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The ATJOE1972 Rocket Program.

The inner workings of the ATJOE1972 rocket program. It's stunning victories and crushing defeats in the world of model rocketry.
Very good victories with all these nice looking sport models. I really like the paint colors you choose.
Thank you!!!! I need to post some updated photos of the newer members of the fleet. 😉
I have to do that too. Im building a Launchpad rocket called "Gabriel III" .It is a kit that I got from a hobby shop mail order. They had some in stock. Sadly the Company who made them went Belly Up recently. All Missle Types. They were Unique.
I have to do that too. Im building a Launchpad rocket called "Gabriel III" .It is a kit that I got from a hobby shop mail order. They had some in stock. Sadly the Company who made them went Belly Up recently. All Missle Types. They were Unique.
Sounds like a fun build. Is it based on a real rocket design? Just like Model Railroading, there is a large “niche” market. Sadly we lose a lot of unique vendors over time ☹️ You’ll have to keep us posted on its progress 👍
Launchpad rockets were out of Central Florida. Scaled down model Military Missiles of just about every Country. Some were 1/2 scale . Very Unique Kits.
In your photos is looks like you have good open flying space. If I had a place like that I would be out there quite a bit.
It really sucks to lose vendors that have a diverse product line. What’s nice about Model Rockets, you can clone most rockets with some time and patience. Or find the parts from other vendors. Plastic parts tend to make things harder :facepalm:
In your photos is looks like you have good open flying space. If I had a place like that I would be out there quite a bit.
I have two launch sites to work with, the local school and a State Park. The local school size allows for B6-4 engines, C engines puts things out into the neighborhood. My other site is a State Park, that’s where I can fly 24mm and 29mm birds. But no launches there due to COVID-19 concerns. :dontknow:
It really sucks to lose vendors that have a diverse product line. What’s nice about Model Rockets, you can clone most rockets with some time and patience. Or find the parts from other vendors. Plastic parts tend to make things harder :facepalm:
You are correct about parts. I think its "e rockets " has a full line of all parts. You can take instructions from a vintage rocket on line and build it like it was new. Like the little "Micron" we used to fly the heck out of to achieve heights. Also "Estes" sells parts.
I have two launch sites to work with, the local school and a State Park. The local school size allows for B6-4 engines, C engines puts things out into the neighborhood. My other site is a State Park, that’s where I can fly 24mm and 29mm birds. But no launches there due to COVID-19 concerns. :dontknow:
Having more launch sites is great. You mentioned 29mm. Do you have any models? Get this, Wallops Island rocket center in Virginia is only an hour from us. They only allow up to C motor. I brought my 29mm and could not send them up. A big disappointment. And what is nice you have visitors there from all over to watch your launches. It was still fun. Outside the museum they have "Rocket Garden" with a lot of Prototype rockets from years ago.

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