Got Milk?

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And for the lazy man who doesn't want to put the work into the name: Bull-pup.
Originally posted by rokitflite
...Before the block of sour cream made it half way, the carton was righted, closed and put out in a bag on the curb.

Thank God its pollen season and I have no sense of smell for the next month!!!

The 'fridge has since been cleaned out... I found several other unique items that were not immediately identifiable.

-Feeling your pain:rolleyes:

Reminds me of an old "Odd Couple" skit where Felix pulls two clear plastic bottles from the fridge and asks Oscar "what's the difference between the yellow juice and the brown", to which Oscar replies "about 6 weeks"...


One of my best experiences (best because it didn't involve ME drinking it) was when our son Joe poured milk into his cereal and began to chow down...

About 3 minutes into this event, Joe looks up and says (with a mouth full) "what's wrong with this cereal?"... You could see little chunks of white matter on his lips...

Then his taste buds seemed to kick in full steam...

Oh man, I can't even describe the next 30 seconds... LOL
In Norway it seems common for people to put buttermilk in cereal. One time I was at a hotel having some cereal (because it was the only edible thing (I don't like fishcakes and brown cheese for breakfast)), so I picked up a carton of what looked like milk. I filled my bowl half way before I noticed it was thick and lumpy. The milk came out of a dispenser (not a carton), which is why I couldn't find it at first.
Originally posted by Micromeister
snip...Smell is the strongest sense...snip

This one's giving me trouble...

Are you saying that you have a strong smell? :D
Originally posted by jflis
Then his taste buds seemed to kick in full steam...

Oh man, I can't even describe the next 30 seconds... LOL

Oh, I'll bet I can... :D
Oh no.

That one reminded me of my college days way back...

The one where you are drinking from a full can of beer, suddenly feel the call of nature, put the can down with some others and visit the toilet.

Stop off to chat to this good looking girl on the way back, pick up your can while still talking to her, take a good slug of beer... find it's the one some guy has been using as his ashtray!

I haven't smoked since that day...

- and before you ask no, I didn't get the girl's number, not even when I offered to pay her cleaning bill.

Being far more civilised we English put our cow juice in glass bottles. We also have it delivered fresh to our doors every morning by a noble professional called the 'Milkman'. Although subject to the whims of the European Union we are still graciously permitted to buy it in pints, which fortunately are much bigger than yours, consisting of 20 fluid ounces. 568 millilitres, I ask you. Far too many of them in anything to do anyone any good. Besides, they're old fashioned. Metric measure dates from the 1790s whereas Imperial measure was defined by statute in the 1850s.
Originally posted by powderburner
They can't even get pints right!

Well, 20 ounces per pint can be a GOOD thing, provided you're talking about beer!
When I was a teenager I had a friend whose mother used to buy premade chocolate milk in a gallon size. The stuff tasted great for awhile and we'd both drink quite a bit when I visited his house, but later you'd feel really stuffed.

Anyway, one day I finished a glass and my friend still had some left in his glass. He poured it back in the gallon container and shook it up. Yuck- I could still see the bubbles. My obvious question was, "do you always do that?" meaning, did I just drink some used milk???
Even? Whaddya mean, even??

You adopted our wine gallon, defined in 1707 as 231 cubic inches. Your dry gallon is still different from that.
We rationalised all our gallons in 1824 to the volume of 10lb. of distilled water at 62°F. Hence 20 fluid ounces in a pint.
Here's somewhere you can get a proper pint of beer in San Jose.
I dunno - but I think our American pint is a bit (only a bit) more logical:

1 Gallon (128 fl oz) = 2 Half Gallons
1 Half Gallon (64 fl oz) = 2 Quarts
1 Quart (32 fl oz) = 2 Pints
1 Pint (16 fl oz) = 2 Half Pints

Of course, the Metric system is a whole lot more logical, but you can't seem to buck tradition.

Greg (yes, I use metric in the lab all the time and am very comfortable with it)
In reference to the "drinking milk from the carton" gene:
Back in college I had a friend who also considered this a part of his genetic makeup. One day we were over at his house preparing to leave for a now forgotten adventure, and he fixed himself a quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. He wolfed down the PB&J, then immediately walked to the fridge and grabbed the milk. I expected him to then grab a glass, but instead he did the man thing and started chugging straight from the plastic jug. I wasn't going to say anything until I noticed the darker chunkage swirling at the bottom of the jug. I pointed this out to him, and since the milk was almost gone, he poured the rest into a glass to investigate. We figured out that the chunkage was backwash from his brother, who not only drank from the jug, but apparently did so with a mouthful of food. Until that moment I'd never seen another person turn green. For the rest of the day, all we'd have to do is look at each other and we'd start laughing.
Since Kermie lives in the dairy state, where having spoiled milk in the fridge is a class A felony, he is now reporting to Milwaukee, where the process of deportation to Chicago has started.
I was nearly tossed out of Wisconsin once when my oldest daughter exclaimed "I don't like cheese" loud enough to be heard by the locals!!:eek: :eek:
Originally posted by powderburner
I think I'm off milk for a while....

LOL I hear ya! This is the *first* thread I have ever read in any forum that makes me queasy reading it....

Found out the situation.

Last weekend (the 20th), my daughter got the milk out to make herself some cereal. When my fiance got up and found it on the counter, she thought it had been out a short enough time period to put it back in the fridge, so she did so.

To tell y'all what a wonderful woman I have at my side, when she hit the grocery store on Thursday, she got me a container of cottage cheese. :kill:

Lesson #4: Dogs love cottage cheese. Their digestive systems do not.
I noticed myself being extra careful with the milk in the fridge after reading this one. EEK!

Originally posted by KermieD
Found out the situation.

Last weekend (the 20th), my daughter got the milk out to make herself some cereal. When my fiance got up and found it on the counter, she thought it had been out a short enough time period to put it back in the fridge, so she did so.

To tell y'all what a wonderful woman I have at my side, when she hit the grocery store on Thursday, she got me a container of cottage cheese. :kill:

Lesson #4: Dogs love cottage cheese. Their digestive systems do not.

LOL reminds me of a commercial I saw recently (heck I don't even remember what the product was after the punch line...)

Two college kids in an appartment, one is lounging on the couch with a spoon and a large carton...

...the other kid walks by and says "hey, what are you eating"

to which his buddy says "cottage cheese", as he takes a large mouthful from the carton.

to which the first guy remarks "dude, they don't put cottage cheese in cartons"....

Heard references to that, but I haven't been able to find the video online. If anyone has a link to it, please post.