Pirate Day September 19th

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Do you talk like a pirate on Pirate Day ( even a little bit)

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Jun 30, 2015
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International Pirate Day (Talk like a Pirate Day) is September 19th. Plenty of time left to look for your buccaneers and harden up your vocal cords.
Ahaaar me hearties. Waars me rum.

Fun fact....
How much rum did sailors drink? From around 1655, a pint of rum was the usual ration handed to each sailor in the Royal Navy. It was served every day, half at 12 noon and the second half at about 5 or 6pm (though the amount decreased in following years). The rum ration was known as 'Pusser's Rum'.
My former boss and his wife kept badgering me to go see it. Let me tell ya, Man, I struggled in anguish through that whole movie.:barf::p

I wanted to like it, but I really didn’t enjoy it as much as hoped. I don’t think I bothered with any of the sequels.

I will talk like a pirate a bit on Pirate Day, if I remember. Arrrrrrr… Fetch me my ration of rum. Arrrrr…
International Pirate Day (Talk like a Pirate Day) is September 19th. Plenty of time left to look for your buccaneers and harden up your vocal cords.
Ahaaar me hearties. Waars me rum.

Fun fact....
How much rum did sailors drink? From around 1655, a pint of rum was the usual ration handed to each sailor in the Royal Navy. It was served every day, half at 12 noon and the second half at about 5 or 6pm (though the amount decreased in following years). The rum ration was known as 'Pusser's Rum'.

That’s a lot of rum! I think it was added to water to ensure that the water didn’t have any water-born disease pathogens living in it. Safety first!
It's Pirate Day in Oz now.....
Waars me buccaneers.

How much did the pirate pay for his piercings?
A buck-an-ear.

What has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 eyes?
8 pirates.

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C.
It's Pirate Day in Oz now.....
Waars me buccaneers.

How much did the pirate pay for his piercings?
A buck-an-ear.

What has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 eyes?
8 pirates.

Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C.

Here it’s not until tomarrrrrrrrrow.
A pirate walks into a bar, a regular place for him where he knows the bartender. The bartender knows that the pirate took decent care of himself so he had never seen him sporting disfiguring injury before, even took pretty good care of the macaw he carried around on his shoulder, but today the pirate is wearing an eyepatch on his left eye and sporting a hook on his left hand.

Dismayed by the injury, the bartender asks “what happened to you?”

The pirate explains, “A cannonball took off this here hand!” brandishing the hook in the bartender’s face. “Then once I returned to sea, this scurvy bird relieved himself in me eye!”, he explained further, gesturing to the macaw. “They had to cut out what was left of me eye and now I have to wear the patch to show me face!”

The bartender is surprised by this and replies, “I guess I get the hand thing, but I didn’t know bird shite could do that to your eye.”

The pirate shot back, “Aye, normally ye’d be right, laddie! But I wasn’t used to using me hook yet!”