What will you throw your money at?

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Aug 3, 2022
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As a junior rocketeer who tries to juggle the hobby and other necessary expenses, I am always worried about getting priced out. Fortunately I am able to borrow motor cases and other such things from my mentor, but the $70 'I' motors I love so much are keeping me to about one big launch a year. To combat this I would love to create another source of income that would help support my rocketry projects. I'm investing in my future after all. What are some rocket related business ideas? Or rather, what would you be willing to pay someone for at a launch? Some ideas I had were rental trackers as I have a bunch or motor case cleaning. Thoughts? Any and all ideas are welcome!
Do you have any spare smartphones that aren't more than a few years old? If so, there's some GPT farming opportunities that can help you earn some Amazon or other retailer gift cards (Target, Walmart, etc.). These won't make you a lot of money, but maybe $10-$30 a month or so, depending on how much time you put into it. This is more than enough to make a dent in an LPR budget. You seem to be into HPR though...
Do you have any spare smartphones that aren't more than a few years old? If so, there's some GPT farming opportunities that can help you earn some Amazon or other retailer gift cards (Target, Walmart, etc.). These won't make you a lot of money, but maybe $10-$30 a month or so, depending on how much time you put into it. This is more than enough to make a dent in an LPR budget. You seem to be into HPR though...
Sorry, Mr Fossil here. What's GTP farming? I got me one 'o' them rangdangnabbit fancy phones I refuse to install on my face like all the youngin's do. It's a dam site smarter than I are. Back in the day, they strapped 'em round yer ankle so's the cops knew where you was at. Now everybody knows. I liked house arrest better.
I throw my money at everybody. I get my paycheck in nickels. I hope it hurts. Greedy bastards. Oh yeah, on the spirit of the OP, I'd pay to have you fold chutes. If ya do it right.
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What's GTP farming?
GPT = Get Paid To

It refers to using your laptop, tablet or smartphone to do tasks in return for some form of compensation, such as cash (through Paypal) and gift cards (Amazon, Google Play, Target, Walmart, Lowe's, common restaurants, etc.).

GPT used to include many passive income generating activities, like running a video on loop and have it play all day while you earn a few cents to a few dollars every hour or so. Back in the golden age of GPT farming you could get half a dozen smartphones and laptops set up to just run videos all day and night (aka: "farm") and earn several hundred dollars a month, 100% passively. Those days are mostly over, so GPT today usually refers to things like taking surveys, playing specific games on a smartphone or signing up for online offers.
Back in the day, they strapped 'em round yer ankle so's the cops knew where you was at. Now everybody knows. I liked house arrest better.

Gawd, that's hilarious!! Can I borrow that?
GPT = Get Paid To

It refers to using your laptop, tablet or smartphone to do tasks in return for some form of compensation, such as cash (through Paypal) and gift cards (Amazon, Google Play, Target, Walmart, Lowe's, common restaurants, etc.).

GPT used to include many passive income generating activities, like running a video on loop and have it play all day while you earn a few cents to a few dollars every hour or so. Back in the golden age of GPT farming you could get half a dozen smartphones and laptops set up to just run videos all day and night (aka: "farm") and earn several hundred dollars a month, 100% passively. Those days are mostly over, so GPT today usually refers to things like taking surveys, playing specific games on a smartphone or signing up for online offers.
Thanks, I think.
I'm starrting to hate all the walking to retrieve my rocket. Between Saturday and Sunday I logged about 20k steps and my legs are aching now. I'd throw down $10 for some young'in to bring me back my rocket....
I think that's a great idea because not only do I get paid, I get to see a bunch more cool rockets! My only concern is that most people don't want just anyone handling their precious rockets.
Digging service. I'd easily thrown down $20 (or offer a small motor) for help digging out a lawn dart in a plowed field (was NOT easy).
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If that was here on the lake bed you wouldn't need a shovel. Just a broom and dust pan. One thing about the lake bed is that you can drive to get your rocket. I would pay to have my shelter put up. It is almost impossible for one or even two people to put it up.
Additionally, post on a club website if there are any lost rockets that would have an award if found and get deets on where it was last seen and go out looking in your spare time.
Ask if there is a finder's fee is acceptable vs. a retrieval in case you find it somewhere you can't easily get to (ex. high up in a tree) or it's smashed.
If that was here on the lake bed you wouldn't need a shovel. Just a broom and dust pan. One thing about the lake bed is that you can drive to get your rocket. I would pay to have my shelter put up. It is almost impossible for one or even two people to put it up.
That's why I noted "plowed field" my friend! ;)
You did bring up a great point about help putting up a shelter. I'd add that to the list of services offered for sure at maybe $5.
I'm starrting to hate all the walking to retrieve my rocket. Between Saturday and Sunday I logged about 20k steps and my legs are aching now. I'd throw down $10 for some young'in to bring me back my rocket....
Oooh, I'd do that! Then I can skip my morning run for that day.
Yeah, recovery might be a good idea. When I have a bunch of flights planned for a day, having a runner to go grab my rocket so I can focus on getting the next one loaded could be helpful. Also, I just recently had to carry my 14-foot Seraphim back to the flight line by myself as none of my friends showed up to the launch and everyone nearby was rushing to get their rockets launched as the weather had just cleared up. A hired hand would have come in handy.
What are some simple foods that could be provided at a launch with relatively little effort? Burgers take too long, too much work, too much grill space. A portable gas grill would provide some options: chili dogs, pulled pork BBQ, nachos. If you have a generator...good quality coffee (real half-and-half please, not the powdered plastic stuff; charge appropriately) and muffins or donuts for mornings. Other ideas?
If you have a generator...good quality coffee (real half-and-half please, not the powdered plastic stuff; charge appropriately) and muffins or donuts for mornings. Other ideas?
A lot of these money making ideas are requiring more money than the kid has got -- remember he can't afford $70 for a motor! But.... if you went to some big-box food store and buy the big box of assorted snack chips which is maybe $25, and sell each bag for $2 each, that's at least a $25 profit, and small cans of soda and a cooler can't be that much, just double the price at the launch site.
I'm right there with you @Sparkyflyer14 , I got no money, but want to fly. I'll write down some of this stuff, and i'll remember it for the next time I'm at a launch. I had idea for a recovery service, using a plane I had, and would "smack" the branch it was stuck on to get it down, but that fell through. I got a tent, and some spare room in my car, maybe I'll bring snacks to Dalzell next, next weekend.