Is this a sign of the end of the world???

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2009
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If it is, I can only hope the world actual ends before this steaming turd is released into theaters.

Melissa McCarthy as the lead in the all-female remake of the Ghostbusters. Click on the attached photo to enlarge. Medical warning: People with weak hearts, weak bladders, susceptible to projectile vomiting, more than one elbow, a spine, or eyesight better than 20/3000 are advised not to look.

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I am not in favor of the remake of Ghostbusters. More accurately, I am not in favor of the way Hollywood is ruminating popular movies. What's next? Caddyshack? Animal House? Patton?

But, I do think McCarthy is a good comedienne given the right venue.

And...given the girth of so many rocket folks, jokes about weight are probably not appreciated.
I am not in favor of the remake of Ghostbusters. More accurately, I am not in favor of the way Hollywood is ruminating popular movies. What's next? Caddyshack? Animal House? Patton?

But, I do think McCarthy is a good comedienne given the right venue.

And...given the girth of so many rocket folks, jokes about weight are probably not appreciated.

Good point. I never made a reference to her weight as I think that is cruel; I just don't think she's the least bit funny. And why did anyone think they needed to remake this movie? To be honest, its not a great movie, but the cast is pretty darn near perfect (although Rick Moranis is a bit too goofy for my taste). I have it on DVD and enjoy it, but with different actors playing the parts played by Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, the movie would have been pretty bad.

It's a real thing!

"The original "Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters 2" films revolved around a cast of likeable characters, most notably the four protagonists: Ray, Egon, Winston, and of course, Peter Venkman. Sadly, Harold Ramis, who played Egon and co-wrote the film, died. In addition, Bill Murray has expressed much disinterest in reprising his role as Dr. Venkman and has compared doing a "Ghostbusters III" to that of "The Godfather: Part III." In response to this, it seems, Dan Aykroyd has decided not to do a "Ghostbusters 3," but instead a reboot, despite the over-saturation of the reboot genre. This film will also be a 'gender-bender' film, in the regards that the original four ghostbusters are replaced by an all-female cast. In addition, a male version of Janine, dubbed 'Kevin,' will be portrayed by Chris Hemsworth, who is best known for being a sex symbol and Thor (often at the same time). This film also features new Ghostbuster 'uniforms,' which will feature some orange stripes that apparently are aesthetically superior to the design of the costumes from the original films, and therefore it was necessary to create new outfits."
You almost got the Porky's remake.

And a remake of Rock 'N Roll High School.

I am not in favor of the remake of Ghostbusters. More accurately, I am not in favor of the way Hollywood is ruminating popular movies. What's next? Caddyshack? Animal House? Patton?

But, I do think McCarthy is a good comedienne given the right venue.

And...given the girth of so many rocket folks, jokes about weight are probably not appreciated.
This just goes to show how vapid our society is. Nothing new and creative anymore, it's all just revamp and repackage. It's really sad this is what passes for creativity these days.
Why couldn't they have just continued with the idea instead of rebooting it? It's not like there's anyone on earth who doesn't know the original story. They could have made one of the new cast a relative of someone from the original movies who continues on with the business. Or maybe they could have gone back to Aykroyd's original concept of having this team a small part of a much bigger organization (If you aren't familiar with the movie's development history I encourage you to check it out). There are probably TONS of great Ghostbusters scripts out there that could have been utilized.
Most likely Dan Aykroyd doesn't own the rights to the movie. I'm guessing Harold Ramis owned the rights and once he died, whoever retained the rights was free to have a field day with it. If he was alive I doubt it would include the current cast. Ramis had talked about a sequel for years.

If you want a good story about the way movie rights work and how the little guy sometimes wins in the end, check out what happened with Super Troopers. The original writers/actors, the comedy troupe Broken Lizard, made the deal for the original movie as an up and coming group. They didn't know it at the time, but they signed a terrible deal that gave the creative rights to the studio. If I remember correctly they didn't even have royalties on DVD sales. Seems insane now, but it came out in 2001, which is just when DVD was catching on. They probably signed the deal in 99 or 00 so DVD was in its infancy. The movie did fairly decent in the box office for an unknown comedy, but it fell more along the lines of cult classic as it got really popular when it came out on DVD. I was in college and EVERYONE owned a copy of that. People would quote from it daily.

So after the success, naturally the studio wanted to make a sequel a la Hangover II – same plot, same characters, same jokes – just a quick follow-up to make as much money as possible. Broken Lizard really wanted to do a sequel, but the right way and written by them. They had some other movies in the pipeline at that point, and had learned their lesson, so they could say no to the project. Even several years later when BL was ready to do a sequel they still didn't have the rights, so they would have had to do it under a different name with different characters, etc. So they waited. And waited.

This April, fourteen years after the original was made, the original team started a crowdfunding campaign for a sequel. Fox Searchlight agreed to release the movie if they could raise $2 million. They raised $5.7 million with over 50,000 donations made – surpassing the 2 mil mark in 26 hours.

Now, we'll see if the sequel is any good, but at least if it isn't it was given the best shot by the people who came up with the original. I think the encouraging thing is that there is an alternative emerging to the Hollywood machine. The internet is giving the people more of a voice than just voting with their wallet at the box office.
If it is, I can only hope the world actual ends before this steaming turd is released into theaters.

Melissa McCarthy as the lead in the all-female remake of the Ghostbusters. Click on the attached photo to enlarge. Medical warning: People with weak hearts, weak bladders, susceptible to projectile vomiting, more than one elbow, a spine, or eyesight better than 20/3000 are advised not to look.

I guess you feel the same way about these pics?



I see the main purpose of the OP as hate against an overweight person. The jumpsuit does not even have any Ghostbuster's logos, equipment, or such (probably early in the movie story).

The movie….. we'll see if it's good or not. I know some people simply hate it because the leads are females. Those types of people have to get over themselves.

- George Gassaway

Now that I have reread my original post I can see where people might think I was making fun of her weight. I wasn't. As a matter of fact I didn't even think of it. My comment was aimed at the fact that I think she is a lousy actress and having her in the reboot of this enjoyable movie is a travesty. And I use the term actress very, very, very loosely.
I guess you feel the same way about these pics?



I see the main purpose of the OP as hate against an overweight person. The jumpsuit does not even have any Ghostbuster's logos, equipment, or such (probably early in the movie story).

The movie….. we'll see if it's good or not. I know some people simply hate it because the leads are females. Those types of people have to get over themselves.

- George Gassaway


I can see why you thought that, but as I stated in the post above that was not my intent at all. I also have no problem with an all-female cast. I chose poorly in my words and should have been more obvious in my objections. I apologize for misunderstanding.

I just think that the lead is a crass, untalented hack and that means this remake will be full of profanity and not the least bit funny. And that is a very nice photo of her; she looks quite pretty.

By the way, John Candy was very funny. Chris Farley was loud and obnoxious and someone I avoided watching every chance I got.
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I have liked her in some movies and not liked her in others. I thought she was funny in Bridesmaids, and I think Spy looks funny. But she has definitely been in some misses.

Regarding this Ghostbusters reboot, I really am not a big fan of reboots, even if the reboot ends up being pretty good (which it usually isn't). It shows a lack of imagination and creativity. Hollywood budgets are so big now, that execs are afraid to take risks, so they just keep recycling the same safe ideas over and over again.
What I dis-like about Melissa is when she goes off script and they print the junk that she pontificates on; she can be funny, but not when she adlibs. But a Ghostbusters III could be a very interesting show. To this day I can quote many lines from the first two movies... "Dogs-n-cats, LIVING TOGETHER... Mass hysteria" I have this feeling that they are putting together a good cast for this next project.

As for the re-boots... Jurassic World is laughing all the way to the bank, which is a rarity. Do I think the Independence Day will do as well... hard to say, but I doubt it. Star Wars? Heck yeah, JJ Abrams is a movie genius in my opinion... better than most anyway.

Back to Melissa and Ghost Busters III... If she can stick mostly with the script, I think she will do well... we'll see.
As for the re-boots... Jurassic World is laughing all the way to the bank, which is a rarity. Do I think the Independence Day will do as well... hard to say, but I doubt it. Star Wars? Heck yeah, JJ Abrams is a movie genius in my opinion... better than most anyway.
None of these was a re-boot.

Jurassic World was a sequel, set many years after the first disaster at the park when they had better control for a while.
Independence Day: Resurgence seems to also be a sequel where the alien technology from the first attack will be used to set up defenses for Earth but the next wave of aliens come and hijinks ensue.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens is a sequel set 30 years after Return of the Jedi. The discovery of a massive river of ectoplasm and a resurgence of spectral activity allows a painting of the Emperor to come alive and demand a baby be used to give him a body to return to. I'm not 100% sure about that one, but it's what I heard.
Of course they are re-boots; if you are re-using any of the names the to re-animate lost franchises, then they are re-boots, regardless of settings. Star Wars was done until Disney grabbed on... Independence Day was concluded, but is getting another run... and Ghostbusters had been in the return for a long time, but could net get the nod till the "All-Girl" ghost busting unit came to light. These movies are all re-booting series that for all intents and purpose were ended.

One of those three has been a real big hit, so I am really excited for Star Wars.
No, those are sequels, not re-boots. It doesn't matter how much time has passed between movies, if you're continuing the story line like they are in all those examples then it's just a sequel.

A re-boot is when you start the story over from the beginning and it goes down a different path. There were 3 Spider-Man movies made with Tobey Maguire, the last one came out in 2007. In 2012 they did a re-boot with Andrew Garfield where they started over and there was a different way that he became Spider-Man, his powers were different, etc. Those weren't sequels to the previous movies. Even the Tobey Maquire movies were re-boots because there were earlier Spider-Man movies made.

Same thing with Batman. The Christian Bale re-boot movies were a completely different arc than the ones where Michael Keaton was Bruce Wayne. The George Clooney Batman was a sequel to the Michael Keaton Batman, not a re-boot.

Star Wars Episode VII is not a re-boot. Neither is Independence Day, nor Jurassic World. It's too early to tell if the new Ghostbusters will be or not, but from what I've read it looks like it probably will be.
I see the main purpose of the OP as hate against an overweight person.

I was also going to say that I have never seen her in anything that I actually liked and then I remembered she was in Gilmore Girls. She played Sookie. She did a great job on that wonderful show.