2nd color for rocket.

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What do you think the second color should be?

  • Black

  • Blue

  • Red

  • Green

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
I am about to add a second color to my rocket and use the V2 checkerboard pattern. The base color is white whereas I am looking for a good looking second coat.
Try to find a good electric blue. That looks cool with white.
I guess I'm the only one that thinks this so far ;) but I think an olive drab of the same gloss as your white undercoat would look cool, and add a little military flair to the rocket.
Originally posted by TeenRocketNerd
I guess I'm the only one that thinks this so far ;) but I think an olive drab of the same gloss as your white undercoat would look cool, and add a little military flair to the rocket.

YES! I love the military look on a rocket. I'll have to think about this one definitely.

One fast question...is Duplicolor topcoat compatible with Krylon topcoat?
well, now that it's under consideration, and I've had more time to think about it, you could use any finish (gloss/flat, etc) olive drab over the white undercoat, then hit the whole rocket with flat clear, to REALLY make it military looking. :) Honestly, I'm not sure if those paints are compatible or not. I've never had trouble w/ paint compatibility, but YMMV... Are they both enamel, or laquer based? if they're the same type of paint, I would guess that they would be fine to use together.
not sure what you mean by topcoat over topcoat. but if the current coat is krylon white, and you want to add an O.D. green. get a can of krylon (It has "sage" in the name if I recall) it's a satin finish..than finish with a flat coat such as testors dullcote.
Originally posted by stymye
not sure what you mean by topcoat over topcoat. but if the current coat is krylon white, and you want to add an O.D. green. get a can of krylon (It has "sage" in the name if I recall) it's a satin finish..than finish with a flat coat such as testors dullcote.

What I meant by topcoat is it not being a primer.
Red and white rules!
I don't know how fond you are of the white, but I think combinations of red/gray or yellow/grey make a really cool look. I've been wanting to try one of those color schemes for a while.
battleship gray and olive drab would look cool as well, if you were wanting/willing to go over the white
Originally posted by TeenRocketNerd
battleship gray and olive drab would look cool as well, if you were wanting/willing to go over the white

One problem with camo schemes...

They are meant to blend in

What happens when your nice camo rocket is in the middle of identically colored tall weeds?

I lost a rocket this way - it only landed about 100 feet from the pad, and vanished into the weeds (camo works better than I had thought).
Originally posted by cjl
One problem with camo schemes...

They are meant to blend in

What happens when your nice camo rocket is in the middle of identically colored tall weeds?

I lost a rocket this way - it only landed about 100 feet from the pad, and vanished into the weeds (camo works better than I had thought).

that's where more than one set of eyes, and a bright parachute have to come in to play. :D I fly quite a few rockets that sport drab camo colors, and haven't lost anything similar in size to what he has built. (or smaller, for that matter. as always, YMMV, i guess :D)
That makes me think of a good contest for next year's NARAM: Quickest to find their regulation brown and green Mosquito.