Thanks to all who've helped me out here... I guess the consensus is to NOT add weight to the rear end.
I won't add aft weight, but I will admit (finally) that this is my second Sudden Rush that I've added the 9" payload section to. (and left out the Kwik-Switch motor mount) The first had a great launch on an I211W with aft weight added to bring the CG to about 1.5 calibers forward of the CP. It flew great on the way up, and with no added weight, my new one should go even higher!
So why do I have another one? The first never deployed its recovery system due to my having used high-current "motor ignitors" instead of low current "e-matches" attached to my altacc 2c. Unfortunately, I naively thought that those terms in quotes represented a universally recognized distinction, but I now realize that's not the case. The rocket lawn-darted from ~2000 feet into a muddy field and I never found the hole. A very expensive lesson...
Anyway, special thanks to Bob K. for that outstanding article on stability which has finally convinced me, although I further admit to not understanding all the math in it.
Now I will again try for level 1 with my new rocket on an I300T at Frontier Rocketry's August launch. Wish me luck!
Best Regards to all and Thanks Again!
Mike Dean
NAR 64305