Very impressed with the Blue Raven thus far, but had a question regarding disarming channels and flight readiness. If I were to power up the Blue Raven with my avionics bay open and immediately disarm all my pyro channels, then finish a few preparations and close up my avionics bay before rearming on the pad, does the live data give any indication there was some event that would cause any issues proceeding with a flight?
For example, I powered up the BR and disarmed the apogee channel that had an ematch connected. While the BR was beeping indicating it was ready for flight, I swung it enough that it thought there was a launch event and the beeping stopped. I then rearmed the apogee channel and it was showing green because it had continuity, but the altimeter was not beeping. Is there any indication on the live data stating it shouldn't be flown in the event i cant hear beeping?
The disarmed channels are highlighted red in the live data screen even if they have continuity. Anything in the live data screen that is highlighted red, whether an out-of-bounds sensor, or a channel that is disconnected or disarmed, is a potentially a reason to be no-go for launch.