More Evidence Elon Musk is Losing His Flippin’ Mind

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Feb 11, 2013
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According to numerous reports, Elon Musk was unhappy that one of Joe Biden’s Super Bowl tweets got more engagement than one of his own tweets, so he had the engineering team “fix” the algorithm to boost Musk‘s tweets by a factor of 1,000. Now Musk’s tweets are being promoted into the For You feed for all users, even those who do not follow him. The “fix” to the algorithm was basically to bypass the algorithm for Musk’s tweets and simply move them to the top of the feed for all users. Apparently, this is the solution the engineers came up with when told to solve the “problem” or be fired.

Lol! What an insecure and megalomaniacal turd Elon is turning out to be! I had a TON of respect for what he has accomplished with SpaeX, Tesla, PayPal and other business ventures—still do—but as a person, he’s a pathetic loser.

Now it seems like his main priority in life is to be King of the Trolls on Twitter. I kind of worry that he is losing focus on things I actually care about, like SpaceX and Tesla.

Here is one of the many news stories on the topic.
For what it's worth, he aims to find someone else to run Twitter by the end of this year.

Something I noted from his tweets is that since Apple suggested they might stop advertising on Twitter, and he had a meeting with Tim Cook, his tweets seem to be more restrained.

His disagreements with the current administration appear to have started with pandemic lockdowns, and its greater support for carmaker unions over Tesla's EV leadership.

Recent good news is that Tesla will help expand the EV charging network: "The announcement comes just days after Tesla CEO Elon Musk met with Biden administration officials regarding EV charging infrastructure."
To hear him make sense, tune in here on March 1st:
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According to numerous reports, Elon Musk was unhappy that one of Joe Biden’s Super Bowl tweets got more engagement than one of his own tweets, so he had the engineering team “fix” the algorithm to boost Musk‘s tweets by a factor of 1,000. Now Musk’s tweets are being promoted into the For You feed for all users, even those who do not follow him. The “fix” to the algorithm was basically to bypass the algorithm for Musk’s tweets and simply move them to the top of the feed for all users. Apparently, this is the solution the engineers came up with when told to solve the “problem” or be fired.

Lol! What an insecure and megalomaniacal turd Elon is turning out to be! I had a TON of respect for what he has accomplished with SpaeX, Tesla, PayPal and other business ventures—still do—but as a person, he’s a pathetic loser.

Now it seems like his main priority in life is to be King of the Trolls on Twitter. I kind of worry that he is losing focus on things I actually care about, like SpaceX and Tesla.

Here is one of the many news stories on the topic.
Or, is he crazy like a fox? Maybe his new mission in life is to prove how gullible the human race is.

I remember at some point last year he posted a Twitter poll asking users to vote on whether he should continue to run the company or get someone else to do it, and something like 60% said get someone else. Ha! At that point, I believe he said he would abide by the results of the poll and get someone else to run the company. So it could be he’s actually trying to abide by a commitment, or it could be he is looking for someone to blame the eventual bankruptcy on.
I remember at some point last year he posted a Twitter poll asking users to vote on whether he should continue to run the company or get someone else to do it, and something like 60% said get someone else. Ha! At that point, I believe he said he would abide by the results of the poll and get someone else to run the company. So it could be he’s actually trying to abide by a commitment, or it could be he is looking for someone to blame the eventual bankruptcy on.
A clever reply to that poll was that regardless of the result, he would run Twitter for a while still, and then hand it over. This actually satisfies both possible outcomes of the poll, so it was basically irrelevant. I don't think it will go bankrupt.
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Sooo, everyone is surprised that an egomaniacal narcissist is acting like... and egomaniacal narcissist.


Same thing happens in politics every day. They clearly show us who they are, and yet we seem continually surprised that they continue to act the way that they have always acted.


On to the next media induced "event" of the day...
Twitter is a tool developed to enable teenage girls to tell their friends about their shopping purchases and evolved from there into a civilization-ending bullhorn for misinformation, bigotry, and hate.
I think the priorities were financial health and eliminating false accounts. Handling misinformation is probably next. The hope is an "everything app" like Chinese WeChat.
Sooo, everyone is surprised that an egomaniacal narcissist is acting like... and egomaniacal narcissist.


Same thing happens in politics every day. They clearly show us who they are, and yet we seem continually surprised that they continue to act the way that they have always acted.


On to the next media induced "event" of the day...

I think I tended to ignore his egomaniacal narcicist side for a long time, even after it was pointed out to me. His behavior during the pandemic and with this Twitter fiasco was what finally made me see it for what it is. If you saw this side of him a long time ago, it’s probably no surprise, but these things still do surprise me a bit.
I think the priorities were financial health and eliminating false accounts. Handling misinformation is probably next. The hope is an "everything app" like Chinese WeChat.

It doesn’t seem like the financial health of the company has improved. And firing everyone involved with content moderation while restoring the accounts of liars, racists, and trolls hasn’t done much to improve the misinformation problem.
who here on TRF do I need to talk get my likes jacked up?

Hey Tfish - JB here. Ill send another like if you reply :) Ive been out of ex for awhile. I loved the two variations of swamp gas you provided me and the Three Cheese Amigos. Made an N 2000 out of it. Last we talked, years ago, you were working on a "pourable" version. Did you ever get that worked out? And yes I know we cant talk formulas here. Just a yes or no will do. thx
It doesn’t seem like the financial health of the company has improved. And firing everyone involved with content moderation while restoring the accounts of liars, racists, and trolls hasn’t done much to improve the misinformation problem.
Finances are private since the acquisition. Misinformation is apparently up but I think there's hope for more moderation in the future. Personally, I stick with known tech and science organizations and stay away from the nuts.
Hey Tfish - JB here. Ill send another like if you reply :) Ive been out of ex for awhile. I loved the two variations of swamp gas you provided me and the Three Cheese Amigos. Made an N 2000 out of it. Last we talked, years ago, you were working on a "pourable" version. Did you ever get that worked out? And yes I know we cant talk formulas here. Just a yes or no will do. thx

We are discussing the very important topic of Elon Musk losing his flippin’ mind over his Twitter engagement stats. Don’t make me ask to have your posts moved to the Off Topic Purgatory thread! 🤣
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Who's qualified for the job and going to be willing to take it? Even if you're nominally in charge, Elon still owns the place. You're going to be getting calls at all hours of the day and night wondering why engagement on his tweets is down/usage is down/Elon's ice cream is melting or whatever the issue of the moment is. Then you'll be expected to fix it before the next squirrel crosses Elon's mind. You won't be able to do anything without risking Elon rolling in and countermanding you with a Tweet. And you'll get blamed for any ills that the company suffers, by Elon, by employees, and by the public.

The only way to win that game is not to play.
Likely a completely false story. Unnamed sources . . . yea right. Joe Biden doesn’t even make the top 50 list of popular (based on followers) Twitter posters. Ironically two former presidents do make the list. Elon is number 2 on the list. LOL
Finances are private since the acquisition. Misinformation is apparently up but I think there's hope for more moderation in the future. Personally, I stick with known tech and science organizations and stay away from the nuts.

It’s true that the finances are no longer publicly reported in detail the way they are for publicly traded companies, but things like advertising expenditures are reported and analyzed within the media and advertising industries. I don’t think any of Musk’s changes have boosted ad sales.
Who's qualified for the job and going to be willing to take it? Even if you're nominally in charge, Elon still owns the place. You're going to be getting calls at all hours of the day and night wondering why engagement on his tweets is down/usage is down/Elon's ice cream is melting or whatever the issue of the moment is. Then you'll be expected to fix it before the next squirrel crosses Elon's mind. You won't be able to do anything without risking Elon rolling in and countermanding you with a Tweet. And you'll get blamed for any ills that the company suffers, by Elon, by employees, and by the public.

The only way to win that game is not to play.
I'd say Jack Dorsey is good reference. People with his kind of knowledge. Elon would simply supervise less and less as time goes by. He wouldn't be the only person owning a media company run by a CEO. He's sort of like Bezos now actually, with Amazon (= Tesla), Origin (= Space X) and WaPo (=Twitter).

Apple is doing better than ever now, even without Jobs. Tim Cook came out of no where as far as I'm concerned (certainly not, but I wasn't following).

It’s true that the finances are no longer publicly reported in detail the way they are for publicly traded companies, but things like advertising expenditures are reported and analyzed within the media and advertising industries. I don’t think any of Musk’s changes have boosted ad sales.
:questions: I just go by how he casually says he should find someone by the end of the year, stays positive about it, and keeps working 80-hour weeks or so apparently.
Don't like Musk. Don't like "privatized space flight". I find it crazy that a company receiving billions in government subsidies is still able to be heralded as private by so many people. I don't like people calling him a genius. He's not, at best he is a Steve Jobs. At worst, he is an ego driven narcissist's like many have pointed out above. My red flags started popping up when he called the rescue diver of those children that were stuck in the cave a few years back a pedophile. I don't particularly like Tesla and how a lot of the neoliberals are considering it an important step in combating climate change. The amount of resources and water it takes to mine lithium is insane and we don't have the clean energy infrastructure to actually take full benefit of having EVs. His EV tunnel idea is stupid and will not combat traffic, some decent rails and trains that run off of cleanly generated electricity would be an immensely better option.

Edit: Not sure about all of you but when the SLS launched I felt proud that my tax dollars is under the most badass and prestigious astronautics organization in human history. Seeing that beautiful orange giant flying into the sky was one of those "proud to be an American" moments. When I see a Space-X flight I don't feel anything because its a private company owned by a egomaniac that is taking billions of our dollars a year and then having a hissy fit about the price of star link in Ukraine.

Edit 2: Wanted to make sure everyone knows that I don't have any issue with SpaceX's talented engineers or employees. I have an issue with the figurehead and how he presents himself and his companies.
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Likely a completely false story. Unnamed sources . . . yea right. Joe Biden doesn’t even make the top 50 list of popular (based on followers) Twitter posters. Ironically two former presidents do make the list. Elon is number 2 on the list. LOL

Nope. It’s true. Everyone’s For You feed is being flooded with Elmo’s tweets. I’m not a Twitter user, but my wife is, and she showed me her feed, and his tweets are at the top. She does not follow Musk and has never seen a Tweet of his in her feed until now.
I mentioned my wife is on Twitter. To clarify, she is just barely on. She likes to read a few tweets by certain people, but she does not actually “follow” anyone, and she does not Tweet. She also cannot STAND Elon Musk. That’s the main reason she dialed back her time on Twitter. She was sick of hearing about him after the Twitter purchase and sick of seeing his “Fat Ugly Face”, as she describes it. Lol!

Anyway, that is how this whole stupid thing came to my attention. She decided to log in after a long time off, and the first thing she saw has his Fat Ugly Face on a Tweet in her feed, which was surprising to her in a nauseating way. Then she found out why and told me about it. This story probably never would have gotten on my radar otherwise.
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