Star Wars

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2014
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Hey guys,
Who here likes Star Wars? And whats your favorite movie? Whos your favorite Character?
Just turned my 5 year old son onto Star Wars. We watched the first three (ummm... or is it the last three?) last weekend and he instantly became hooked. Now we're in the process of redecorating his bedroom with a space theme and Star Wars movie posters.

Hey guys,
Who here likes Star Wars? And whats your favorite movie? Whos your favorite Character?

I'm a Star Wars guy since 8th grade when my english teacher showed us clips relating to history and other stories.
I love them all !
Hey guys,
Who here likes Star Wars? And whats your favorite movie? Whos your favorite Character?

The Empire Strikes Back is my fav. Darkest of the six. I've always loved Darth Vader. When Revenge of the Jedi, oops, I mean Return of the Jedi came out, I was a manager at an AMC in St. Pete, Florida while in college. Got to dress up in a Vader costume I made, movie helmet and all. Was a lot of fun dressing up as him!

Didn't care for Episodes 1-3. Hopefully VII is better!

Launching rockets (or missiles in my case) is so easy a chimp could do it. Read a step, do a step, eat a banana.

Sent from my iPad Air using Rocketry Forum.
Just turned my 5 year old son onto Star Wars.

When you show him Empire, be sure to video his reaction to the "father" scene.


I really loved the three Star Wars movies. The first one in 1977 was my favorite, as it was so shockingly mind-blowing.

I heard there were plans to make three more after 1983, but I cannot recall what happened after that. :). Oh, there is a 4th movie coming out next I guess it took 32 years to get around to making another one.

- George Gassaway
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He's already seen it and his reaction was very similar.

The first film, Episode IV, was the best. V was good, too, but the Ewoks ruined VI. I, II and III were just regular Hollywood fodder that added some to the backstory.

BTW, for IV and V, they were much better before they were "improved".

As far as characters go, CP-3O does it for me. Likes to think the best of everyone and has the diplomatic skills I strive for.
Empire Strikes Back for sure! Saw IV, V, and VI in theaters as a kid. Last year, I turned my 6 and 8 year-old daughters on to them, and they loved them. For months they were imitating Vader dialog, respirator reverb and all. We are going to watch I, II, and III this year despite the fact that they are what they are.
For a new generation seeing all the movies for the first time, it is important to pick the right order. Do you watch them all in release order (IV, V, VI, I, II, III)? Or do you watch them in numerical order (I, II, III, IV, V, VI)?

The first option ends on a really weak note, three whole movies that are just a bunch of backstory after you've already seen the climax in episode VI. And the second option ruins the incredible surprise about Vader being Luke's father. You won't get the kid's reaction if you watch episodes I, II, III first.

The best complete order is IV, V, I, II, III, VI. That way you get the surprise about Vader and Luke, then the story circles back for the backstory about how that surprise came to be, and then the story picks up where it left off for the final climax.

That's the best order for seeing all the movies, but if you hate episode I (a lot of people do), you can watch in that order and completely skip episode I. If you go IV, V, II, III, VI, there is nothing in episode I that is necessary to the story. You get rid of Jar Jar, you get rid of the kid who played young Anakin, and you get rid of the confusing thing about a trade war that never fit with the overall story of an Empire in rebellion. That is called Machete Order, and it's the tightest storytelling order. Give it a try, and it will make the most sense.
I saw "Star Wars" on premiere night in 1977 and have kept up with it ever since.

I have 5 nieces/nephews who have never seen any of the films; I will probably break them in one at a time.

I think my general plan will be to show them about one film a week in release order over the wintertime.

Then next fall as the release of Ep. 7 draws near, have a weekend marathon viewing party which will go:

Saturday, I and II (viewed with liberal use of the FF button), III and IV; Sunday, V and VI.

I and II have SOME useful information, but a lot of junk you can zoom right past, too.

The kids will figure out Anakin/Darth is Luke's father, except maybe the 5-year-old.
My absolute #1 favorite Star Wars "thing"

Seeing this full page "coming soon" ad in the Sunday Philadelphia Inquirer:

star wars ad.jpg

Anakin/Vader is my favorite character; his rise, fall, and redemption are the key elements in all the movies so far.
Pffft, you all miss the most obvious, the story isn't about Anakin Skywalker and his family, it's about R2D2. He is never, from the time he was built, mindwiped. As you notice C3P0 went through it constantly thus his scatter brained persona. R2D2 must have a bit of the force in him to manage that as well as some of the Jedi tricks he's pulled. I mean, how about the flip and perfect ejection of the light saber into Luke's hand on Jaba the Hutt's barge? ;)

edit: My reason for thinking this is Issac Azimov. You start with a very early story of his, Caves of Steel, and USRobotics first robot detective, R. Daneel Olivaw(sp?). Then you read the entire Foundation series . 10,000 years of history, and guess who's standing at the end of human history? One guess... :)
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The original, unaltered, Han blasts Greedo in cold blood, episodeIV, A New Hope. This is where it all started, the best.
Favorite character, Chewbacca

Star Wars Trivia- Can anyone name the only scene in the original three where Chewie fires his Bowcaster (crossbow laser)? How many shots?
For a new generation seeing all the movies for the first time, it is important to pick the right order. Do you watch them all in release order (IV, V, VI, I, II, III)? Or do you watch them in numerical order (I, II, III, IV, V, VI)?

The first option ends on a really weak note, three whole movies that are just a bunch of backstory after you've already seen the climax in episode VI. And the second option ruins the incredible surprise about Vader being Luke's father. You won't get the kid's reaction if you watch episodes I, II, III first.

The best complete order is IV, V, I, II, III, VI. That way you get the surprise about Vader and Luke, then the story circles back for the backstory about how that surprise came to be, and then the story picks up where it left off for the final climax.

That's the best order for seeing all the movies, but if you hate episode I (a lot of people do), you can watch in that order and completely skip episode I. If you go IV, V, II, III, VI, there is nothing in episode I that is necessary to the story. You get rid of Jar Jar, you get rid of the kid who played young Anakin, and you get rid of the confusing thing about a trade war that never fit with the overall story of an Empire in rebellion. That is called Machete Order, and it's the tightest storytelling order. Give it a try, and it will make the most sense.

I like your thinking TB. A great approach. I absolutely hated Episode I, so your approach is perfect!

Launching rockets (or missiles in my case) is so easy a chimp could do it. Read a step, do a step, eat a banana.

Sent from my iPad Air using Rocketry Forum.
My favorite of the movies is The Empire Strikes Back. It had real character development and was a bit darker than the others. As far as characters go, I'm partial to Han Solo. I'm kinda like him, a bit of a scoundrel. :D
Something is wrong with me? :p

You just might be the only American on this rocketry forum that can make that statement and then to say, "...and never will."

I don't have a Jedi Mind Trick to change your mind...all I can say is may the Force be with you, young Padawan.
When you show him Empire, be sure to video his reaction to the "father" scene.

I really loved the three Star Wars movies. The first one in 1977 was my favorite, as it was so shockingly mind-blowing.

I heard there were plans to make three more after 1983, but I cannot recall what happened after that. :). Oh, there is a 4th movie coming out next I guess it took 32 years to get around to making another one.

- George Gassaway

Dude they made three more movies in '99, '02, and '05. Where ya been? Grant it, they weren't near as good as the original trilogy.

The original, unaltered, Han blasts Greedo in cold blood, episodeIV, A New Hope. This is where it all started, the best.
Favorite character, Chewbacca

Star Wars Trivia- Can anyone name the only scene in the original three where Chewie fires his Bowcaster (crossbow laser)? How many shots?

In Jedi, Episode 6, Chewie fires his bowcaster at a biker scout. 3 times I think.

So yes I have seen them and I love them. I recently watched the original (modified where Han DOESNT shoot first) trilogy and introduced my girlfriend and her daughter to them. Need to dig out my old VCR and watch the original originals. The part where Jabba was out moving around was horrible. Hard to pick a favorite. I remember watching Jedi in theaters when I was kid so I guess that would be my favorite simply for that reason. I loved the Ewoks then, heck I still love em.

Can't wait to see what Disney is going to do to the franchise. One odd thing to say is J J Abrams is doing Ep 7. He did both Star Trek reboots. Which are the only Star Treks I have ever seen. He done a heck of a job to make this die hard Nerf Herder watch Star Trek. Hope he does just as good with Star Wars though I will be more critical having seen all of them about a dozen times, except Ep 1. No amount of Natalie Portman could make up for Jar Jar in Ep 1.
This was good for a laugh...
