I lost my boredom buster

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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
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oh no i lost my good old boredom buster I launched it on a E28 and never found it the worst thing is is that i used some one elses 24/40 hardware so i had to buy them a new one
it cost me $89 im all poor now!!!
Bummer, sorry to hear that. Don't ever use reloads in throw-away rockets ;)
But your note bored, are you?!

Why $89. I haven't bought one in a while, but I thought they were around $35

now i know that rstaff it wasn't really a throw away rocket and was build really good i didn't mind as much my rocket it was the reload i don't like lossing other peoples stuff

as for EMRR the $89 is New Zealand currency thats equellivant to around $45 US but the shipping is expensive so we have to pay more.
Yea, I should have known an E flight shouldn't be throw-away. My throw aways have all been on G's. Hmm, except for my Non-Centrix, a clone of the Apogee Centrix that I lost on a B2 staged to a B2. And my Comanche, D12-C6-C6. And my DoubleTree Pen Roc on a MMX :eek:
Sorry to hear you lost your model Matt. I try to look at it like Bass fishing.. If you not losing lures your not catching many fish... if you haven't lost an occasional rocket ya must not be flying. it is really a shame about the reload casing thou.
Sounds like your going to be singing my song, I owe, I owe so off to work I go...:)
Hope this cheers you a little