Rocket ideas

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
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I've been looking over some of my designs and other members' designs, and in comparison, my ideas seem so plain. So I just want to ask this to everyone, where do you get your ideas and inspirations from?
I've been looking over some of my designs and other members' designs, and in comparison, my ideas seem so plain... where do you get your ideas and inspirations from?

I tend to look toward designs that have 'real world' experience. You probably won't find me designing (or flying) a replica of NCC-1701-D Enterprise, for example. ;) Civilian sounding rockets and military rockets are my inspiration, I guess because I spent a large portion of my lifetime in and around such things.

Right now, I'm RockSim'ing a half-scale MK-4 Mighty Mouse, which was a 2.75 inch air-to-ground rocket fired out of a LAU-3 launcher on fighters, FAC O-1 and OV-2 propellor driven aircraft, and various military helicopters. Full scale, it's 4 feet tall, weighed about 18 pounds, and delivered a high explosive warhead. One of it's sisters was an illumination round, while others were spotting rockets which carried smoke producers (to mark targets for the fast-movers coming in on a bomb run). (Though I wasn't a pilot or a FAC in my Vietnam time, I have more than a few hours of flight/observation time in both types of A/C due to my job as a combat photojournalist for the 7th Air Force).

Of course, on my rocket's flight profile, it'll have a bit different mission than the original ;) - that pesky NAR safety code notwithstanding, it probably wouldn't be a good thing to do otherwise, even if I could find a Super Skymaster to hang the pod onto!
I've been looking over some of my designs and other members' designs, and in comparison, my ideas seem so plain. So I just want to ask this to everyone, where do you get your ideas and inspirations from?

Something on my brain that some people like to call a "tumor".
Just think of what people would normally say would never work. Then try to prove them wrong :D
Like Lucky, they just pop into my head. I tend to think that they're influenced by things I've seen or built in the past.
I get a lot of ideas/inspiration from space exploration history. Any time I feel that I need to get a little jolt of inspiration I just read about or watch anything from the Space Race era. The BBC docu-drama "Space Race" is very excellent if anyone is interested.
When I get in a stale creative spot, I simply say to a few of my 39 (yes 39) neices and nephews: "Hey, let's draw rockets!" They do not have ANY preconceptions of what a rocket should or should not be, so we always end up with something new.
When I get in a stale creative spot, I simply say to a few of my 39 (yes 39) neices and nephews: "Hey, let's draw rockets!" They do not have ANY preconceptions of what a rocket should or should not be, so we always end up with something new.

Lol. I don't have any neices or nephews...atleast I have a brother...:lol:
I'm attracted to natural, flowing forms. So I look to nature. I also like the elegant simplicity of much retro sci fi, so I try to emulate that style. And I like trying things that are tough, such as gliders and strange staging formations.

Another place to look is online archives, such as JimZ's for historical designs and Barclone's for contemporary inventions. Take some of your favorite aspects from several such designs, and combine them.

Where do my ideas and inspirations come from?
In addition to Bigander's Tumor explaination, sandog's psychotic hallucinations expalination and ghost's "Just think of what people would normally say would never work" rational, I find inspiration about anywhere. Below are just a very few of the websites I frequent looking for ideas.

Just keep cramming ideas in your head and you will be surprised how some of the most unusual combinations can occur.

As for me I'm all over the place. Some designs just come to me, others come from the idea from another rocket, but I try to make it better. I don't like to copy designs of other rockets. I've been known to try things that most people say wouldn't fly well or even at all. I can spend half an hour with a pen and paper or Rocksim and come up with 2/3 designs.
I'm boring - I get my ideas from here on TRF, from other members.
I've been looking over some of my designs and other members' designs, and in comparison, my ideas seem so plain. So I just want to ask this to everyone, where do you get your ideas and inspirations from?

Generally ideas and inspirations come from something I'm trying to accomplish. or just something that might be funny or look very interesting in flight.
Very rarely do I sit up in bed in the middle of the night with a design idea. They usually develope from something i've been thinking about or a problem the occured.