fiberglass sheets

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Nick Meyer

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
I searched the forum but found no good posts that answer my question, so... Where do you guys get all of your fiberglass for fins? and what thickness should I use for a minimum diameter 38/600 rocket? I'm not sure but im thinking that i may get a few, "isn't fiberglass a little excessive?" but I'm just tired of wood that is never straight or to heavy. But of coarse I'm open to suggestions as far as any other non-organic material goes.
PML or the LHS sell G10 sheets (fiberglass).

I would use 1/16" and then T2T laminate it with 6oz glass. It should end up around 3/32" thick.
The rocketry suppliers have stuff they use however it is small quantity and priced accordingly.

You can also try here for a price that is about half however your cash outlay will be somewhat more as they have minimums that are well over $100. Nice thing is they are big sheets and you can split the cost with others.
Ok thanks thats great, just what i needed. but i have just a few more questions (then thats it i swear). But how do you guys cut g-10? I have a skillsaw but i presume that i would need a carbide blade? ive also wanted to look ino laser cutting so if anybody does that then could you let me know were? And how do you bring the leading edge to a point (forgot term) with fiberglass? And i looked at that honeycomb material and i think thats the stuff were they sell like strips of stuf that you glue to the leading edge. Would that work for fiberglass?
PML and Giant Leap both sell pre-cut fins. Very reasonable considering what a pain it is to cut G-10.
I've purchased many an item from Mc Master-Carr, including FG sheets.
and search for G10 or Grade G-10/FR4 Garolite. You'll find many thicknesses and sheet sizes. FR4 is a temperature/flame rated FG sheet that I like to use for centering rings, especially in the MMT area.

As for cutting G-10/FR4, I usually use a band saw with a metal cutting blade. It gives a very smooth cut. If I'm making fins, I'll tape or clamp them together, final shape them and also bevel the leading edges using a bench-mounted belt/disc sander.
Originally posted by hartlch
That is a nice site for larger quantities Al. But I think the link was meant to be to the FR4 variety instead of the cryogenic. It is a lot cheaper and is fire resistant. Not sure what I'd do with 36 square feet of fin material...


I posted the wrong link, thanks for the correction. Still, I hate paying small quantity prices.

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