Another MMX pen(cil) conversion

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Jan 17, 2009
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Glen A. sent me a PM to point me to a photo essay of the conversion of a BIC pen to MMX flight. I had never seen that particular photo album, but have seen many threads on the subject and got to see one fly last year at CMASS.

Since everyone likes our FlisKits pencils, I thought (last year) that I would see how well they would convert for flight.

Well, it does great! Here is a pic of the converted pencil (At least the pencil has a rocket related theme printed on it :p )
Here it is with the "nose cone" removed.

You can see the Kevlar shock cord, the plastic fins and the launch lug. This was before I had MMX launch lugs in stock so I used a length of the pencil tube itself.

This particular "nose cone" has the longest shoulder ever! :)
Here is a tail end view. no engine block as the motor pretty much stops when it gets to the red plastic of the pencil.

It flies incredibly well and I hope to have the conversion plans up on the "Free Stuff" section of our web site soon.
Of course, seeing you do this on-the-fly at NARAM between customers was a real sight! That's the Jim Flis we all know & love!!!

The thread I sent was from 2000. When did you first do this, Jim? Probably the first time you saw the MMX's.

Of course we were both at the last Pearl River Con to see the micros from Europe flying inside the Gym & NOT hitting the ceiling!

Originally posted by rocketking
Of course, seeing you do this on-the-fly at NARAM between customers was a real sight! That's the Jim Flis we all know & love!!!

The thread I sent was from 2000. When did you first do this, Jim? Probably the first time you saw the MMX's.

Of course we were both at the last Pearl River Con to see the micros from Europe flying inside the Gym & NOT hitting the ceiling!


I've always had an interest in MMX because they were derived from the Czech motors that Art Rose gave me (he was the one flying them at Pearl River). You can see pix from this day HERE.

I first did it shortly after getting the pencils which was about the same time I started talking with Quest about the MMX line. It seemed the only time I could get motors was at some national event and I didn't have a good line on parts... So when I got some motors the easiest way to get a rocket was to convert the pencil :)

After that I was thrilled to take over the line as I knew then that I would have a good supply of parts :D
