an article about the ATFE test results at Hill AFB using hobby rockets and APCP is available from the the ARSA News story page
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Originally posted by izzy
an article about the ATFE test results at Hill AFB using hobby rockets and APCP is available from the the ARSA News story page
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This perty much sums it up in my mind too. As long as there is somewhat of a "due process" occuring, about all any of us can do is continue to promote the hobby in the safest manner possible.Originally posted by rstaff3
Whether what they say is true or not appears to be irrevelant. I do feel it is somewhat of a moral victory that they would admit they were wrong.
Originally posted by KermieD
I think it's about time we all consider the possibility that they really ARE trying to look at all the possibilities, not from a "squash the rocketeers" point of view, but from the point of view that they want to find out what is and is not a viable threat as a potential terrorist weapon.
Originally posted by Dynasoar
It's a darn shame these people operate on politics rather than science.
Originally posted by KermieD
Where I'm getting at is that I don't think it was a political statement. I think it's a statement that came out from someone in DC who was looking for a local example to illustrate a point.
It would have been far more damaging to us had the ATF agent been quoted as saying "at the Super Bowl" or "at the Indianapolis 500", where it would have been associated with the movie "Black Sunday" or some other disaster flick and would have struck a nerve with a much larger audience.
Originally posted by DavRedf
I thought of asking the BATFE if they would also consider restrictions on flour, sugar, vinigar, molasses, soap, pvc plastic bags, household ammonia, bleach, toilet cleaner, air freshener, butane and propane gas, lighter fuel, gasolene, diesel, the list goes on.
Why? because all of these can be used for explosives or cemical agents, and no I am not going to give details, so it would seem logical that they should be banned or permits aquired for there use.