What is your opinion on this Avro Lancaster?

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What is your opinion on this Avro Lancaster?

  • It is just a Baby Bertha with some mods, an 8 motor park flyer for the kids.

  • It just looks too funny to be a flyable model rocket.

  • Given that all motors light with no wind it just might work.

  • Flying this one is a bit too dodgy!

  • Take her out to the high power pads and press the button!

  • The Crazy Train has just left the station and Daddy is riding!!

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Oddroc scum. Mindsimmer.
TRF Supporter
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Littleton Colorado
Right-O! Listen up ole Chaps. It is time to give you what the Yanks call “the straight dope.” It has come down from the very top that we are headed back for more dam busting. Yes, we are going back in to give Jerry another hard kick in the teeth, but this time we are going to do it with rocket power! That’s right; the Barnes Wallis boys have modified our Lancs with rocket assist, fast enough to avoid those new Boche jet and rocket interceptors. In short, we are going to beat the Bloody Hun at his own game!

Our Lancs are the best and we are going to prove it again by flying on the edge with rocket power. I know they are strong enough to take the stress and by Jove so are we. I don’t have to tell you of the danger but we have to bust that Bear Creek Dam, it is target number one. Just below it we know that Jerry has been building and test flying the DO 217, TA 152, HS 123, AR 234 and there is even intelligence that the Japs have flown a Shinden under some sort of technology sharing with the Krauts.

Here are some pictures of our new Lancs under construction. Notice we are going to spin the bomb with rocket exhaust. . .

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that is SPECTACULAR!!! the Lanc is just a beautiful aircraft!!! always loved the camo on top of black scheme too
I think this will be the nicest one you have made to date Daddy....and you have made a lot of gorgeous builds!

Right-O! Listen up ole Chaps. It is time to give you what the Yanks call “the straight dope.” It has come down from the very top that we are headed back for more dam busting. Yes, we are going back in to give Gerry another hard kick in the teeth, but this time we are going to do it with rocket power! That’s right; the Barnes Wallis boys have modified our Lancs with rocket assist, fast enough to avoid those new Boche jet and rocket interceptors. In short, we are going to beat the Bloody Hun at his own game!

Our Lancs are the best and we are going to prove it again by flying on the edge with rocket power. I know they are strong enough to take the stress and by Jove so are we. I don’t have to tell you of the danger but we have to bust that Bear Creek Dam, it is target number one. Just below it we know that Gerry has been building and test flying the DO 217, TA 152, HS 123, AR 234 and there is even intelligence that the Japs have flown a Shinden under some sort of technology sharing with the Krauts.

Here are some pictures of our new Lancs under construction. Notice we are going to spin the bomb with rocket exhaust. . .

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Incredible work.....
But, I don't see the canted spotlights for altitude determination.
Dam Busters, indeed! Mad skillz Daddy! You have way too easy acess to balsa. Lite 'em up!

Thanks! Only thin tubes, balsa, label paper and one half ping pong ball are allowed behind the navigator's seat. Must be light and strong as possible. In front of the navigator's seat, nothing but heavy epoxy clay, plasticine, BBs and 2 canted C6-0's motors for even more nose weight. The spinners are weighted too. Hard to keep the CG up front with 4 D12 -3's and 2 C6-0's aft of the cockpit.

All the materials are easily accessible from Hobby Lobby, the local hardware and office supply store. . . except for the Kevlar, that came from Flis Kits. Now I just have to find the local supply of fiberglass, carbon fiber and AP for real high power fun!
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that is SPECTACULAR!!! the Lanc is just a beautiful aircraft!!! always loved the camo on top of black scheme too
I think this will be the nicest one you have made to date Daddy....and you have made a lot of gorgeous builds!

Thanks ole chap! The Krylon Black and Saddle Tan are just waiting for some nice weather. Slap on some olive green, decals and a coat of clear matte and this Lanc will be ready to take it to the Hun!
As long as it doesn't disappear in a cloud of smoke and flame like that Chinese chap in the 13th. century I'll be impressed.
Dammit, even if it does disappear in a cloud of smoke and flame I'll be impressed!
Be nice to see it drop the bouncing bomb though.
As long as it doesn't disappear in a cloud of smoke and flame like that Chinese chap in the 13th. century I'll be impressed.
Dammit, even if it does disappear in a cloud of smoke and flame I'll be impressed!
Be nice to see it drop the bouncing bomb though.

With 150ish grams of black powder going off there will be lots of smoke for sure. I am pushing a bit on this one to see how much burn I will get on the tail plane and aft of the cockpit, but I am sure if we can get her back in one piece the ground crew will have her operational in no time. The bouncing bomb is going to be a nice bright orange and fire proofed for the test flight. At nearly 2.5 pounds loaded I am thinking rail buttons mounted on reinforcing styrene might be a better idea than the Bic Pen quarter inch launch lug. My latest mind sim is seeing the possibility of too much rod whip.
Very impressive.

Nice work on the build, looks like you adapted the Lanc to rocketry (or would that be the other way around?) very creatively.

FOUR D12s in those wing-mounted MMTS?!!? Your simultaneous synchronized multi-motor ignition skills would seem to be far superior to my own. (Voted #3, although almost chose #6)

I am wondering how your luck has been with getting that much balsa to remain flat during any reasonable lifetime of a modroc. My luck has not been so good, anything I have built that looked as "wingy" as yours seems to start warping and twisting after a few months. (I hope that does not happen to your creation.)

Might require some rocket-Mossies to launch first, to perform some target marking....
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Very impressive.

Nice work on the build, looks like you adapted the Lanc to rocketry (or would that be the other way around?) very creatively.

FOUR D12s in those wing-mounted MMTS?!!? Your simultaneous synchronized multi-motor ignition skills would seem to be far superior to my own. (Voted #3, although almost chose #6)

I am wondering how your luck has been with getting that much balsa to remain flat during any reasonable lifetime of a modroc. My luck has not been so good, anything I have built that looked as "wingy" as yours seems to start warping and twisting after a few months. (I hope that does not happen to your creation.)

Might require some rocket-Mossies to launch first, to perform some target marking....

With good clip whips and Quest igniters we have had little trouble lighting big BP clusters at the club. Hopefully our luck will hold with our new 8 wire clip with long leads for the Lanc. The Wings are TTW, quarter inch Hobby Lobby balsa with label paper stuck on and the edges sealed with Locktite CA (PO Boy light ply). Inside the body tube it is sealed with fast cure, super thin CA. Primer, paint and clear coat seal them up. In the dry climate of Denver my big wings have shown no warpage over the past year.

This Lanc is a sporty scale at best. You have to modify the Lanc somewhat to get anything that looks remotely flyable. You have to work with the proportions in a very liberal manner to make it look good and not be incredibly hard to build. This one is a bit long, the motors are closer in, the canted motors pose a real challenge to integrate and I might have a few charred spots. Everything is made from hacked Estes standard parts from Hobby Lobby kits. I did have to steal a nose cone off one of my existing Comanche 3's, but in war time we must make sacrifices to bust the Boche. The cockpit and nose turret required a whole tube of JB Weld Plastic Epoxy Clay so it just had to turn out given the amount of material I mixed up that night. The good news is that I still have half a ping pong ball left.
Daddy...I am curious, has Hauptmann Kitty approved of this build? he is probably prepping his Schrage Musik with this one his sights!!
Daddy...I am curious, has Hauptmann Kitty approved of this build? he is probably prepping his Schrage Musik with this one his sights!!

Every friendly rocket needs a foe. Hauptmann Kitty has tuned the Naxos and Flensburg to zero right in on the H2S and Monica IFF emissions coming from that dam busting Lanc of 617 Squadron. He has also coordinated with Wurzburg ground radar if the Brits use Oboe. With his 88mm ack ack or acrhie combined with rocket powered interceptors the Hauptmann is confident he will remain high and dry for the duration of the war.
Man!! your cat is dialed in!!! anyway to build a window dispenser in this build? I realize back in the day the window dispenser was a guy throwing bundles of aluminum foil out the hatch....but the Hauptmann has amassed quite a detection system here...

Every friendly rocket needs a foe. Hauptmann Kitty has tuned the Naxos and Flensburg to zero right in on the H2S and Monica IFF emissions coming from that dam busting Lanc of 617 Squadron. He has also coordinated with Wurzburg ground radar if the Brits use Oboe. With his 88mm ack ack or acrhie combined with rocket powered interceptors the Hauptmann is confident he will remain high and dry for the duration of the war.
Man!! your cat is dialed in!!! anyway to build a window dispenser in this build? I realize back in the day the window dispenser was a guy throwing bundles of aluminum foil out the hatch....but the Hauptmann has amassed quite a detection system here...

Another great idea! Window could be done. Just funnel an ejection charge to a belly dispensing door with tiny shards of aluminum foil or steel wool! So many fun rocketry tricks to be done by the Lanc. This bomber is no one trick pony!

With all the things going on the night war in the skies of the Reich is very interesting history.
I really like the B-36 from a rocketry perspective. The only real problem is to get some center line thrust that looks good. It would also take someone who is really good at finishing with silver paint . . . who could that be?

You must be speaking about the other Bill--the evil Bill !!
Right-O! Listen up ole Chaps. It is time to give you what the Yanks call “the straight dope.” It has come down from the very top that we are headed back for more dam busting. Yes, we are going back in to give Gerry another hard kick in the teeth, but this time we are going to do it with rocket power! That’s right; the Barnes Wallis boys have modified our Lancs with rocket assist, fast enough to avoid those new Boche jet and rocket interceptors. In short, we are going to beat the Bloody Hun at his own game!

Our Lancs are the best and we are going to prove it again by flying on the edge with rocket power. I know they are strong enough to take the stress and by Jove so are we. I don’t have to tell you of the danger but we have to bust that Bear Creek Dam, it is target number one. Just below it we know that Gerry has been building and test flying the DO 217, TA 152, HS 123, AR 234 and there is even intelligence that the Japs have flown a Shinden under some sort of technology sharing with the Krauts.

Here are some pictures of our new Lancs under construction. Notice we are going to spin the bomb with rocket exhaust. . .

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:y: :clap: :drool:
Wow, didn't know this kind of thing could be done!

Oh, slick looking model candidate idea - Republic XR-12 Rainbow.
Book about I bought a couple months ago:
"Still the fastest multi-engine piston aircraft ever flown, the Republic XR-12 and its competitor, the Hughes XF-11, were well ahead of their time in 1946. Envisioned as a long-range photo-reconnaissance aircraft with a top speed of more than 450 mph, the Republic XR-12 also offered near jet-like performance for the world's airlines with a 44-passenger commercial version named the Rainbow. "
Here, quick pic of the bird in flight https://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/republic.jpg
Hey, just found this, might help in a build, even if intended for electric RC?
70.5" wingspan 1/22 scale XF/XR-12 Rainbow
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Wow, didn't know this kind of thing could be done!

Oh, slick looking model candidate idea - Republic XR-12 Rainbow.
Book about I bought a couple months ago:
Here, quick pic of the bird in flight https://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/republic.jpg
Hey, just found this, might help in a build, even if intended for electric RC?

The XR 12 sure is pretty and if you can get it to fly with 4 wing mounted motors and get all the fin action balanced, that would be awesome - I have not gone there yet. The most I have done is 2 on the Arado 234 with the landing gear down for fin action and no centerline thrust. At the last launch a real rocket scientist from United Launch Alliance was looking over the AR 234 and the Lanc. He asked me if I knew the three things about widely spaced parallel rocket motors and I confidently answered 1. It must look good, 2. Trust in thrust because you can never have too much nose weight and 3. Fly the nose of the rocket and the rest will follow behind for show. I was dead wrong and flunked the rocket science test. The real answer was something about concurrent ignition, thrust and burn times, all of which I could not guarantee with BP model rocket motors.

What I have learned on the Arado is that although nose weight is stinking and performance robbing, once you get it moving it turns into lovely mass with inertia that wants to keep moving up, helping the quell the jiggles imparted by parallel motors burning out at slightly different times. I thought that with all that nastiness spread over 8 motors and with a ton of nose weight that it would all work out in the end, such is the power of Hope sim. It is, however, crappy rocket science. That calls for a big Napoleon Dynamite “Darn It!” How am I ever going to pass that really hard Level 2 exam if I can’t even get one right on the parallel motor question?
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Oh! Just remembered this (I don't do stick and tissue any more) Might have some useful info since to my understanding the Rapier motors are pretty much describable, loosely, as slow burning rocket motors.
The appearance a few years ago of Rapier solid fuel propulsion units has also lead to an entertaining detour into the wonderful world of small free-flight scale jets.
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Welcome to Mike's flying scale model pages

The purpose of this site is to show examples of free-flight flying scale models mainly from the UK, together with useful information, hints and tips for fellow builders. If newcomers to this fine hobby find encouragement here, then so much the better!

My main interest is in traditionally constructed scale models, built using a balsa framework covered in tissue. Motive power is usually electric, CO2 or the traditional rubber strip motor. It is years since I built a model with an internal combustion motor in it - nowadays there seems to be a move towards quieter, more "enviromentally friendly" power units, so CO2 and Electric are becoming more popular, and there are even compressed air power units available. The appearance a few years ago of Rapier solid fuel propulsion units has also lead to an entertaining detour into the wonderful world of small free-flight scale jets.
Normally I'd have said this thing has no chance of flying, but based on your past record of getting improbable model aircraft to fly as rockets, the Lancaster has at least a fighting chance. Let's just hope it doesn't emulate the real Dambuster Lancaster's flight mode - horizontal and low level. The dorsal turret was removed from the Lancaster to save weight for the dambusting raid, but any Jerry fighter which gets on the tail of this one will be flamed by a couple of rocket motors.

Doing what others would think impossible, and modifying a Lancaster to do the required job - Barnes Wallis would have been proud. :)
It won't, hopefully, be quite as scary as your Thunderbird because bits are not supposed to drop off. I'd still like to see the vid though.