What are your favorite Sean Connery movies?

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Jim Hinton

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Jan 10, 2019
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Medicine Lodge, KS
Alas, Sean Connery has shuffled off of this mortal coil. He will be long remembered for his contributions to motion pictures, of course. He made many entertaining films, what are your favorites? I'll go with;
The Man Who Would be King. co-starred Michael Caine and Christopher Plummer.
Robin and Marian. co-starred Audrey Hepburn and Nicole Williamson. Special mention on this to Richard Harris as Richard Lionheart, and especially Robert Shaw for a really intriguing portrayal of The Sheriff of Nottingham.
Those are my two most favorite, what are yours?
Any of the Bond Movies, Finding Forrester and The Hunt for Red October.
I may be a little biased on Finding Forrester, The script, written by Mike Rich. Rich was one of the local FM stations on air staff that I listened to. We followed along as he wrote the story, and then again as it was made into a movie with Sean Connery and Rob Brown.
The fact that it starred Sean, made it all that much better for me.
In all of the movies I remember having seen the Scottish brogue accent was always there. No matter the character, and it never mattered.
He will always be the best Bond, of course, and he was brilliant in all those mentioned so far, but two of my favorites were The Name of the Rose and Outland (Yup, Outland. I said it.)

Name of the Rose is a murder mystery set in a 14th century Benedictine monastery. Based on an Italian novel by Umberto Eco, it has an intricate plot, features a great cast (including a very young Christian Slater) and is visually spectacular. Highly recommended...

Outland is "High Noon" in space, and aside from a few dodgy effects has a great, gritty space mine look to it. The plot is pretty a standard "new sheriff in town" kind of thing, but is well done and fun to watch.

Might have to watch both tonight...

Thanks for decades of wonderful entertainment Sean, you will be missed.
Hunt for Red October, Zardoz, Untouchables, Name of the Rose (I love that movie, Mugs), every Bond movie he was in.
Nobody said Highlander, yet? Why does the Scotsman play a Spaniard (with thick Scottish brogue) and the Frenchman play a Scotsman? Idk, but I keep watching it.
No reason to apologize for Outland - Hollywood doesn’t do “hard” SF very often or very well but even with it’s problems Outland is pretty good and Connery is pretty good in it. I’d have to go with From Russia, With Love as Connery’s best Bond and The Hill as his best movie or maybe The Molly Maguires. Zardoz or Medicine Man? Less said about those the better...though I do watch Zardoz every time TCM runs it, it’s one of those “you just can’t look away” kind of movies...
Alas, Sean Connery has shuffled off of this mortal coil. He will be long remembered for his contributions to motion pictures, of course. He made many entertaining films, what are your favorites? I'll go with;
The Man Who Would be King. co-starred Michael Caine and Christopher Plummer.
Robin and Marian. co-starred Audrey Hepburn and Nicole Williamson. Special mention on this to Richard Harris as Richard Lionheart, and especially Robert Shaw for a really intriguing portrayal of The Sheriff of Nottingham.
Those are my two most favorite, what are yours?
We saw The Name of the Rose several times when it came out and even took a bunch of friends to see it as a special Thanksgiving treat.
He was my favorite Bond.

I really like Outland too. I saw it years ago and just watched it again a few weeks ago. For some reason I’ve watched a lot of Westerns lately, and I love science fiction, so this was a great mashup, and I really enjoyed it.

He was really fun as Indiana Jones’s father!

Honestly, I think he was pretty good in everything he did. I see a few movies mentioned in this thread I haven’t seen before, and I’ll have to check them out.
The Man Who would be King
The Longest Day (a couple minutes of humor)
I can't believe they talked him into doing Highlander. His acting was good, but the lead actor was so horrible the movie was hard to watch. I think he was swooned by the script and it's ties to his heritage.