

pics please

How are you guiding your craft ?

On ground control room setup, with a UHF antenna transmitting radio signals to our antenna here. We will track the trajectory and positioning using on board avionics systems, that will transmit the results to us with a 7 to 9 Ghz range.

Pics please

What is your proposed budget for this ambitious endeavor.

$1.5 Million

must be nice to have that kind of cash laying around

Can I ask your age?

20 Years Old.

cute you're still a baby

sorry i kinda had too... but this is a hobby forum... your ambition of sending a rocket to the moon is great but in all honesty what do you really think we are going say to it... your initial post is very suspect... if you were really planning on going to the moon i doubt you would be here asking how to reach moon orbit and instead you would be in a lab at MIT or something... im not here to crush your dreams kid but i am seeing the bs flag flying mighty high on this one

Let me know if you have any more questions, and I'll be glad to answer them.


- Josh[/QUOTE]
Well I wish you luck (you'll need it:eek:)

Keep us updated on this project. Any ideas as to the design of your vehicle? Will it just remain in lunar orbit until it eventually impacts the surface, or will you be returning it to earth? I'm assuming you'll need some sort of permit to do this? I mean, on the off chance your vehicle were to collide with another craft in lunar orbit...what then?

How about some pics?
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You have to put yourself on our side of the keyboard. You have stumbled in here as an unknown asking for help putting an object in lunar orbit. Quite a lofty goal, all things considered.

As has already been mentioned, many nations have spent multi-millions (billions/trillions?), tried and failed, usually before even leaving the atmosphere. For an individual to attempt this has the appearance of being nothing short of fantasy.

I know that I would like to part of such a venture, but I also know that it is WAY WAY beyond my ability. I hope you can pull in off, I'll settle for a couple thousand feet.
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You are entitled to your opinion, and you're right, i underestimated the nature of this forum.

I am not building full scale Suyoz rocket here...

It is still considered an amateur rocket considering it's size and weight (2,000 - 6,000 lbs)

I just wanted to know, what people on this fourm thought about the idea, and if they were knowledgeable enough to ask good questions or give some good knowledge.

But of course, I would guess no one on this forum, has ever launched a rocket to LEO, but I'm sure there are some great folks here who would love to give some advise or share some words of support.

I will leave this thread open for people who want to do exactly that.
I will contact the appropriate agencies, air traffic control, and any other legal authority needed, before we launch this rocket. (All National Space Agencies Included).

I am shaping up quite the team now, working with several people. We will have on our team former and current NASA employees, to oversee the project. There will be people a lot smarter and knowledgeable on board, this includes (yes) experienced rocket scientists, and a small R & D group.

The total group count is around 100 persons.

Our tests will include trajectory control systems for the spacecraft in a vacuum. The testing of all avionics systems, and a Li-batteries test.

The rocket will have multiple stages. We will not build an engine from scratch we will actually contract a manufacturer to build that for us.

I will post some first-stage designs of the rocket as soon as I get them.

Let me know if you have any more questions :)

- Josh
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Do you have the funding for this? You are going to be spending thousands of dollars on it.

I would love to help you. I would like to accomplish this some day. How ever I do not have the funds. From there I also have to become more expereinced with rockets.

Some of my thoughts on this subject..

1. It really depends on how much of a payload you want to send to the moon. The weight and size of the payload will dictate how much energy you need.
2. Orbital velocity is about 17,500MPH.

I'm not entirely sure what the escape velocity is of earth. How ever you do not have to reach that velocity so long as you have sufficient thrust and enough fuel.

I think you'll find you need less fuel if... You do a remote launch from a weather balloon. You can send a weather balloon to 120-140 thousand feet. The benefits to launching from that altitude are.. Thinner air and clearly the altitude. My thoughts on how to do it.. Do a horizontal launch so you don't hit the weather balloon. Then have some thrusters that burn for a few seconds to make the rocket fly vertically. You could possibly do some sort of thrust vectoring and just use gyroscopes to guide the rocket to a vertical flight path.

I wouldn't worry about going into orbit. Your goal should be just a straight shot to the moon.

To guide the rocket and make course adjustments in space I would just use a compressed gas and electronic solenoid valves (check out Parker Solenoid Valves).

I hope you have deep pockets.
So let me get this straight. Out of a team of about 100 people, including NASA employees, rocket scientists, and an R&D group, a 20 year old kid is put in charge of asking a model rocket forum for help?

Seems legit.
Just for the record, the team for CSXT spent close to your budget (IIHC) to get a single stage unguided rocket to just over 70 miles. Keep in mind that in that budget they had to deal with a fair number of failures and were working with proven solid fuel motors.

Like others, I find your vision admirable -> and really don't think you have any idea of the scope of what you are considering attempting.

And I will be first in line to have a heaping plate of Corvus Brachyrhynchos should you make a flight 10% of your goal.