Good points and thanks again for the advice. FYI, I just picked us some West System 105 resin with 206 hardener. $114 out the door including cloth and metering pumps. Much more $ than polyurethane, but I specifically need rigidity which you guys have indicated is better with epoxy. I had another thread where people didn't believe a scratch built F motor fiberglass rocket could cost $1000, but here's a perfect example, lol.
I'll add to your info about poly being more exothermic than epoxy. In my experience, this is based on surface area. When I need more pot life from poly, I use a container that allows the active resin to be shallow and spread out. Conversely, I used poly to fill 6"x6"x6" plastic couch legs(faux wood plastic), and after 10 min they were too hot to touch bare handed! I conclude that a perfectly sphere shaped quantity of poly resin will kick the fastest.