UK BP altitude contest? Interest?

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Ohh and feel free to put one in my Weightlofter. It would be awesome to have it Dual Deploy & be tracked at the same time.


I will be bringing a Mac Laptop along with me to the launch, is there any programs i can get that are compatable with the Mac OS? Regarding taking data off a altimeter ect?
And would you be kind enough to help me prep my first Dual Deploy rocket? :)

I'm sure I can help you out.
Tell me when you are going to be there. Grab hold of me and we can sort something out for you.

Ill be getting there for Saturday, and I will be by the Marquees or the launch pads for the majority of the time. I will find you as soon as it's ready to go never the less.
Its been a while, how are people's entries coming along? When are flights planned?
I'm hoping to go for UKRA (weather dependant). If not, probably K-Lob.

Well my most suitable rocket is in pieces now, and I have bigger/different fish to fry at UKRA/KLOB (L1/L2 hopefully). I will come up with something....
I have some G30s, F72s, F36s, which will all be gashed together in a way that will be impressive on takeoff, preferably such that the smoke drifts through the viewing area.

Any more than that, I can't say, because I will make it up as I go along at IRW ;)
Just to update...

I think it's now safe for me to announce that Rockets and Things have agreed to sponsor the trophies for this competition.

Unless there are any serious complaints... we will be sticking to two categories... a 'model' category, and an 'HPR' category... the trophies will change hands when the record is broken in a year (much like the H altitude trophy)... and there will be certificates for anyone breaking the record in the mean-time, and for the highest flight logged in any given year.

IMHO UKRA should be the first event at which 'official' flights can be made... I'll have a think and see if we can get an official website up for this.

Cheers all

Sounds good Ben!
IMHO UKRA should be the first event at which 'official' flights can be made

Too bad I probably won't have anything to fly for it :(

I'll let everyone else set the bar, then come along with something heinous ;) At the moment I'm thinking of rebuilding ETV2 with a massively clustered first stage and improved second stage. Either that, or a sleeker and lighter BT-70 based design....
Originally posted by benjarvis
I think it's now safe for me to announce that Rockets and Things have agreed to sponsor the trophies for this competition.

Nice one, I'll make sure I get my motors from Malcolm.

Unless there are any serious complaints... we will be sticking to two categories... a 'model' category, and an 'HPR' category... the trophies will change hands when the record is broken in a year (much like the H altitude trophy)... and there will be certificates for anyone breaking the record in the mean-time, and for the highest flight logged in any given year.

Nope, sounds good.

IMHO UKRA should be the first event at which 'official' flights can be made... I'll have a think and see if we can get an official website up for this.

My first flight should be at UKRA, ta Ben!
I was gonna say....

If folks CAN support Malc by buying motors for their attempts from him.... that'd be muchly appreciated.

Cheers all!

My first flight is also set for UKRA (If I can find a lift there)
I've found a GREAT booster that I will be using, almost 1000ft on the first stage:p

<Me needs to put in a order with Apo11o>
If folks CAN support Malc by buying motors for their attempts from him.... that'd be muchly appreciated.
You should do this anyway! Malcolm has the best prices and the best range!
Originally posted by nialloswald
You should do this anyway! Malcolm has the best prices and the best range!

Please remember there other vendors through which you can buy your motors and i think adverts for particular shops should be kept in the vendor section.Don,t forget the cheapest way to get motors is to get them through your local model P+P:)
Please remember there other vendors through which you can buy your motors and i think adverts for particular shops should be kept in the vendor section.Don,t forget the cheapest way to get motors is to get them through your local model P+P

Fair enough...but I rarely buy motors anywhere other than launches. The nearest hobby shop is almost as far away as the EARS site, and sells very few motors. Those that they do sell are more expensive than those I buy at the launch site.

If you have a local model shop which stocks the same range of motors that Malcolm sells, you're very lucky!
Model shops get there stock direct from ripmax just as malcom probably does
Originally posted by arthur dent
Model shops get there stock direct from ripmax just as malcom probably does
And then add a higher markup for a smaller range than Malcolm does - personally I support the people who support the hobby
The point i was trying to make was if you get motors from a good hobby shop you probably won't pay Postage and packing(like me :D ).As seen as vendors cant send motors through the post and most couriers charge around £10 then theres a great saving to be had which means you can buy even more rocket goodies:D
Originally posted by arthur dent
The point i was trying to make was if you get motors from a good hobby shop you probably won't pay Postage and packing(like me :D ).As seen as vendors cant send motors through the post and most couriers charge around £10 then theres a great saving to be had which means you can buy even more rocket goodies:D
Or to stock up at launches where vendors are present so you have enough to cover your requirements till the next meeting they are at. It's a one off cost to build a stash (probably pread over a period of time) and then just replace what you have burnt or add what you now need.

The profile of your stash will probably change over time too - My BP motor box is now almost exclusively D12s, I still use C6s but am currently a bit low. <C I hardly ever use, so they don't get replaced as they are burnt, though I will replace them when I see a need. Need more E9s - they are a truly fantastic motor, even in something like a LOC Lil' Nuke - until yesterday I didn't think they had enough grunt for that model but given the wind it gave a nice low, safe flight.

My AP box is a different matter - I wish I had built a decent stash while Aerotech was available :(
Some people have got sickeningly large stashes of AT stuff small and large. I think what my 'ETV2' (R.I.P.) really needed was a first-stage cluster of E30's or F39's - small -T loads to get it moving off the pad with more authority.

Currently growing is my hybrid stash, can't wait to start getting through that!

At April's EARS launch I grabbed Malcolm within a few minutes of him arriving and picked up all the BP I thought I'd need for a while in one go. Nothing worse than a good flying day and no motors!
Originally posted by arthur dent
Please remember there other vendors through which you can buy your motors and i think adverts for particular shops should be kept in the vendor section.Don,t forget the cheapest way to get motors is to get them through your local model P+P:)

Only reason I recomended buying from Malc is that HE's the vendor who has agreed to pay for the trophies. This is a thread specifically about this one competition, which R&T are sponsoring, so I think it's fair to suggest that people entering the competition return the favour and support that vendor.

The fact that he's at most of the events in question and has a great supply of BP is merely an added bonus.

That said, I'm all for supporting local hobby shops... having just lost the shop that got me started in rocketry with no warning. there for 40+ years then bang, gone overnight, and no one knows why :-(

Originally posted by benjarvis
I think it's now safe for me to announce that Rockets and Things have agreed to sponsor the trophies for this competition.

Unless there are any serious complaints... we will be sticking to two categories... a 'model' category, and an 'HPR' category... the trophies will change hands when the record is broken in a year (much like the H altitude trophy)... and there will be certificates for anyone breaking the record in the mean-time, and for the highest flight logged in any given year.

IMHO UKRA should be the first event at which 'official' flights can be made... I'll have a think and see if we can get an official website up for this.

Just to let you know aswell, that after reading all the comments here, I brought up some of the suggestions at the latest UKRA Council Meeting from a records perspective. The rules have now been changed in your favour chaps :)

If you take a look at the rules for altitude flights on the UKRA website, you'll see that it makes it easier for people launching multi stage black powder rockets now.

Additionally, if launches are made for these competitions at UKRA, then I can promise you we will ensure that there will be new categories established, and new tables set up for you :)

I hope this is of use to you ?

All the best,

I havnt built something in time for UKRA, but deffinetley for KLOB!

Same here - I think you and I are in the same boat Karl - Level 1 project!!

The clustered Rubicon probably won't fly either, but there's plenty of time for messing around with BP :)
I might fly a 4x D clustered Big Daddy, dragging with Alan from Apo11o if I dont pass my L2 exam.
My entry is nearly completion, 153N over 5 stages! I realised today I've broken a rule in that I have one stage that tumble recovers without any fins - so I'm gonna have to add some little fins as I presume I'm not allowed just a motor in a tube falling?

Who else has an entry going up at UKRA?
I won't have anything ready for UKRA unfortunatley, I really haven't had a chance/the energy to work on it for a couple of weeks. Looking foward to seeing your entry go up/across Mike :D

Is your booster-dropping thing that needs quickmatch ready to fly again? If it works, that should be pretty cool.

I may well miss lots of stuff, I think the faff/prep on my L1 may take up quite a lot of time!
Its *almost* ready... I've repaired the sustainer the best I could, all that needs doing now is to insert a motor mount into the new booster, and glue a lug onto it, then put some shock cord in. It will fly again (bwahahaah).

Am I getting the impression I'm the only one who's going for this at UKRA? You got anything Ben?
UKRA has been and gone - now to start my second attempt...