AI Sci-Fi Film "Colossus : The Forbin Project" Removed From All Streaming Platforms - WHY ?

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Jan 18, 2009
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Raleigh, NC Area
AI Sci-Fi Film "Colossus : The Forbin Project" Removed From All Streaming Platforms - WHY ?

Get it, while you still can . . .

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Assuming this is a serious question, I'm guessing a lawyer had something to do with it due to some issue or conflict regarding IP.
Possibly, but that video has been openly available online, for years . . . The "timing" is interesting . . . Coincidence ? Maybe, maybe not.

If "lawyers" were involved, it would have been pulled off of Rumble. too.
Good movie. Filmed at Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.

The Tandem NonStop OS was named Guardian 90. My son named a 3" MD rocket Colossus. I learned BASIC on HP2116 via ASR33s in the terminal room of the film.

I've been looking for a DVD copy for years. Maybe I can download it from rumble.
Good movie. Filmed at Lawrence Hall of Science, Berkeley.

The Tandem NonStop OS was named Guardian 90. My son named a 3" MD rocket Colossus. I learned BASIC on HP2116 via ASR33s in the terminal room of the film.

I've been looking for a DVD copy for years. Maybe I can download it from rumble.
The Rumble file is only about 750 mb . . . There is a DVD on eBay, right now.

Be careful of the "Region Code" . . . USA is Region 1
I remember seeing this as a kid at my first Star Trek convention in Seattle in the late 70's along with Andromeda Strain, both were very memorable....
I remember that movie well considering how long ago I saw it. I must have seen it on TV. Very memorable. I remember one part when Colossus told the people to execute some others. Watching that movie years ago as a kid might be why some people are against AI. I think the people who are working on AI should be very carful. Build something that will not kill people. Like Robbie the Robot.
Why would a VPN be required for something in a public domain? Do explain please...
The high-quality videos ( 720p, 1080p, and Blu-Ray ) have been removed from the Public Domain ( a few low-rez videos are still out there ) . . . They are, now, only available from "torrent" websites, hence the VPN,
How many movies have there been about a sentient defense system that decides the biggest threat to world peace is people? So the machines must purge the problem. Start a list here; Avengers Ultron, Terminator....
Why would a VPN be required for something in a public domain? Do explain please...
I can't imagine Colossus isn't under copyright (which is what public domain means). About the only thing way something published in 1970 with a copyright notice would be out of copyright now would be if the copyright holder explicitly released it.
I wonder if somehow it has something to do with the writer's strike.
The fools who are pulling it off are maybe worried that the AI boogey is going to get them and its name is Colossus, ? Maybe they feel that if the movie is not available, folks won't think about AI getting the upper hand? What's next? Oh yeah: Paging the Colonial warriors, someone has taken the first step towards developing the Cylons!!!!!!! Just remember as regards AI...GiGo Garbage in garbage out. Get real, folks, AI is not READY TO TAKE US OVER AND NO DARNED MOVIE ABOUT THAT OR TV SHOW IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT!
This is a fun one! Especially when he entire premise of the Youtube Video posted in the OP is completely wrong. As shockie mentions above, the movie is available to stream on Roku.

I watched it last night. It was fun to see where the Wargames movie got some of its iconic imagery from.

Where Horror Mike gets it wrong:
- He specifically states he can't find it on Roku. It's on Roku.
- He mentions in the movie there's no nukes (specifically referencing the Terminator movies and why it's not feasible because the nuke EMPs would destroy the computers). Colossus uses a few nukes in the movie.
- He mentions current geopolitical climate as a motivation for Universal to pull the movie from streaming. During the pandemic streaming platforms had Contagion and Outbreak available.
- Even if the movie was pulled from all available platforms (which it wasn't) the book the movie is based on is still available, along with digital copies for tablets and audiobooks. The idea that a 53 year old Hollywood production is the only thing between civilization and destruction by AI is ridiculous.
- In the meantime other AI-goes-wrong movies are widely available: 2001, The Terminator series, Wargames, AI Artificial Intelligence, Ex Machina, etc.

So his entire video is incorrect. Anyone with some basic critical thinking skills should be able to figure that out.
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The AI idea for a movie has been around for a long time.
... Since before there were movies... The Gollum of old Jewish legend, Mickey Mouse and the Wizard's hat in Fantasia (errrm, never mind), several Greek legends...
Not to mention Asimov's entire Robot series which is a cautionary tale about the risks of AI despite a well defined, and often repeated 4 laws of robotics.
I've decided to welcome our AI overlords rather than risk the wrath of Roko's Basilisk.

Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development.'...o_its_advancement_or_development.?wprov=sfla1
How come in the AI movies world, no one ever mentions "Demon Seed"? Plot: Automated house becomes sentient, traps the woman in the house, builds a robot that impregnates her, and gives birth to a half-human half robot (I think). Terrible movie. Terrible.