CC Express kit bash for beginners to E engines

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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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here is my first video of building a "stretched limo" Estes CC Express E engine powered rocket. I know my voice is boring but the end result is a great flying sport rocket that gets you into an E engine. ;)

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I built my CC Express with an extended upper stage motor tube so as to handle the Estes Es. I only got it back because I used a big streamer for recovery.

By the way, the 2011 Estes catalogue is listing a return of the C11-0 motor as well as the A8-0.
Thanks to a goof by a vender I have a second CC Express kit free of charge.

I’m going to build the booster stage as an intermittent stage so as to have a three stage rocket D-D-E rocket

I’m thinking on adding a payload section for a locator beacon.

If I were to do this; should I use the booster stage fins or the sustainer fins for this second of three stages?
...I’m going to build the booster stage as an intermittent stage so as to have a three stage rocket D-D-E rocket...
I’m thinking on adding a payload section for a locator beacon.

Would the first stage D (D12, I'm assuming) have enough oomph to get the whole thing moving fast enough off the pad? Just the weight of D+D+E engines is a fair amount.

As for the locator beacon, that's a good idea! Presuming this gets off the pad, you would probably never see it again without the beacon...

Pictures please when you get there!
My 3 stage C.C.Express, after losing first one on maiden flight,had extra booster when I ordered another.Just seemed logical to use all 3.D12-0,E-9-3,D12-7. Flew great, straight, to high for chute even with huge spillhole.Lost main rocket AGAIN, drifted outta sight, couldn't recover.Now I have 2 extra boosters....great rocket though,guess I'll order another(3rd in 2 months)....I just wonder...4 stages????

021311 076.jpg
guess I'll order another(3rd in 2 months)....I just wonder...4 stages????

Man, you really want to lose another!:lol: We managed to lose 4 last year on just two stages.

Now I know why they always seem to be out of stock.
you staged an E9-3 to a D12-7? Makes sense just never seen it done before. No weather cocking during the coast phase?
you staged an E9-3 to a D12-7? Makes sense just never seen it done before. No weather cocking during the coast phase?

Sorry, that was a misprint(D12-7 was earlier 2-stage) the 3 stage setup was; D12-0 to D12-0 to E9-4. Using leftover booster stage from lost rocket, I removed bottom retainer ring from fin/tube assembly to allow E9 that sticks out from main rocket (Because main tube setup for D length) to tape to D12-0,taped to lowerD12-0. The shear lines created allow just enough stagger to butt stages together without too much interference upon separation. The flight was perfect,straight, could see every stage kick....but I should have streamerd instead of chute..Absolutely worth it though, will build another ASAP and do again....but I now have 2 xtra boosters recovered, and it comes with"4"..?
I’ve almost completed the intermediate stage that will allow me to launch my “CC Express” as a three stage D12-D12-E9. Included will be a 55 to 60 payload bay allowing me to include a tracking beacon and altimeter.

To be launched at KloudBurst 21.
Awsome! that things going to orbit...if not beyond. Lost my 3 stage C.C.Ex, would have definatly needed some sort of tracking device. Interested to know altittude on one with 3 stages, I couldn't even guess on mine...beyond human sight for sure..
I bought a CC Express kit couple weeks ago and used it to clone the Cherokee-D. I have since bought another kit to build a 2 stage version of the old estes "Defender"....
hey captain, have you launched that Cherokee on an E yet ? you will like it !
hey captain, have you launched that Cherokee on an E yet ? you will like it !

Its a cool looking rocket, and Im sure with a "E" or a F24 would make for an awesome flight but the reality is the Cherokee-E will fly maybe once or twice a year with the winds that are so prevalent down here in coastal Texas, I have to wait for a calm day. My flying field that I have is roughly 1/2 X 3/4 miles and although I haven't flown it yet. I'm not too sure if i have the room to recover it. I'm still debating if I should go streamer (what size/length?) or 12" chute?
i use a 12 inch chute with a 8 inch spill hole. same setup as in the E9 RED MAX
video. launching the cc express on a E9 will send it just out of sight but you will
regain sight of it during the delay stage as its coming down . with a 12 MPH wind it will drift about a 1/4 mile.

i consider the parachute setup this way as just a drogue chute, just enough to slow it down without landing damage.

i suffer with the wind like you do, everyday its at least 12mph gusting to over 20mph.
20-30mph gusts down here today...... which reminds me, i stall have to slap together some 18mm adapters to use in the 24mm mounts. Either way, they're going to fly, but the D & E powered flights will have to wait for a calmer day...

Most of my rockets that use a 12" chute have been replaced with crepe paper streamers up to 60" on some rockets. Any rocket that came with a 18" chute has been replaced with a 12" chute. How do you make the spill hole? Just cut a 8" circle in the center of the chute?

last D powered launched in these winds cost me a 30 min walk to go out and come back from retrieving it. model rocketry is good for the health I guess... :p