Captain Marvel

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What I find odd, is that according to surveys, the people who are seeing the movie are not giving it high ratings. But typically, people go to see movies that their friends have said are good. I have yet to see a friend online post that this movie was anything but terrific and the box office returns would seem to indicate that my experience is far from unique. I'm hoping to see it this coming weekend or some evening that I don't have meetings to go to.

Oh, and it's probably worth noting that I generally see one or two movies in a year if I see any at all.

CinemaScore, which polls actual movie viewers upon exit, has it rated as an "A". No one I know in person has had anything but praise for it.

Second-biggest opening weekend in Marvel Cinematic Universe history (behind only Avengers: Infinity War). Although Avengers: Endgame is bound to break all the records...
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Still don’t get the intensity of the negative reactions to Solo. Was it the Han Solo movie I’d make? Probably not, but it was an enjoyable time at the movies for us - and we bought the Blu-ray and enjoyed it at home too.

I was unenthusiastic about "Solo" based on the trailers, but when I finally watched it on Blu-Ray I was pleasantly surprised. It was entertaining.

I’m not a Brie Larson fan - don’t know that I can pick her out of a lineup or name a movie she’s in

Same here until now. I was recently told she was in "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World," which I haven't seen since it came out in 2010. Then I noticed Chris Evans (Captain America) was in it too. I might have to go back and watch it again.
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I was unenthusiastic about "Solo" based on the trailers, but when I finally watched it on Blu-Ray I was pleasantly surprised. It was entertaining.

It was an entertaining movie...the issue many have is that, at it's heart, it isn't a Star Wars movie....which is to say it doesn't play into the same identity and iconography of Star Wars. It plays loosely with a lot of the Star wars canon, without directly violating any (well, not egregiously, anyway). Case in Point, take out 'Han Solo,' 'Lando,' 'Chewbacca' and 'millenium falcon,' the names, not even necessarily the deliveries, and you would still have the same move with the same feels.

They set out to make a space western, and that's exactly what they did. the only mistake (in my opinion) is that they set it in the Star Wars Universe. I was bummed that they stopped all extended movies afterwards, as I feel it really set up the next movie to be killer,if they played up Maul (oops, spoiler alert) and his fall from 'grace,' as it were.

As for Captain Marvel, I am still optimistic, I read reviews to avoid being disappointed; I read both 'Congo' and 'The Relic' (novelization), before seeing the movies, and that ruined me forever. I stick with one or the other, in many cases. I refuse to read the Harry Potter books because I love the movies, and I'm worried they would be ruined for me.
I refuse to read the Harry Potter books because I love the movies, and I'm worried they would be ruined for me.
I think you may have taken a wrong turn there. The books and movies are quite compatible, except the books have tons more backstory details and are overall much more satisfying.
Exactly...if the books are more satisfying, I'll know what the movies lack (such as Peeves or Dobies 1000 hats-I have children)...thereby diminishing them. I don't want to risk it :D
have you been talking to my wife? o_O:D
Nope, just talking sense. I can understand not wanting to read the books *before* seeing the movies, but avoiding them afterwards makes no sense to me at all. It is an easy opportunity to greatly *enhance* your overall enjoyment of the series.

Anyway, back to Captain Marvel:
uh, actually I have nothing more to say about Captain Marvel until I see it. ;)
I'm excited to see it, actually, ....

And I realize this may be hypocrisy, but I never read the capt Marvel comics.

One thought though ...(SPOILER ALERT) if Annette Benning is Mar-Vell...have the names and faces been changed to protect the innocent? :D
I’m not a Brie Larson fan - don’t know that I can pick her out of a lineup or name a movie she’s in


Until this movie, I'd never even heard of her.


Same here until now. I was recently told she was in "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World," which I haven't seen since it came out in 2010.

You boys need to check out her ACADEMY AWARD WINNING work in "Room"

Yes, I had to google that and yes, my tongue is halfway in my cheek. :rolleyes: (I miss the winky emoji )

My primary interest in comic books ended at around the time of the transition from the Silver Age to the Bronze Age so I missed Captain Marvel's sex change. I do have a fuzzy recollection of paging through this back in the day:

captain marvel.jpg

I expect I'll see this movie at some point.

BTW, thanks to this thread I now know what SJW means ! :)
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lol I like how if you're critical of the movie you're labeled a troll.

That right there gives me no motivation at all to see it.
lol I like how if you're critical of the movie you're labeled a troll.

That right there gives me no motivation at all to see it.

There's a difference between a thoughtful, nuanced critical review of the cinematic merits of a film, and furiously screaming bloody murder by dropping all the angry and politically-motivated buzzwords in the process.

I thought many of the mainstream reviewers gave interesting critiques of certain plot and pacing elements. After seeing it I thought some of them had merit.

But some random loudmouth on YouTube having a red-faced spittle-flecked emotional breakdown about "SJW" "feminazi" "PC" "librul agenda" stuff? Yeah I ignore those guys.

I just want to tell those guys..."Hey, it's fun. Go and have a good time. It's entertaining. Lighten up. Get out of your trench and just enjoy life once in a while."
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There's a difference between a thoughtful, nuanced critical review of the cinematic merits of a film, and furiously screaming bloody murder by dropping all the angry and politically-motivated buzzwords in the process.

I thought many of the mainstream reviewers gave interesting critiques of certain plot and pacing elements. After seeing it I thought some of them had merit.

But some random loudmouth on YouTube having a red-faced spittle-flecked emotional breakdown about "SJW" "feminazi" "PC" "librul agenda" stuff? Yeah I ignore those guys.

I just want to tell those guys..."Hey, it's fun. Go and have a good time. It's entertaining. Lighten up. Get out of your trench and just enjoy life once in a while."

The wife and I will try to see it this weekend. Held over in our only movie theater in town that is only open on the weekends.
and furiously screaming bloody murder by dropping all the angry and politically-motivated buzzwords in the process.

Are the critics of the movie or the proponents of this movie doing this?

Oh they both are.

Thanks but I'll still pass. Got better things in life than to spend $10/person on...
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Haven't seen this yet, hope to (somehow) before the next Avengers, since I gather Captain Marvel will play a role there.

For those who have seen it: do they explain why she was completely MIA during all the Infinity War happenings? Spoiler-free answer, please. :)

This movie happens in the mid 1990's. And she had other places to go and to be at for a lot of years after.

And for anyone who goes to see it, STAY for the massive Easter Egg after the credits (and those who didn't, ya blew it). Just sayin'.

Also, very surprised that nobody has mentioned this movie ALSO includes a lot of the early days of SHIELD, and the origins of Nick Fury with the Avengers. Plus the BEST de-aging CGI I have seen, showing an older actor (Samuel L. Jackson) looking like they did decades before.

Bottom line: This movie is intended to do 2 things:

1. Entertain the viewer

2. Convince you to see more MCU movies...

If it does either it's successful. In my not so humble opinion, it should not be judged against reality. reality is for documentaries and nightly news.

You, however, as a viewer can have an opinion...mine may vary..thus, critics, critiques, etc. should only be considered if they align with your views.
Exactly...if the books are more satisfying, I'll know what the movies lack (such as Peeves or Dobies 1000 hats-I have children)...thereby diminishing them. I don't want to risk it :D

Even more satisfying than the books, the unabridged audio books. They are "performed" rather than simply read by a very talented voice actor. That was my first introduction to the HP universe. My kid would read the book along with the audio tape or CD. The actor Jim Dale does a superb job of all the different character voices.
Saw Captain Marvel last night, really enjoyed it a lot.

IMHO all the hand-wringing over this movie was and is completely unjustified (not that I am surprised). This is a straightforward superhero movie, and a pretty good one at that.

Ditto here. Just saw it this afternoon. I think it is a great addition to the MCU. Plus, it really answers quite a few of the oddball questions like "How did Nick Fury injure his eye?".
I saw it, and thought it was pretty good. There was an odd anachronistic moment where a completed F-22 was shown in a hanger, though. Annette Benning was completely miscast and Brie Larson (whom I thought was also completely miscast in the trailer) did better than the trailer, but still seemed a little off for the role - more Hot / Cold, I should say. There were parts where she clearly had the chemistry, and other parts that felt forced. I also appreciated that the soundtrack included songs by both Nirvana AND Hole (why not add the Foo Fighters just to complete the family?). All in all, it was fun.
I agree that Annette Benning was miscast, but I was happy with Brie Larson's performance. I thought she was very good when she got into battle mode.

And yeah, the soundtrack was great. :)