Our Children's Future: An LDRS34 Teen Group Project

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I hope you guys do realize that stuff is one component of a multi part system designed to go together,. They have a specific lacquer based primer, that mid coat you have, and a clear. The mid coat by itself is not very durable and must be cleared. If you shoot that over rattle can primer, there is a strong possibility of a less than ideal result. You can use either lacquer thinner or acetone to clean up.

Look into an inexpensive HVLP gun for this (Horror Freight).
I know this is what I use for all of my rockets. It's a great system. However were.not using the mid coat just their clear coat. Gotta love Dupli color :)

I looked at it in the past and chose catalyzed & reduced urethanes or acrylics instead as I did not want to mess with lacquer. Might merit a revisit as they have a candy I'd like to try. The $70 or so for the cans needed for their candy is a bunch less than the Martin Senour or House of Color variants.

I looked at it in the past and chose catalyzed & reduced urethanes or acrylics instead as I did not want to mess with lacquer. Might merit a revisit as they have a candy I'd like to try. The $70 or so for the cans needed for their candy is a bunch less than the Martin Senour or House of Color variants.

Ah I see. I haven't had any problems with it and have had really good results. I would recommend it. I have yet to try the candy colors but they do look really cool and I hope to try them soon :)
Well, time for my little update. Yesterday, I went to lowes on a search for 1/2" birch plywood. While they had the plywood, it was only 3 layers :surprised: meaning that it would not be suitable. Plus, the wood had lots of knots in it. So I decided that I would take a trip to Home Depot about 5 minutes away to see what they had. I had much better luck there! Got a 2'x4' sheet of 7 ply! Should work great! It's also knot free! The next step for me will be to draw the template so I can bring them to school to cut them. My school has much better equipment for this! I have an awesome shop teacher! SAM_3089.jpgSAM_3091.jpg
I decided to go on over to Jim's house today. :) Cut some bulkheads, got the allthread, hardware, and some ideas. I'll try and upload pics of what I have... :)

Jim showing off an avionics bay so I can get some ideas...
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Jim cutting one of the bulkheads, I cut the other.
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Cleaning off the edges...
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I looked at the coupler. That thing is #$%^&*( massive. Like really freaking huge. :)
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(And yes, those spools are going to become rockets... :p)

And for those wondering how big a unistrut button is... :)

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Oh yeah... also got a few free rockets... :)
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Which brand?

I have been using Martin Senour (AKA Finish1) catalyzed acrylic with very good results (no clear on the actual color). I add the urethane clear to protect any decals.

I use Nason, which I get from NAPA Auto Parts. The catalyst I use says "Wet Look" on the can. Nice shiny finish without clear coat.
Got the final mock up of the decals from Mark. They look great!! Thanks again for all the hard work you put into this Mark :)

Decals will be on there way in a week or so. We have to give a big thank you do our mystery decal donor... Were your hoping you will tell us who you are eventually :)

Cody was able to cut out the fins and round the edges a bit. I will get him to post some pictures later. If I remember right all 3 fins came in at around 5lbs 4oz.

The motor mount tube will be arriving from LOC today and hopefully Ken can ship out our bulkheads, centering rings, couplers and airframe tubing.
This is way cool! Wish I had the guts to try something line this at your age. Heck - I wish I had the guts to try something like this NOW...lol...Good luck!

On a side note - this is one of the reasons I love this hobby...so many people working together to encourage each other and help make seemingly impossible things come to life...SO cool!
I have drawn up the altimeter bay and have kinda started to cut wood. Due to some personal issues (school (too much)/girls (now single)/cars (drivers ed starts soon)), I haven't had much time to work on the altimeter bay, but am planning to cut everything this weekend, and start getting some stuff glued up. This is going to be a COOL altimeter bay, though. Let's just say that I have a 9 inch diameter bay to play around with, and I sure do plan on using most of it. :p

Also, Connor mentioned this in a group chat last night. We have filed for a Guinness Book of World Records attempt for Largest Rocket Ever Built solely by Teens. :)
Hey Guys, Here is my update on the fins!

At school yesterday I was able to cut out all 3 fins as well as sand them down. First, I cut down to the height of each fin using a table saw. From then on, I was able to make all of the simple cuts on this fin using a compound miter saw. This left the edges square and in need of sanding so I used a palm sander to slightly round the edges of the fins. The palm sander did a great job of making these fins really smooth. I still have small chips along the edge from the saw cutting that will be filled soon but I am very happy with the fins. :) SAM_3100.jpgSAM_3101.jpgSAM_3102.jpgSAM_3103.jpgSAM_3104.jpg


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Also, Connor mentioned this in a group chat last night. We have filed for a Guinness Book of World Records attempt for Largest Rocket Ever Built solely by Teens. :)




A couple of friends of mine that did the big airframe thing back in the day when they were teenagers. I was more of an altitude guy in my teens, but bottom line, you guys aren't the first ones to fly a big rocket as kids. And that's before we even get to Billy Davidson (I was five years old in 1995 when he was flying stuff this big).
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A couple of friends of mine that did the big airframe thing back in the day when they were teenagers. I was more of an altitude guy in my teens, but bottom line, you guys aren't the first ones to fly a big rocket as kids. And that's before we even get to Billy Davidson (I was five years old in 1995 when he was flying stuff this big).
Well, it would appear as if we were wrong. Sorry that we had not seen this before. Great flight by the way!
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The rocket is 9" diameter now... The fins are 20" root and 14" span... I feel like the math may be off because the fins certainly aren't that heavy...
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Thats the thing. It's not hobby grade so the density is less. It is Baltic birch though.

Actually that is about right... if you approximate the fins as a 20"x14" triangle you have 140 sq-in similar to my 10"x14" square from before. A little less dense when you add the TTW and tip root, but still around 40 lbs/cu-ft. Please proceed. :)

Connor reported on our FB chat that 2 massive boxes appeared at his house... :)

tube boxes.jpg

I wonder what they could be? We decide to open these sketchy boxes.... :p

Much tube. So awesome. Very wow. Much big.

And some plywood:
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And the motor tube. Which is MASSIVE, for your information. :)
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Some more shots...
coupler and rings.jpg

Meanwhile... i am sitting down here in NC freezing my butt off... setting up the bulkhead for the altimeter bay. Teaser of the bulkhead.
bulkplate layout.jpg

Thanks for watching! Fiberglassing of the tubes occurs tomorrow if my memory serves correctly. :p
Yep Cody is coming down tomorrow and we will be glassing tubes as well as assembling the whole mmt with fins.